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Everything posted by VeryHonestMan

  1. Recently in another forum, Rugger has claimed that he will be taking SR-666 to court. Considering i have Johny Cochran as my attorney, i am not shakin in ma boots. I am reprinting the letter i sent to Rugger: ---------------------------------------- Dear Sir, As the director of the UCHR (United Council Hairloss Research), i found your comments disturbing and frankly appalling. You stated: "I must inform you that I have an existing patent on Bat Saliva products" As you know, there are several different kinds of Bat Saliva used to treat male baldness. The first type, AL-213, i used by the South African Qwa-Qwa bat and is genearlly known as NOT being effective in hair recovery. A recent study by Z.Z. Topp in the UCHR Issue #23 showed that this form of Bat Saliva is clearly ineffective. You sir are using this type. My type is from the Transylvanin Mubakta Bat and is known for its extremly slick appearance its ability to grow large amounts of hair in a short time. You also state the following: "along with many other "natural ingredients" such as navel lint from South American red tree frogs, room tempurature urine from fruit flies, and ear wax from Son of Sam." Please sir, read these facts: 1. The navel lint from the South AMerican Red Tree frog is known to cause incredible body odor and madness. This trial was tested on Saddam Hussein and Yassar Arafat, and as you can see, the effects were hideous to say the least. 2. Room temperature urine from the fruit fly may smell sweet (no pun intended), but it will not help grow hair. Please see my trials on Gorbachev, pp.223-224 in the latest journal. 3. Ear wax from the Son of Sam is currently being tested. If you are willing to share your research on the topic, i would be happy to evaluate it. Finally, your claim for legal action upon me and my corporation is clearly frightening: "My attorneys will be filing suit should you continue to market your product through any channels whatsoever... "
  2. Recently in another forum, Rugger has claimed that he will be taking SR-666 to court. Considering i have Johny Cochran as my attorney, i am not shakin in ma boots. I am reprinting the letter i sent to Rugger: ---------------------------------------- Dear Sir, As the director of the UCHR (United Council Hairloss Research), i found your comments disturbing and frankly appalling. You stated: "I must inform you that I have an existing patent on Bat Saliva products" As you know, there are several different kinds of Bat Saliva used to treat male baldness. The first type, AL-213, i used by the South African Qwa-Qwa bat and is genearlly known as NOT being effective in hair recovery. A recent study by Z.Z. Topp in the UCHR Issue #23 showed that this form of Bat Saliva is clearly ineffective. You sir are using this type. My type is from the Transylvanin Mubakta Bat and is known for its extremly slick appearance its ability to grow large amounts of hair in a short time. You also state the following: "along with many other "natural ingredients" such as navel lint from South American red tree frogs, room tempurature urine from fruit flies, and ear wax from Son of Sam." Please sir, read these facts: 1. The navel lint from the South AMerican Red Tree frog is known to cause incredible body odor and madness. This trial was tested on Saddam Hussein and Yassar Arafat, and as you can see, the effects were hideous to say the least. 2. Room temperature urine from the fruit fly may smell sweet (no pun intended), but it will not help grow hair. Please see my trials on Gorbachev, pp.223-224 in the latest journal. 3. Ear wax from the Son of Sam is currently being tested. If you are willing to share your research on the topic, i would be happy to evaluate it. Finally, your claim for legal action upon me and my corporation is clearly frightening: "My attorneys will be filing suit should you continue to market your product through any channels whatsoever... "
  3. Hello all fellow balding men and women, Like you, i have been searching for a cure for my unsightly baldness for the last six years, and finally through extensive research in my underground chemistry lab located deep in the heartland of America, i have come up with a complete CURE for MALE pattern baldness. MY STORY I am a 54 year old gentleman who has a Norwood 7 hair loss and very poor donor area. One night while the moon was shinning down on my candelstine chemistry lab, i had a revelation. I mixed together several COMPLETELY HARMLESS chemicals and created the basics for SR-666. After testing this formula, i found that it was very low in radiation, and began to apply this to my head. Within 24 HOURS i began to see small black dots all over my scalp (not to mention my face and hands as well). YOU MAY BE SKEPTICAL, BUT YOU SHOULD TRUST ME Yes dear friend, you too can have you hair back in a very short amount of time with my new product. I know, you have burned by the Bosley hair Nazis before, but with my SR-666 i guarantee full hair regrowth. I have had people come from all over the USA and Europe to witness the growth i have had on my head. SADDAM HUSSEIN TRIED MY FORMULA That is right friends. You remember good old Saddam dont ya? He was a Norwood 6 with an awful transplant done by Bosley in the 1960s and filled his crown with unsightly micro grafts. Saddam gave me a call shortly after Bahdad was under seige and tried out my new formula. His amazing hair growth (and possibly his mental state) were due to my new formula! MY FORMULA IS COMPLETELY SAFE After a trial of at least two people run by a completely indepedent set of researchers including myself and my brother Cletus, we are proud to say this product is completely safe with almost ZERO side effects. A very small percentage of our test clients had minor irritations and we are posting these for scientific accuracy: Percentage of Persons having the following after treatment: 74% Cancer 86% AIDS 65% Total Retinal failure and blindness 53% Loss of at least 1 limb 46% Permenant loss of sexual drive and/or change in sexual identity With these minor problems, we know you will agree our product is SAFE! ARE YOU INTERESTED? COME MEET ME AND SEE! If you are interested, you can come and see the amazing regrowth i have had. TO come and meet me you must do the following: 1. Come to my city (to be disclosed only via secret morse codes to your home address) and meet me at the local McDonalds. 2. Enter the back door BLINDFOLDED with your hands tied behind your BACK and a piece of tape over your mouth. 3. Have a major credit card taped to your front chest with your birth cert, a social security card and any stocks, bonds or savings you may have. 4. Tell NO ONE you are coming to meet me. 5. Enter the McDonalds at the stroke of midnight when the winds are howling and you can hear a small wind like chime in your LEFT EAR. Upon doing this, i will take you to the laboratory to show you my head where you may feel my growth all you wish to. THE COST The cost is very low and begins at $6000 per formula creation. I know, you are saying to yourself, "This is too good to be true". But dear friend, its not. My website is almost done. Soon the world will be coming to purchase from me only, and they will all look Saddam, and you will look like Kojack. The formula takes only a second to work, and the black spots will leave you speachless for a lifetime. Purchase SR-666 today!
