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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hello everyone, I wanted to share my experience with Dr. Espinosa Custodio in Madrid. First and foremost, I want to commend the staff for making the entire procedure seamless! Additionally, I extend my gratitude to Dr. Espinosa Custodio for his outstanding work before, during, and after the procedure. His passion for his job is evident in the attentive and caring manner he shows toward his patients. My journey began with a pre-operative appointment one month before the procedure. I traveled to Madrid and received a pre-operative PRP session in the donor area. Dr. Espinosa then asked me to demonstrate how I wanted my hairline to look, and together we created an initial design. He patiently addressed all my questions and concerns about the hairline design. Once I was satisfied with the design, he noted all the measurements for my hairline. The staff and Dr. Espinosa thoroughly explained the procedure and answered all my remaining questions. In the weeks leading up to the surgery, I had to adhere to a stricter daily routine (e.g., no coffee, no workouts, no other stimulants). One month after the pre-operative appointment, I returned to Madrid for the surgery. Upon arrival at the clinic, I first underwent a PRP extraction, which would be injected post-surgery for better recovery. Before the surgery, I redesigned my hairline with Dr. Espinosa, then shaved the donor and recipient areas (I must admit, the doctor even gave me a nice taper cut!). Then, Dr. Espinosa and the staff assessed the necessary density under the microscope for reconstructing the hairline and part of the temples to achieve a natural look. He explained that my donor area was very thick, which would provide a high graft-to-follicle ratio. Yet, he also assured me that he would harvest my graft over a large area to avoid leaving any visible scarring after the surgery. Before the surgery started, the area was sanitized, and a mud-like paste was applied to my recipient area, likely for moisturizing purposes, although I don’t recall the specific reason. The surgery began at 9:30 AM and finished at 6:00 PM. In the morning, the grafts were extracted from the donor area. In the afternoon, the grafts were implanted in the recipient area. Overall, the procedure was almost painless, and whenever I felt a bit more discomfort, I received an additional anesthetic injection. (During the procedure, I got the lunch break and I also watched a movie during the afternoon). Overall, I am just a month in now and I am looking forward to see the final result! Below are some pictures showing the first days after the transplant and its progress over the first month (after the first 2 weeks I already started shedding a bit of hair).
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