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Everything posted by feilhk

  1. oh ic, but those hair fallen were not miniaturized hair, but normal hair ,so is it normal for the those healthy hair fall and regrow stronger than b4 with the use of minoxidil 5%? I hope the minox are not killing my healthy hair, because teh shedding scares me , even if i shake my head and it will loss a couple of hair ..
  2. the hair sheded were strong hair not very thin hair, is the minoxidil killing my normal hair?
  3. hi everyone, i am 23 years old asian, my hair is fine, but my hairline is little bit high since i was young. My hairline reced very very little over the 4 years, and when i foudn minoxidil this product, i am curious and want to try it. Now i've been using it for about 2 weeks, for the first week my hair just shed normally like b4, but starting from the second week, it shed like crazy, like 30-40 % more than b4, i apply minoxidil on the frontal,the top and side , which means all around the scalp. So is it normal ot shed liek this??? sorry for my bad english
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