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Everything posted by applelist

  1. This information might help you to whether it is ingrown hair 5 CAUSES 1. Skin suffering from lack of moisture 2. Stiff beard hair 3. Embedded oil in the hair follicles 4. Build up of dead skin cells in the pores and on the surface of the skin can cause ingrown hairs - some are more prone to this than others due to genetics 5. Coarse curly hair growing in a curved hair follicle 5 EFFECTS 1. Constant tenderness 2. Trapped, ingrown hairs cause inflammation which result in the body forming papule - a small, raised, abnormality on the skin commonly known as a bump giving rise to the term 'razor bumps' 3. The body can also respond by producing a pustule - a blister on the skin containing pus 4. An infected pustule can become ruptured resulting in bleeding 5. Itching
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