  4. Hello all fellow balding men and women, Like you, i have been searching for a cure for my unsightly baldness for the last six years, and finally through extensive research in my underground chemistry lab located deep in the heartland of America, i have come up with a complete CURE for MALE pattern baldness. MY STORY I am a 54 year old gentleman who has a Norwood 7 hair loss and very poor donor area. One night while the moon was shinning down on my candelstine chemistry lab, i had a revelation. I mixed together several COMPLETELY HARMLESS chemicals and created the basics for SR-666. After testing this formula, i found that it was very low in radiation, and began to apply this to my head. Within 24 HOURS i began to see small black dots all over my scalp (not to mention my face and hands as well). YOU MAY BE SKEPTICAL, BUT YOU SHOULD TRUST ME Yes dear friend, you too can have you hair back in a very short amount of time with my new product. I know, you have burned by the Bosley hair Nazis before, but with my SR-666 i guarantee full hair regrowth. I have had people come from all over the USA and Europe to witness the growth i have had on my head. SADDAM HUSSEIN TRIED MY FORMULA That is right friends. You remember good old Saddam dont ya? He was a Norwood 6 with an awful transplant done by Bosley in the 1960s and filled his crown with unsightly micro grafts. Saddam gave me a call shortly after Bahdad was under seige and tried out my new formula. His amazing hair growth (and possibly his mental state) were due to my new formula! MY FORMULA IS COMPLETELY SAFE After a trial of at least two people run by a completely indepedent set of researchers including myself and my brother Cletus, we are proud to say this product is completely safe with almost ZERO side effects. A very small percentage of our test clients had minor irritations and we are posting these for scientific accuracy: Percentage of Persons having the following after treatment: 74% Cancer 86% AIDS 65% Total Retinal failure and blindness 53% Loss of at least 1 limb 46% Permenant loss of sexual drive and/or change in sexual identity With these minor problems, we know you will agree our product is SAFE! ARE YOU INTERESTED? COME MEET ME AND SEE! If you are interested, you can come and see the amazing regrowth i have had. TO come and meet me you must do the following: 1. Come to my city (to be disclosed only via secret morse codes to your home address) and meet me at the local McDonalds. 2. Enter the back door BLINDFOLDED with your hands tied behind your BACK and a piece of tape over your mouth. 3. Have a major credit card taped to your front chest with your birth cert, a social security card and any stocks, bonds or savings you may have. 4. Tell NO ONE you are coming to meet me. 5. Enter the McDonalds at the stroke of midnight when the winds are howling and you can hear a small wind like chime in your LEFT EAR. Upon doing this, i will take you to the laboratory to show you my head where you may feel my growth all you wish to. THE COST The cost is very low and begins at $6000 per formula creation. I know, you are saying to yourself, "This is too good to be true". But dear friend, its not. My website is almost done. Soon the world will be coming to purchase from me only, and they will all look Saddam, and you will look like Kojack. The formula takes only a second to work, and the black spots will leave you speachless for a lifetime. Purchase SR-666 today!
