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Jeremie Martin

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Posts posted by Jeremie Martin

  1. 5 hours ago, TorontoMan said:

    yes, all normal 


    1 hour ago, donpizmeov said:

    As said above that is completely normal and part of the initial process. You can take take it easy 😉

    OK thank you very much ! So could you explain why sometimes the hair is completely curved like this? It gives me the sensation that the hair hasn't been put correctly in the scalp and I wonder if it will grow correctly after. 

  2. Hello, 

    I made my hair transplant 28 days ago. I started losing my transplanted hair something like after 10 days after the surgery. 

    The transplanted hair that is falling looks sometimes a bit strange to me and I would like to know if it is normal or not. Some of the hair that fall is straight, which is normal, some is straight but with a small thing black at the end (could it be the follicle?), some are curved (is this normal?). Could you guys help me and tell me if there is something to be preoccupied about or should I just chill out? 


    Thank you, have a great day :) 







  3. Well, i'll listen to you guys.

    I don't want to take any risk. As i am Brazilian, i think i will chose a clinic in Brazil. Not very much more expensive and i know i can have good confidence in them. The one i'll chose is ICB (Transplante Capilar em Brasília - Técnica FUE - icb Transplante Capilar).

    They have multiple clinics in the country, all doctors have experience and even an identification number, so you can find them. For me it will be Dra. Natalia Souza Medeiros (CRM: 20533) or Dra. Letícia Souza Duque (CRM: 20614). They participate in all the process with the help of 3 technicians. They told me that both do like 15 to 20 surgeries every month.

    You can find them on a website that reference all doctors of the country by their identification number => CRM.
    The website: Busca por médicos | (cfm.org.br)

    Do you think it's a better choice? Or still hard to tell?

  4. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    Because of all the clinics in the world you have focused on an unknown clinic in Turkey in your first post 48 hours after joining which you are already heavily in favour of. Now this clinic may very well be one of the best in the world. However (and it’s just my opinion) you haven’t mentioned any research that you have carried out on other clinics/surgeons backed by client posted results. No surgeon in the world is perfect and they have all had a bad result regardless of their name. But it is in seeing great results again and again, produced year after year after year that you should be looking for that will help you narrow down a reputable surgeon or three. From here you fine tune even more until you feel you have done all of your homework to choose the right one to give you the likely hood of a good result. No surgeon can give a guarantee but they can promise to do their best. They should also be educating you about medication like Finasteride or Minoxidil to stabilize your hair loss before you commence surgery to keep as much of your native hair as possible. MPB is progressive and a surgeon should have a plan for the patient over the life span. It’s like trying to hit a moving target. I just feel you need to be asking a lot more questions if you are considering surgery. Remember you can always have a hair transplant ‘tomorrow.’ All the best. 


    51 minutes ago, A_4_Archan said:

    I'd like to explain how surgery should be approached

    —> As a first step, you should address the underlying cause of your hair loss...even if you undergo surgery, if your hair loss continues, then you will be in the same state again soon...surgery won't solve your hair loss problem.

    It is therefore important to consult a good doctor who is more familiar with hair loss and begin medication. This can stabilize, slow down, or reverse your hair loss...this is the key to a successful outcome...to reap the benefits of medication, you need to take it religiously for the full 12 months and then reassess your situation and plan accordingly. Medication can also make your donor more healthy, so all of this will make you a better candidate for HT

    —>In addition to taking medication, you should also educate yourself. You can use this 12 month period to research more about hair transplant surgery, learn more about the whole process, and understand the nuances. Research good doctors around the world and shortlist around 4-5 doctors based on your findings, and then consult all of them to determine who best fits your needs and expectation

    Taking all of the above things into account will pave the way for a successful surgery

    I hope this helps you ...best of luck.

    Thank you for such a detailed reply by both of you @Gatsby and @A_4_Archan.

    Yes i joined this forum recently, but i am doing my researchs since more time than this. I have contacted a lot of clinics, and surgeons with good results on this forum. Now i can tell that i have received quotes and explanation by more than 15 clinics, most part in Turkey but also in Greece and Brazil. I could write a detailed post about my exprience by contacting all these clinics but it would be very time consuming.

