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Everything posted by sim9

  1. I appreciate the reply, I made a new thread as I did not have many replies on this thread. I uploaded new pictures there. thank you. I had my donor looked at, I was told I could use a scar reduction in future but I could have this 2nd fut before doing that.
  2. I NEED OPINIONS please... I posted this a few days ago with not many replies. I am needing more assurance. I have uploaded better pictures. About me... I am in my mid late 20s. I have been diffuse thinning since my early 20s. 1st FUT 2022 In 2022 I was around a Norwood 5/6, my hairline+temples were gone and had really little density in the midscalp area. I had a FUT transplant in 2022, 2500 to the hairline, temples and slightly back then hairline which covered the frontal third. I would say that transplant was successful since I had no hair on frontal third, however I had one side of my hairline corner not grow well (you will see in picture). Scheduled FUT 2024 I wanted to get a 2nd FUT to add density to the hairline and add density to my diffuse thinning in the midscalp. I found a reputable surgeon in the USA near where I live who agreed that I can get an estimated 2000 grafts for my second procedure. PLAN 1000 grafts to beef up the hairline and fix the corner and the other thousand grafts going behind the hairline to midscalp area. I was scheduled farther out with this surgeon but they had sooner availability recently which was is rare for them based on reading posts from other patients on these sites. I have attached some pictures of my hairloss and wanted to know opinions here of whether 2000 grafts (or close to it) would give me good density that I would be happy with. This is a lot of money for me and I want to be sure I would have a good outcome. I am having a hard time understanding what to expect. My surgeon says I would have very good density in my midscalp since I have lots of existing hair. Meds.. Also I wanted to add I have been on 0.5 DUT and 2.5/5mg minoxdill oral for 2 years. I used to do topicals but due to risk with pets I take oral. My current hair has thickened and improved with medication especially my crown but the meds are not helping the midscalp diffuse thinning. Goal I am wanting a youthful appearance and wear my hair somewhat long as in the pictures. I guess my ask here is will I have good density and most likely be happy with my result if I get close to 2000 grafts, I would also like to know opinions about how many grafts all of you think I need. Also I did want to mention I understand the risk of shock loss, I am wanting to proceed and plan to keep taking medication. Thank you I appreciate it.
  3. Thank you. Just to be sure, you think I would have good density in the midscalp region with around 1000 grafts ? I was having a difficult time understanding what the end result would look like as I couldn't find many other people with a hairloss pattern and transplant like I am mentioning.
  4. My hairline corner is exposed and I can't cover/conceal it. I gave a thought about waiting on the transplant but I decided that if I was to wait and use the grafts in the future, I would most likely be getting the grafts in the same locations in the future (i think atleast). I appreciate the advice and I do have loss/thinning at the lateral humps. I will get grafts there, I didn't think of that much before, I will mention it to the surgeon if I proceed. Thank you.
  5. Here is my situation I need help with… I am in my mid late 20s. I have been diffuse thinning since my early 20s. In 2022 I was around a Norwood 5/6, my hairline+temples were gone and had really little density in the midscalp area. I had a FUT transplant in 2022, 2500 to the hairline, temples and slightly back then hairline which covered the frontal third. I would say that transplant was successful, however I had one side of my hairline corner not grow well (you will see in picture). I wanted to get a 2nd FUT to fill in (add density) to the hairline corner and add density to my diffuse thinning in the midscalp. I found a reputable surgeon in the USA near where I live who agreed that I can get an estimated 2000 grafts for my second procedure. 1000 grafts to beef up the hairline and fix the corner and the other thousand grafts going behind the hairline to midscalp area. I was scheduled farther out with this surgeon but they had sooner availability recently which was is rare for them based on reading posts from other patients on these sites. I have attached some pictures of my hairless and wanted to know opinions here of whether 2000 grafts (or close to it) would give me good density that I would be happy with. I am having a hard time understanding what to expect. My surgeon says I would have very good density in my midscalp since I have lots of existing hair. Also I wanted to add I have been on 0.5 DUT and 2.5/5mg minoxdill oral for 2 years. I used to do topicals but due to risk with pets I take oral. My current hair has thickened and improved with medication especially my crown but the meds are not helping the midscalp diffuse thinning. I am wanting a youthful appearance and wear my hair somewhat long as in the pictures. I guess my ask here is will I have good density and most likely be happy with my result if I get close to 2000 grafts, I would also like to know opinions about how many grafts all of you think I need. Also I did want to mention I understand the risk of shock loss, I am wanting to proceed and plan to keep taking medication. Thank you I appreciate it.
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