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Posts posted by JC90

  1. 3 minutes ago, BillyHopkins88 said:

    That's actually not to bad considering it's Eugenix 🙂 IL be following your journey mate

    @BillyHopkins88 out of the 4 options it was the 3rd option in price. I could of gone up a level and it would of put the cost of the procedure to just over £10k or Dr Bansal or Dr Sethi and the cost of this would of been over £21k based on the price per graft and how many grafts I had done. I just could spend £21k currently. I based it on that senior technicians were used on the option I selected and senior technicians were still used on the more expensive options. 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    Yea I get logistics and timings can be tricky. I think I’d have tried to tweak the dates to save myself £830 though 😅

    @Berba11 I can’t put a cost on saving the headache from the Mrs being away an extra night or two. When I changed from going to Turkey to going to Eugenix and breaking the news I’ll be away 4 nights instead of 2 she was delighted haha (just prayed our two young children were well behaved) - especially when she didn’t care if I have hair or not 

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Berba11 said:

    Not to be the bearer of bad news but if you get Eugenix to arrange the pre-op bloods when your arrive in India it’s £30…!

    @Berba11 I landed at midnight India time the day of my first surgery so there wasn’t enough time before the surgery started to do that and the NHS blood test couldn’t confirm if everything was covered in their standard test so for ease I went private 

  4. 31 minutes ago, BillyHopkins88 said:

    Hi mate do you mind sharing the total cost in pounds ? you can message me if you don't want it out in the open. Thanks

    @BillyHopkins88 I don’t mind at all - I look at the total cost (procedure , flights and I went private for my pre op blood tests) 

    £7852 for the procedure 

    £890 return flight with virgin 

    £860 for my blood tests 

    total - £9602 

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  5. 5 minutes ago, raiynx said:


    Thanks for the context @JC90, ahh I see. That's a bummer about the survival rate for your original OP. Out of curiosity, were you not on Fin back in 2014 during original procedure? I wonder if it thinned afterwards due to possibly those hairs still being sensitive to androgens.

    But yeah this one's recent post-OP by Eugenix photos look good honestly, so I have high hopes for you. I think it'll look good, stay patient and positive, and do keep us updated !



    @raiynx no I wasn’t on any medication before my FUT. I hasn’t even heard of finasteride before it - I went on finasteride after my FUT procedure however I was already pretty much a NW7 at 24. I stopped after a few years for a few years and restarted 3 years ago with minoxidil 

    the whole procedure with Eugenix and the after care has been another level compared to my first procedure. My scabs also seen a lot less compared to what I can remember to my first procedure. So im confident of a positive result 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, JC90 said:

    @raiynx will do 👍🏻 

    from my FUT - 2500 grafts were planned for my front third only however I don’t believe 2500 grafts were ever transplanted. This pic is the front and that’s all from my FUT in 2014. In this pic is the longest my hairs been in a long time. I think it was just a poor surgery unfortunately and put me off getting a second procedure in the UK


    I’m not expecting miracles from my Eugenix procedure however I’m hoping for an improvement from my FUT 


    @raiynx if I let my hair at the front get really long and trim the sides then I can mask the lack of dentistry behind.. only picture I have of this is below 


    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, raiynx said:

    Do keep us posted @JC90, def curious to see how this turns out after reading this whole thread. Also I noticed you have a FUT in past, what exactly happened to all the grafts from it? From the looks of the pre-op pics, there's literally no hair on top of your scalp.. Did literally all the hairs from a large FUT transplant not survive at all..? Bit confused by that.


    @raiynx will do 👍🏻 

    from my FUT - 2500 grafts were planned for my front third only however I don’t believe 2500 grafts were ever transplanted. This pic is the front and that’s all from my FUT in 2014. In this pic is the longest my hairs been in a long time. I think it was just a poor surgery unfortunately and put me off getting a second procedure in the UK


    I’m not expecting miracles from my Eugenix procedure however I’m hoping for an improvement from my FUT 


  8. 1 minute ago, Haris said:

    @JC90 can you please share how was your experience with Dr. Vinita ?

