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  1. Thanks, I think I knew deep down inside of that but I've been desperate and hopeful.
  2. That sounds like good idea and I have to decide on SMP and/or grafts. I'm leaning more to SMP and it'll be less invasive than transplanting hairs. Thanks!
  3. I've had them in the past and they were good ones from reputable companies too but I felt self-conscious wearing them and two people had the nerve to ask me if I was wearing one because they were sure it wasn't real. That was so rude and I was so embarassed that I stopped wearing them and started to wear hats instead.
  4. Thanks so much, that's a great idea to use leg hair to be transplanted into the scars. Either that or SMP in the scar. I really regret having had those HT's in the 1990's. I see photos of surgeries now with Norwood 7 patients with excellent results and it just makes me really depressed.
  5. I agree, it depends on what will make me happy and it's something I wanted for over 30 years. But at the same time, I have to be realistic about expectations and cost. Thanks, I'm going to reach out to those doctors.
  6. Thanks, although it difficult to hear, I know you're right. I'm just in denial. Part of me would risk the expense just to know that I tried but that would foolish.
  7. Thanks so much for your empathy and kind words, that means a lot. I think you look great and I'd be happy with even half of what you have. I'm glad you had the SMP and hope it makes you feel better. That's a great suggestion about SMP for the scar at the back of my head. I'm not a fan of that whole shaved head look with SMP so your suggestion is a better one for me. Unfortunately, since I lost most of my hair by age 21 and my subsequent unsuccessful surgeries, I became clinically depressed as a result. I think having hair defined my self worth because I lost it so young and it's was my only wish above all others. Thank-you and God Bless as well!
  8. I think they grew for a time but not well and the doctor performing it was horrible and promised me a full head of hair but I ended up with very little and he used up all my donor hair in the back and sides. Thanks for your help and concern.
  9. Thanks, it's been my hope for well over 30 years for more hair and although disappointing nothing can probably be done, I see your point in it being liberating. I need to think more along those lines, even though it's depression and I've developed clinicial depression because of my baldness. As my last slim hope, I will reach out to Drs. Pittela and Zarev. Thank-you!
  10. Thanks so much for your help and empathy. I can't grow a beard at all and only have leg hair for donor hair, which isn't recommended. It looks like I'm going to have to just live with what little I have now. It's difficult since I lost most of my hair by age 21 and I'm now 55 and having more hair has been a dream of mine since, sadly.
  11. Thanks for everyone's help. I'm a new member and I hope I replied to everyone and my apologies if I missed you. I'm still getting used to using this forum and know that if I missed replying to your comment/help, it wasn't intentional.
  12. I'm going to get it a try and contact those 2 doctors, thanks. I thought a realistic goal to achieve a Norwood 4 or 5 but it seems unreachable now. I've attached my donor pic in a couple of replies above and it took up so much space. Thanks for your help!
  13. Thanks for your help. I've attached my donor area in a couple of replies above. I don't have any beard or chest hair to use as donor areas. I have leg hair but have been told "no".
  14. As hard as it would be to accept, it looks like I'm going to have to give up any hopes of having more hair. I've attached my donor pics in my other comments.
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