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Everything posted by bingo

  1. So what is the avrage cost of a HT? I am about a class 2 or 2a, It's becoming noticable now. But it also looks as if my hair loss has stoped? I just have a big fore head now. So you can't really see balding spots. So I guess If I got like a 1000 grafts, is their any ball park figure on how much? I would really love to do it, but I am on a budget, I am hoping HT's are not for the well off only!! Any replys would be great!! Bingo
  2. So what is the avrage cost of a HT? I am about a class 2 or 2a, It's becoming noticable now. But it also looks as if my hair loss has stoped? I just have a big fore head now. So you can't really see balding spots. So I guess If I got like a 1000 grafts, is their any ball park figure on how much? I would really love to do it, but I am on a budget, I am hoping HT's are not for the well off only!! Any replys would be great!! Bingo
  3. I have herd avicore advertized on talk radio, It clams to regrow hair. (concidering how much hair a person has lost) In my case it's minimal, they clame since I haven't lost too much hair it will regrow over 90% of what I have lost. Now I can't find any info on the stuff, I want to know if this is ligit or not. Bingo
  4. I have herd avicore advertized on talk radio, It clams to regrow hair. (concidering how much hair a person has lost) In my case it's minimal, they clame since I haven't lost too much hair it will regrow over 90% of what I have lost. Now I can't find any info on the stuff, I want to know if this is ligit or not. Bingo
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