    @Haris the experience was great and surgery went fine. Dr Vinita took time to understand what I wanted and we worked together on my hair line and aims from this procedure. I know I was a challenge being blonde, not an amazing donor area and being an NW7. however the results speak for themselves so we will see in due course 

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Bandit90 said:

    Similar to me, you have a very low scalp/hair colour contrast which makes the donor difficult to assess from pictures alone, but this will play into your favour by aiding the illusion of density. I actually wish I took some photos of my scalp when the clinic put the black hair dye on, because my donor area instantly changed and looked way healthier.  


    In terms of the final head wash, our very own Melvin did an an excellent video, which I personally followed and worked well for getting the scabs off. 


    @Bandit90 thanks for this. When you done your first head wash did all of your scans come off? Im hoping the rest of my scans come off in my second wash tomorrow 



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  10. 7 minutes ago, Bandit90 said:

    @GoliGoliGoli One thing I would be mindful is that people with blonde hair can often have the appearance of ‘miniaturising hair’ whereas this is infact just finer blonder hair. I say this because I was personally was rejected from the top clinics via online consults, because they had a similar take to you. Whereas when I went to see a forum recommended doctor for an in person consult, he told me that my hair has an illusion of being miniaturised, but is in fact healthy hair. Also when Eugenix died my hair black for the extractions, it became obvious my hair wasn’t miniaturised in the areas you would think it was. 

    @Bandit90 Eugenix died my hair a fair bit when extracting. I don’t think my pictures do my donor justice, when I would run a comb through my donor in an upwards direction it’s feels thick. Even now when I very lightly run my hand up the back of my head it feels like no hair has been taken so I can’t wait to see how it ends up in the coming months. 

    got my first head wash tomorrow, a little nervous and I don’t have any of the cotton bandages left. It might just have to dab the recipient area with saline water and Dove  intense repair shampoo and leave to soak in. 

    if anyone has any tips please let me know 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Al - Moderator said:

    I think it was a good idea to keep the hair line high and not do temple points. The goal for this surgery needed to be to get the top covered and forget about the niceties that you'd like to have if you had more donor to work with, so I'm glad you were smart enough to do that. That's going to give you a better chance of getting a good result. You also used 1776 beard grafts, so I don't think they were too aggressive with using up scalp donor.

    It's easy for someone who isn't in the situation to just tell someone else they shouldn't do it or they aren't a candidate. You never know what someone else is going through especially if they are already dealing with scars from a previous hair transplant. It's not like they can just shave clean and be done with it. The scars are still there. I always find it interesting that someone who gets a hair transplant when they are a NW 2 through NW 4 because they felt they needed more hair and were afraid to go out without a hat or it was ruining their life or whatever  then tells someone who has less hair than they had that they should do it and just shave it off or just forget about a hair transplant. Obviously there are a few people who truly are not candidates, but these days if you have a lot of body hair you most likely can improve your situation even if you don't get a full head of hair.


    @Al - Moderator I am really looking forward to how my donor area heals and then seeing the full results to then see if another procedure is possible. Going into this after a failed FUT in 2014 - I nearly didn't bother with the procedure at all as I just shaved my head. What bothered me most is if I didn't get another procedure done then it makes my first procedure completely pointless and £5.5k down the drain. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Ok, this really will be my last post in this thread.


    The difference Melvin between the two cases is that your retrograde alopecia improved after taking meds. OP has already been on meds for 3 years he said, so the comparison isn't valid. Is the idea that 3 years into meds this area is going to bounce back from him in a way that it didn't bounce back in the first 3 years? 

    @GoliGoliGoli I appreciate everyone’s feedback (positive and negative) it was @Bandit90 & @Stewie experiences I saw on here that gave me the Confidence that even with previous poor HT and/or blonde hair with extensive hair loss great results can happen. 

    im not expecting the same results from this surgery and know if possible more surgeries would be needed however it will surely be an improvement than what I had before. 

    As I’ve said I’ve been on finasteride solidly for 2-3 years (I don’t think it’s over 3 years) however I feel my donor area has improved with my crown improving slightly however nothing to rave about and that’s fine. 