    Here are the clinics i've been talking to:

    Turkey: Clinicana, Hairmedico, Dr Cinik, Cosmedica, FueCapilar, Metropolmed, Dr Muttalip Keser, TransMed, Smile Hair, Doku Medical, Dr Bicer, SIKOS Clinic, Dr Yavuz, IdealofMed, Dr Sahinoglu, Cayra Clinics, Madame Safiye, Vera Clinic, Este Nove, Estepera, DK Klinik

    Brazil: MediCapilar, Derma Star, ICB.

    Greece: Advanced Hair Clinics (Greece)


    So, i took the time to analyse all these clinics, how they care about their customer, quality of reply, website, medical background, etc.... And i still think DK Klinik seems the best one out of all i've contacted. But of course, i'm still not sure of my decision, otherwise i wouldn't be here. The fact that you guys tell me that it is certainly a hair mill makes me dought. You are maybe right, maybe not, because no one talked about this clinic on this forum. And i'm not sure i want to take the risk for something so important as a hair transplant.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    @Jeremie Martin they are telling you everything you want to hear. Avoid them like the plague. I’ve been to Antalya and I certainly wouldn’t call it a small city. Out of two thousand odd clinics in Turkey only about five surgeons have good results posted by lots of patients. The cream always rises to the top. 

    Maybe i don't know....

    Actually, I gave a lot of reasons why it sounds like a good clinic to me. I am not saying that it is, but it really seems to be a good one.

    I would like to know, what are for you, the reasons why i should avoid this clinic? Factual reasons, please, maybe i'm kinda blind and not objective.

  6. On 3/12/2024 at 5:49 PM, jjalay said:

    If they only take 1 patient per day why the doctor needs 6 nurses to avoid fatigue as they say? This doesnt make any sense at all. They are a hairmill. Have you seen any independent reviews from them? Do you know if they use microscopes during the surgery, they dont. Is the doctor going to be doing the extractions or the implantation of the grafts. You might be surprised at the day of your surgery having a 20 year old "certified" technisian performing the whole surgery on you.

    Do yourself a favour and choose a better clinic for a surgery on your head.

    Yes you are right that some things are strange. But actually, we have to consider several things. The clinic is in Antalya, a little city, so it is not like Istanbul, where thousands of people go each day for hair transplants.
    They have a YouTube channel where they post real results.

    You said they don't use microscope, but they do, see attached picture taken on their website.
    On their website, we have ALL the history of the doctors, which I've never seen on any clinic website (Link removed).
    They never put any pressure on me to make a reservation (I talked with them for almost a week, and they never asked me anything).
    I've had a video call with the foundator, DR. ÜMİT KEMAL ŞENTÜRK (link removed), he was very nice and gave me all the information I needed.

    I've asked why the price is so low, and he was surprised because he told me that they're one of the most expensive clinics in Antalya.

    The user experience I had with them was the best in terms of the quality of the replies, sincerity, and everything else.

    It's hard to find them, they don't do agressive advertisement, which for me is a good thing.

    The only thing that makes me doubt is that, as you said, I didn't find videos of someone filming himself from start to finish when going to this clinic. But as I said, it's a "small' clinic in a small city....

    Capture d’écran 2024-03-14 122256.png


    1 hour ago, jjalay said:

    Avoid them, they are a hairmill. If you are thinking this is not the case and you have found the right clinic with the best price guess what, this is what most of the patients that got botched in turkish hairmills were thinking before the surgery too. If you are looking for a low price with good results and good doctors look at fuecapilar with dr gur or dr turan. Do a research about them in this forum.

    @jjalay Are you sure about this for this clinic? Because they told me they only take 1 patient per day. I am already talking with fuecapilar as well, to be honest they gave me less informations then DK Klinik... but i agree with the fact that 2400€ is not much.

