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Everything posted by ziggysawdust

  1. Hi all, I live in Australia but we have a very advanced hair restoration clinic called the national Hair Institute. I have already had one very successful transplant on the front of my hairline to basically create a new hairline. My question relates to my latest procedure, which I had over nine weeks ago now. I had micro graft transplantation and had 1,500 grafts put in the crown area. I have since had a pretty horrific accient and have been on extremely strong painkillers and also sedatives for about six weeks. At one stage I was ependant on them but I have curbed that now. I am wondering if ANYONE here knows if excessive prescription medication such as COEDINE and also VALIUM effects the regrowth of hair in the recipient area after micrograft surgery. Some Doctors have said the scalp is very vascular and has an enormous blood supply. The clinic doesn't really have the time or inclination to answer the question, they basicaly say 'it'll be fine in 4 months'. Does anyone have any ideas about this? I haven't touched alcohol but I know the amount of prescription drugs would have effected my liver. Please if anyone has ay ideas let me know. I can see some minor regrowth already at 8 weks, and was told I wouldn't see any until four months, plus I have the pimples, itchiness etc. Please let me know if anyone knows. I have ben on painkillers on a continual basis for about four weeks. -hopefully I will get some clear advice- thank you.
  2. Hi all, I live in Australia but we have a very advanced hair restoration clinic called the national Hair Institute. I have already had one very successful transplant on the front of my hairline to basically create a new hairline. My question relates to my latest procedure, which I had over nine weeks ago now. I had micro graft transplantation and had 1,500 grafts put in the crown area. I have since had a pretty horrific accient and have been on extremely strong painkillers and also sedatives for about six weeks. At one stage I was ependant on them but I have curbed that now. I am wondering if ANYONE here knows if excessive prescription medication such as COEDINE and also VALIUM effects the regrowth of hair in the recipient area after micrograft surgery. Some Doctors have said the scalp is very vascular and has an enormous blood supply. The clinic doesn't really have the time or inclination to answer the question, they basicaly say 'it'll be fine in 4 months'. Does anyone have any ideas about this? I haven't touched alcohol but I know the amount of prescription drugs would have effected my liver. Please if anyone has ay ideas let me know. I can see some minor regrowth already at 8 weks, and was told I wouldn't see any until four months, plus I have the pimples, itchiness etc. Please let me know if anyone knows. I have ben on painkillers on a continual basis for about four weeks. -hopefully I will get some clear advice- thank you.
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