  5. Hello all fellow balding men and women, Like you, i have been searching for a cure for my unsightly baldness for the last six years, and finally through extensive research in my underground chemistry lab located deep in the heartland of America, i have come up with a complete CURE for MALE pattern baldness. MY STORY I am a 54 year old gentleman who has a Norwood 7 hair loss and very poor donor area. One night while the moon was shinning down on my candelstine chemistry lab, i had a revelation. I mixed together several COMPLETELY HARMLESS chemicals and created the basics for SR-666. After testing this formula, i found that it was very low in radiation, and began to apply this to my head. Within 24 HOURS i began to see small black dots all over my scalp (not to mention my face and hands as well). YOU MAY BE SKEPTICAL, BUT YOU SHOULD TRUST ME Yes dear friend, you too can have you hair back in a very short amount of time with my new product. I know, you have burned by the Bosley hair Nazis before, but with my SR-666 i guarantee full hair regrowth. I have had people come from all over the USA and Europe to witness the growth i have had on my head. SADDAM HUSSEIN TRIED MY FORMULA That is right friends. You remember good old Saddam dont ya? He was a Norwood 6 with an awful transplant done by Bosley in the 1960s and filled his crown with unsightly micro grafts. Saddam gave me a call shortly after Bahdad was under seige and tried out my new formula. His amazing hair growth (and possibly his mental state) were due to my new formula! MY FORMULA IS COMPLETELY SAFE After a trial of at least two people run by a completely indepedent set of researchers including myself and my brother Cletus, we are proud to say this product is completely safe with almost ZERO side effects. A very small percentage of our test clients had minor irritations and we are posting these for scientific accuracy: Percentage of Persons having the following after treatment: 74% Cancer 86% AIDS 65% Total Retinal failure and blindness 53% Loss of at least 1 limb 46% Permenant loss of sexual drive and/or change in sexual identity With these minor problems, we know you will agree our product is SAFE! ARE YOU INTERESTED? COME MEET ME AND SEE! If you are interested, you can come and see the amazing regrowth i have had. TO come and meet me you must do the following: 1. Come to my city (to be disclosed only via secret morse codes to your home address) and meet me at the local McDonalds. 2. Enter the back door BLINDFOLDED with your hands tied behind your BACK and a piece of tape over your mouth. 3. Have a major credit card taped to your front chest with your birth cert, a social security card and any stocks, bonds or savings you may have. 4. Tell NO ONE you are coming to meet me. 5. Enter the McDonalds at the stroke of midnight when the winds are howling and you can hear a small wind like chime in your LEFT EAR. Upon doing this, i will take you to the laboratory to show you my head where you may feel my growth all you wish to. THE COST The cost is very low and begins at $6000 per formula creation. I know, you are saying to yourself, "This is too good to be true". But dear friend, its not. My website is almost done. Soon the world will be coming to purchase from me only, and they will all look Saddam, and you will look like Kojack. The formula takes only a second to work, and the black spots will leave you speachless for a lifetime. Purchase SR-666 today!
  6. Hello all fellow balding men and women, Like you, i have been searching for a cure for my unsightly baldness for the last six years, and finally through extensive research in my underground chemistry lab located deep in the heartland of America, i have come up with a complete CURE for MALE pattern baldness. MY STORY I am a 54 year old gentleman who has a Norwood 7 hair loss and very poor donor area. One night while the moon was shinning down on my candelstine chemistry lab, i had a revelation. I mixed together several COMPLETELY HARMLESS chemicals and created the basics for SR-666. After testing this formula, i found that it was very low in radiation, and began to apply this to my head. Within 24 HOURS i began to see small black dots all over my scalp (not to mention my face and hands as well). YOU MAY BE SKEPTICAL, BUT YOU SHOULD TRUST ME Yes dear friend, you too can have you hair back in a very short amount of time with my new product. I know, you have burned by the Bosley hair Nazis before, but with my SR-666 i guarantee full hair regrowth. I have had people come from all over the USA and Europe to witness the growth i have had on my head. SADDAM HUSSEIN TRIED MY FORMULA That is right friends. You remember good old Saddam dont ya? He was a Norwood 6 with an awful transplant done by Bosley in the 1960s and filled his crown with unsightly micro grafts. Saddam gave me a call shortly after Bahdad was under seige and tried out my new formula. His amazing hair growth (and possibly his mental state) were due to my new formula! MY FORMULA IS COMPLETELY SAFE After a trial of at least two people run by a completely indepedent set of researchers including myself and my brother Cletus, we are proud to say this product is completely safe with almost ZERO side effects. A very small percentage of our test clients had minor irritations and we are posting these for scientific accuracy: Percentage of Persons having the following after treatment: 74% Cancer 86% AIDS 65% Total Retinal failure and blindness 53% Loss of at least 1 limb 46% Permenant loss of sexual drive and/or change in sexual identity With these minor problems, we know you will agree our product is SAFE! ARE YOU INTERESTED? COME MEET ME AND SEE! If you are interested, you can come and see the amazing regrowth i have had. TO come and meet me you must do the following: 1. Come to my city (to be disclosed only via secret morse codes to your home address) and meet me at the local McDonalds. 2. Enter the back door BLINDFOLDED with your hands tied behind your BACK and a piece of tape over your mouth. 3. Have a major credit card taped to your front chest with your birth cert, a social security card and any stocks, bonds or savings you may have. 4. Tell NO ONE you are coming to meet me. 5. Enter the McDonalds at the stroke of midnight when the winds are howling and you can hear a small wind like chime in your LEFT EAR. Upon doing this, i will take you to the laboratory to show you my head where you may feel my growth all you wish to. THE COST The cost is very low and begins at $6000 per formula creation. I know, you are saying to yourself, "This is too good to be true". But dear friend, its not. My website is almost done. Soon the world will be coming to purchase from me only, and they will all look Saddam, and you will look like Kojack. The formula takes only a second to work, and the black spots will leave you speachless for a lifetime. Purchase SR-666 today!
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