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Everything posted by Antman

  1. Cost and location are big factors I wont lie. Given that she actually does happen to be out of my budget and is the highest non-American quote I received so far for eyebrows. I like that she does have good reviews from what I could find and her staff is very professional and she took the time out to talk to me personally. I like that she is ISHRS certified and also she confirmed to me that she does most of the procedure herself. Another point is that she trained under and has vouches from Dr. Alex Ginzburg, Dr. Shapiro in Minnesota and Dr. William Rassman
  2. These are a few I found Someone in the comments of this last post vouched for her.
  3. There are user reviews on Realself and Reddit, but that's the main reason I came here, to see if anyone can speak on their experience with her
  4. This is her youtube channel, she has a lot of videos of patient results
  5. This is her Realself with reviews and pictures https://www.realself.com/dr/sara-salas-tijuana-mexico She's also a member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
  6. Hi everyone, I'm a 23 male looking to get an eyebrow transplant. I've never had eyebrows my whole life and wanted to get this done before my job this summer. After looking into it I've decided on Dr, Sara Salas in Tijuana after seeing she had good experience and vouches. I wanted to come here to ask if anyone has done transplant with her in the past, whether it be hair or eyebrows.
  7. can you dm me with any way to contact you, I would actually like to know more about this
  8. Yea I understand that, I've never had eyebrows and would like them considering they help define the face. Here are a few pictures the hospital sent me regarding their eyebrow work.
  9. Thank you for the feedback, may I ask your basis for the reason. I merely just want to know. Plus this is a large reputable hospital not clinic
  10. I should also add I'm a 23 year old male and never had eyebrows
  11. Hi i'm looking to get eyebrow transplant at Memorial hospital, it's a big hospital in turkey that does lots of procedures. There isn't much user generated reviews on them so I wanted to come here and ask if anyone if anyone can attest to Memorial hospital and/or Dr Sema Aysan Kızıldağ or Dr. Mehmet Dogruer https://www.memorial.com.tr/doktorlar/mehmet-dogruer?hastane=memorial-bahcelievler-hastanesi&bolum=sac-ekimi https://www.memorial.com.tr/doktorlar/sema-aysan-kizildag?hastane=memorial-bahcelievler-hastanesi&bolum=sac-ekimi
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