    I’d more than happily have your feedback or told you so ;) when I’m at the 10+ month mark. 

    • Like 6
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  13. 2 minutes ago, GeneralNorwood said:


    But John didn't have FUT with 2500 grafts taken away, that's the main difference. And he has more dense beard. 

    So for sure OP shouldn't go so aggressive with his plan like John

    @GeneralNorwood its why I didn't have my temples done, I didn't lower the hairline as I don't mind having higher hairline and my temples not being like I am in my twenties, I wanted and knew I would need all the grafts I could get for ontop and the crown. 

    • Like 2
  14. @Melvin- Admin I think everyone will have their own opinion and I will always be open to hear it.

    I feel level of hair loss and colour of @Bandit90 is what inspired me to go to Eugenix after seeing his results and I know my beard is not as good as @Bandit90. I have a very open mind on my results and surely it cannot be as bad as my first transplant and I am confident the tools and techniques used have improved since 2014. 


    Ill keep everyone updated on my journey and in 10-12 months time we can look back on these first messages. I am obviously aware of the gap from my donor area and recipient area and I will keep an eye on this. I appreciate everyones feedback. Update you all in the coming months.  

    • Like 2
  15. 12 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    @JC90, can you share more details about your failed FUT in 2014? Who did the surgery, how many grafts and is the hair present on your frontal third literally all that grew from the FUT or had it deteriorated from a better position over time?

    I went through UK hair transplant clinic and I went to Harley Street. My surgeon, I cannot remember his name. I had 2,500 grafts planned, if 2,500 grafts were actually implanted I am not sure. In the pictures, that's all what grew from the HT in 2014, so I kept my head shaved and have never let it actually grow out for the last 7-8 years. My hair in my pre op pics and my beard are the longest its been in a very long time. 

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Davidf said:

    Best of luck with this, JC90.  I'm sure you'll have a good outcome in about 10-12 months as long as you are realistic in your expectations.

    There seems to be a pattern here with Virgin Atlantic, as I had a not dissimilar experience with them 2 and a bit years ago.  In my case, they initially tried to bump me to a later flight as mine was overbooked.  When I said I wasn't interested in a future free flight as compensation, it was suggested that I might not be up to flying because of my recent surgery.  Upon production of the relevant paperwork from Eugenix, I was however allowed to board my flight.

    Thanks. I am very realistic with expectations. I cant see it being any worse than my first one (which you can see in my pictures was non existent) - I do feel different after this procedure than my first. The after care so far has been worlds better and I feel the surgery went better. 

    Seems Virgin like to make post transplant flying a little difficult. You would think with the men going through DEL after having a HT they would be used to it by now. 

  17. 14 minutes ago, davidn said:

    Just curious. Why did you hop on Meditation now instead of when you still had native hair?

    Anyway, good luck with the Procedere!

    Ive been on finasteride & Topical minoxidil foam solidly for the past 3 years which has helped my donor area and the edges of my crown. I had a full head of hair on my 21st Birthday and by my 22nd birthday my hair was pretty thin/ almost gone. I wish I new about finasteride before then (I am now 34). I plan to stay on Finasteride and I got a 12 month supply of Minoxidil tablets from Eugenix, however I will consult them before I actually start taking them. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, JohnnyR said:

    how can a clinic not Implant grafts in the area between crown and donor... this will look extremely unnatural.

    when you do your second surgery you should not go for the hairline, you should focus on this area...

    good luck!

    That area between I do have hair there and it is thickening up nicely with medication and also gets thicker as my hair gets longer. The comment my surgeon made was that she didn't want to cause shock loss to this area and yes once I have seen the full results of this procedure, I want to address all areas however Ill need to address what donor I have available first 

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  19. 9 hours ago, Jackdaniels said:

    Happy growing. You are an interesting case with a huge area to cover. Eugenix clinic is one the best choices for cases like yours, so you should get a good first result. You will need another one hair transplant though. 

    @Jackdaniels I am really hoping to have another procedure. Before going to Eugenix I said to them I only want one more procedure and thats it, however after going through the experience and it being so good. Its given me so much confidence that a good result can be achieved that I kind of feel I have the bug for it and already want to go again. 

