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Everything posted by DaveOH

  1. I wasn't saying that caffeine caused hair loss. I'm saying there are a lot of sites out there that say it increases the amount of DHT in your body. This would only affect people who are already susceptible to it. Anyhow, I was hoping you guys would debunk it since I'm a cola man.
  2. Why buy the name brand if it's the same thing? I'm seeing results with my generic finasteride. I've been on it a little over 3 months and just noticed some new hairs sprouting up.
  3. It was actually something I thought of a while back. It was just a hunch. I ran a web search and found a lot of info on it. Apparently it causes stress to the adrenal glands and raises the amount of DHT in your body. Of course this may be next to nothing. I've heard doctors saying that it's not a factor, but I've also heard of some who say it has a notable effect. I'll see what I can dig up and post it.
  4. I was just wondering because I think I take in a lot of caffeine.
  5. Hey guys. What is everyone's take on the effect of caffeine on hair loss. I've seen many articles that say it increases hair loss but I've also heard a few docs say it doesn't. Opinions?
  6. Hey guys. What is everyone's take on the effect of caffeine on hair loss. I've seen many articles that say it increases hair loss but I've also heard a few docs say it doesn't. Opinions?
  7. Hey Folks, I'm new to the network and was hoping one of you could answer a question. Does generic Propecia (finasteride) work just as well as the name brand. I assumed it would just like generic drugs do, but it was amazingly cheaper by buying it from a company outside the us. They are 1mg finasteride tablets with the warning labels and everything. Does anyone here by generic Propecia?
  8. Hey Folks, I'm new to the network and was hoping one of you could answer a question. Does generic Propecia (finasteride) work just as well as the name brand. I assumed it would just like generic drugs do, but it was amazingly cheaper by buying it from a company outside the us. They are 1mg finasteride tablets with the warning labels and everything. Does anyone here by generic Propecia?
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