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Lionel Messi

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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Maybe the sun is deceiving but all my hair is more or less the same. There are indeed some miniaturized hairs in the front but it is not noticeable You are right that we live in a good time when almost every flaw in our body can be changed but in the end, my donor area is limited and as someone who likes to cut hair very short in the back (there is a picture) I fear a large number of procedures.
  2. Hello everyone, I am 30 years old and debating whether to have a hair transplant in the next year or two. I have thinning hair and I'm not the happiest looking in the mirror these days and I would like to get a hair transplant but I'm afraid that I'm starting the process too early and I know that the process never ends with a single hair transplant especially when you start at a relatively young age. I've been to several leading hair transplanters here on the forum and received offers for 2500-3000 follicles which will be transplanted in the front and center of the head and those who recommended adding the crown as well in the same surgery. I am currently on finasteride and topical minoxidil and had doctors recommend that I will switch to dutasteride and oral minoxidil which I am currently working on getting in my state. If you were in my place and with the experience you have with hair transplants, would you go ahead and schedule a hair transplant?
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