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Everything posted by suncom3

  1. http://forum.mesomorphosis.com...eride-134248317.html reading info like this from many users makes me really think twice about jacking with hormones at all.not sure the thining hair and injury are worse. From your findings on this site,what percentage of users exp sides like these
  2. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/...1&highlight=propecia found some good info here on this subject
  3. so if i dont have to use steroids to get past this,if i start with the fin,how does this effect muscle growth?
  4. does takin Fin lower your tes enough to make it hard to gain muscle or deter it in any form? im trying to recoup from a injury in a area where there is little muscle to begin with? What is the best way to check out a local doc to know if they are a option or not? From the pics what are my rough costs going to be to fill in the temples and create a straighter hair line.I lowered the res on the pics to host Ill try to upload full res
  5. hello,been reading this forum for awhile have a few ?s. First off my hair line has been slowly receding since I was about 25. I am now 35,have been using nioxin for 5 yrs,tried minox for a few months,didnt seem to work. how often does minox work for the hairline? As far as genetics,where do you get the hair gene from in most cases,mother or father side of family more likely to show your future? I was considering taking fin,but will prolly have to use steroids to recover fully from a prev injury,how would this effect hormones? From the attached pics,does it look like I could get by with fue,or would it have to be done with a strip to really make a impact.How long is the downtime? I am a surfer and motox rider and must wear a helmet.I know these are pretty rough on the hair.lastly do you guys feel it is not a option to use a local doc not on the list here,it seems $3 a graft is the rate here.has anyone heard of this doc? http://www.virginiasurgical.co...ea95gCFSPxDAodhnmsmg
  6. hello,been reading this forum for awhile have a few ?s. First off my hair line has been slowly receding since I was about 25. I am now 35,have been using nioxin for 5 yrs,tried minox for a few months,didnt seem to work. how often does minox work for the hairline? As far as genetics,where do you get the hair gene from in most cases,mother or father side of family more likely to show your future? I was considering taking fin,but will prolly have to use steroids to recover fully from a prev injury,how would this effect hormones? From the attached pics,does it look like I could get by with fue,or would it have to be done with a strip to really make a impact.How long is the downtime? I am a surfer and motox rider and must wear a helmet.I know these are pretty rough on the hair.lastly do you guys feel it is not a option to use a local doc not on the list here,it seems $3 a graft is the rate here.has anyone heard of this doc? http://www.virginiasurgical.co...ea95gCFSPxDAodhnmsmg
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