  8. Hello,

    I am searching for a while about good clinics in Turkey. Of course i found a lot of hair mills and other institute that ask for 2000€ for 5000 grafts.... This seems quite cheap to me.

    BUT, i found DK Klinik by doing some research about MELTEM ŞENTÜRK, member of the ISHRS. I know it is not a guaranty of good quality, but its better than nothing. 
    The clinic seems really legit, we can find a lot of informations on their website, and they replied to my questions with a lot of details.
    They asked me for 2000 GBP (approx 2300€) for 3200 - 3500 graft, saying that to cover everything i would need like 6000. So this is very positive for me, telling me how much i WOULD HAVE to do, but how much THEY CAN do for me. They told me that the surgery is done by a team of 6 nurses and a doctor that relay to avoid fatigue, wich is good as well.

    So my question is: What are your thoughts about the clinic?


    Here you will find the discussion i had with them on WhatsApp:

    Their reply to my first message:


    Thank you for sharing your information.

    We offer detailed information about the hair transplant procedure in 4 separate headings:

    1. Medical assessment

      We are presenting the evaluation of our dermatology specialist, Dr. Meltem Şentürk, and our hair transplant team, following the examination of the information you provided.

      Hair Loss Degree: Stage 5 (turning 6)
      (according to The Hamilton-Norwood Scale)

      The required graft number: 6000-6500 graft

      Medical Evaluation:
      Your hair loss degree is Stage 5-6, and you will need a hair transplant of 6000-6500 grafts (hair roots) to cover the open areas on your scalp. 

      The area where hair follicles are harvested during a hair transplant procedure is referred to as the 'donor area'. The primarily preferred donor area is typically the upper back part of the head, known as the nape. This region generally contains hair follicles that are genetically resistant to hair loss.

      The primary donor area, located at the back part of the head, can provide a harvest of 3200-3500 grafts, from which the hair follicles will be extracted. It's important to note that this quantity may not be enough to completely cover the open areas on your scalp.

      If the primary donor area, the upper neck, is not sufficient, the second-choice donor area is the under-chin-beard region. Grafts can be harvested from your under-chin-beard region according to our analysis of your photos, approximately between 300-400.

      The goal is to reach the maximum number of harvestable grafts.

      In this case, based on our analysis of your photos, the total grafts that can be harvested from both the upper neck and the under-chin beard region are approximately between 3500 - 4000. 

      Grafts obtained from the back of the head will be implanted in the front part of the head, while grafts obtained from the under- chin beard region will be implanted in the crown area.

      We are providing a diagram below to help you visualize how the harvested grafts will be distributed on your scalp. Zone 2 and 3 in the diagram will receive a denser implantation of grafts, while Zone 4 will have a slightly lower density. Zone 5 and 6 will have very sparser implantation, and grafts harvested from the under-chin-beard region will be implanted in these areas.

      The number of grafts that can be harvested from both the back of the head and the under-chin-beard region will not be sufficient to completely cover all your openings. The most appropriate solution would be to transplant the collected grafts to the front and middle part of the head and to transplant a very small number of grafts to the crown area due to insufficient grafts. A second transplantation can be possible one year after the initial operation. After one year, it is possible to work on the crown area, which was not addressed in the first operation, and increase density in the front area, resulting in a satisfying outcome.

      You wrote that you may need another transplant a few years later. But you thought that your bald areas might be covered with one operation. Unfortunately not, you may find information below about it.

      The undesirable thing in case of hair loss on the back of head, is when your hair is pulled back from your crown area. Please see attached your photo. But now, it seems good.

    2. Operation process and pricing information

      The information regarding the process and pricing, prepared by our Organization and Support Team, is presented below.
      Day 1, We take your blood for the blood tests (20-30 minutes).
      Day 2, Operation day (along with the lunch break, a total 6-8 hours).
      Day 3, First hair washing by our experts (45-60 minutes)

      Our price is fixed and independent of graft count.

