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Everything posted by Nishan

  1. Hello everyone, I will share my hair transplant journey with you all, as I've found the stories and experiences on this forum incredibly helpful in making my decision. I'll be undergoing a hair transplant on May 28 and 29, 2024, at Eugenix with Dr. Vinita Dubey. I'll be documenting my entire experience, from pre-op preparation to the recovery process. I hope this thread provides useful insights for anyone considering a similar procedure. Any suggestion/ care i need to take before and after procedure in india with @Eugenix Hair Science will be very helpful .
  2. Hi everone, i am new in this forum. I am facing hair loss since 2019 now i am thinking of doing hair transplant. after researching i find Dr. yaman as one of the trusted person for hair transplant. He gave me the following quote . Can you guys please help me , is this the correct quote . Other main suggestion, i want is , what are the main things i need to be careful before the hair transplant.
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