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Everything posted by Hair_Drakoon

  1. Around 2000, cost is individual, but 3000 euro session.
  2. AEK in Istanbul, around 6000 grafts, othet clincs told me that body grafts would not survive but AEK is really good to make repairs.
  3. From totally bold to this... 95% body hair...
  4. I made 2 BHT in Turkey, lika Gatsy i found a doctor who saved my life. I took from beard and cheast to my scalp. All grafts survived, and i never had shock loss. (I hade 3 failed strip surgerys in Sweden, and maybe 5 fue with small amount of grafts and maybe 20% survived). At AEK clinic in Istanbul Ali Emre Kardinez made a really good work.. I can make my tread with photos later.
  5. Hi! I am new hair, but lika famous Adrian i have a long history, terrible transplants 20 years ago. AEK Clinic saved my life with beard and body hair to my head, and 100% grow. AEK is in Turkey, not famous like Dr. Umar or Mwamba but made a great work.. I am thankful... Eugenix is also great if you want to fly to India.
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