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  20. @Bandit90 It was your procedure and the only procedure I could find that had similar hair loss and colour to me and had an amazing result. Regarding grafts in the scar, yes I want to look at that option when  I look at potentially another procedure. Dr Vinita really wanted to do my temples in this procedure I just didn't want to waste grafts when I had such a large area to cover on top. If grafts in the scar is not viable I may look at smp purely to blend the scar. 

  21. Hey All, I am 3 days post Op and I also wanted to share my experience of Eugenix. 

    After the results of others (especially Bandit90) who have been to Eugenix I had to make the trip. After a poor FUT in 2014 I was not going to bother with a second however the hair restoration network changed that. 

    At the last minute I upgraded my package to the Exclusive package - 120INR plus taxes. I did not know who my surgeon would be until the day. 

    I was nervous travelling to India alone and I was not prepared for the roads out there and how close the vehicles all drive.

    From landing in New Delhi, I was picked up and taken to my hotel, so far everything seemed too easy. Then being picked up the following day and taken to Eugenix was also so easy and convenient.

    Throughout Eugenix were so professional and the communication has been second to none. 

    I had my surgery over 3 days of which they done 5530 grafts. Dr Vinita said I had a great donor area which surprised me as I’ve always considered it poor and was turned down by a clinic in the UK.

    we went through the planning after what felt like a proper photoshoot with one of the technicians. They wanted to lower my hairline and also do my temples. I decided on this occasion that to keep my hairline the same from my first HT and maybe come back for my temples so that I could maximise the grafts ontop. 


    My first afternoon in surgery Dr Vinita done the 5530 slits and they extracted 570 grafts. The anaesthesia I found rather painful and the needles didn’t seem to stop coming. I found it wore off rather quickly aswell. 

    sonething which really impressed me is I heard Dr Vinita discussing the slits on my crown to get the swirl done correctly. The attention to detail was amazing. 


    the afternoon went really quick and I got back to the hotel at around 8pm. Room service and then tried to get some sleep. 

    Day 2 was a long day. 3184 grafts were taken from the back and side of my head. Again I struggled with the anaesthesia needles but hey it will be worth it in the end. After getting to the clinic at 9:15 and leaving at just gone 18:30 I was absolutely shattered, but rather excited at the amount of grafts that were extracted. I really struggled sleeping that night. 

    on the final day of surgery I felt I was a little mentally drained and was hoping the day passed quickly but was excited to get onto the road to recovery and seeing the results. 

    having the 1776 beard grafts used was interesting. Anaesthetic to the face was awful, I don’t know why I struggled so much I don’t have a fear of needles or anything. the whole team were so good at trying to keep me calm. 

    the moment they sat me up on the bed and said it’s all done, was such a good moment. Looking then at the board at the amount of grafts was just amazing. I was half waiting for them during the surgery to give me the news that I can’t have that many. 

    flying from DEL to Heathrow I got a few comments saying have you had your hair done. Fellow passenger sitting behind me had also had a HT (not Eugenix). I got a scare at DEL virgin Atlantic check in desk as they had me there for over half an hour deciding if I can fly. The letter from Eugenix clearing me to fly wasn’t good enough. After a phone call to their medical team and me providing further information they agreed.

    Eugenix and I will discuss the possibility of getting my temples done and maybe discussing the hair line with another procedure when they can see how my recipient and donor area recover and I can get the MRS (that’ll be the hard bit) to agree another procedure next year. 

    im excited to see the results, I’m on day 3 post op and still struggling to sleep ( sleeping on the sofa with the neck pillow to help remain upright) - the itchiness has started and I’m trying to keep that at bay with the Saline spray. This coming Saturday I can have my first head wash. 

    the swelling in my chin and neck has gone down now and my donor area seems to be healing really well. 

    I’ve put the Eugenix pictures below and some from home post op. 

    I can’t thank the forums on here enough as if it was for you all I would of gone to turkey which I feel for my level of hair loss and my hair type could of been the wrong option.


    I’ll keep this thread updated



















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