      Hair Transplant Package – 2000 GBP
         →Fully qualified FUE/DHI doctors-nurses
         →Extensively blood analysis for hair
         →Transfer service
         →PRP treatment during operation
         →Post-op shampoo, lotion, head pillow, hat, headband, and pills (antibiotics, painkillers, etc.) 
         →3 Nights hotel stay

      The Hair Transplant Price without Hotel – 1800 GBP
         →Fully qualified FUE/DHI doctors-nurses
         →Extensively blood analysis for hair
         →Transfer service (for 20 km around the clinic)
         →PRP treatment during operation
         →Post-op shampoo, lotion, head pillow, hat, headband, and pills (antibiotics, painkillers, etc.)

      (These are our cash prices.)

    3. Customized information for the operation that suits you

      At this stage, our clinic's director and Medical Quality OfficerProf. Dr. Ümit Kemal Şentürk have prepared answers to potential questions regarding the details of the hair transplant operation presented to you. Here they are: 

      The number of grafts that can be harvested from the donor area is not dependent on the capability of the hair transplant team. The maximum graft count that can be harvested from you is determined by the width of your donor area and the density of your hair follicles. The analysis of your photos has resulted in the maximum graft count that can be collected from you, and it should not be exceeded. Harvesting more than this number can lead to a side effect called overharvesting. This can result in large empty areas at the back of the head, permanent scars, irregular hair growth, and an overall undesirable appearance. We recommend reading our informative article on this topic in the link provided: 

                        ATTENTION: If a hair transplant is claimed to be done with a high number of grafts and no overharvesting side effect has occurred, it means that this graft count has not been harvested.

      This is one of the most frequently asked questions. When the open areas are extensive, the hair follicle reserve tends to be limited. Since it can not be possible to cover all the openings, a second operation can be performed one year after the initial hair transplant to work on areas not previously transplanted.

      Certainly, new hair follicles do not form within a year. It is possible to harvest grafts again one year later without the risk of over-harvesting before the new hair follicles develop, and the gap among the remaining hair is reconstructed. However, the quantity is generally not as much as in the first operation; it's usually around half of the initial number. The reason why such a high number of grafts are not collected in the first operation is to prevent overharvesting.

      A significant portion of the harvested grafts will be implanted in the front part of the head, resulting in higher density. The middle part will have less density compared to the front, and the crown area will have even less density. We are providing a diagram below to help you visualize how the harvested grafts will be distributed on your scalp. In the diagram, Zones 2 and 3 are areas where grafts will be implanted more densely, while Zone 4 will have a slightly lower density. Grafts harvested from the under-chin-beard region will be used for very sparser implantation in Zones 5 and 6.

      Grafts harvested from the back of the head will be implanted in the front part, and grafts harvested from the under-chin-beard region will be implanted in the crown area. Therefore, they will not be noticeable. Moreover, after 4-5 years of transplantation, beard hairs largely take on the characteristics of scalp hairs.

      After two operations with a one-year interval, the total number of grafts that can be collected will not fully meet your needs. However, at this level of transplantation, significant improvement in your appearance can be achieved. Results are generally satisfactory based on individual expectations. Many of our patients find their results highly satisfying due to the improvement in their bald appearance.

    4. Additional information

      BEFORE-AFTER results, you man examine:

      ISHRS is the foremost global organization in the field of Hair Transplantation. We are the only clinic in Antalya registered with ISHRS.

      OUR MEDICAL TEAM consists solely of dermatology specialists, doctors, and nurses. In our clinic, every stage of hair transplant is overseen by a professor responsible for health quality management. To get to know us better:

      HAIR and SKIN diseases and treatments, we are members of authoritative international associations in the field.
      • ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery)
      • EADV (European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology)
      • ESCAD (European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology)
      • ISDS (International Society of Dermatologic Surgery)

      Kind regards
      DK Hair Klinik


    Then i asked some questions:

    Thank you very much for all the information.
    I have several things to say:
    - My aim is not to regain a full density, in fact I like having a shaved head and I'd like to keep it that way. All I want to do is redo the hairline and improve the density on the top / crown of my head so that it looks good with a shaved head. Do you think such a result would be possible?
    - What is the follow-up protocol after the operation? Will I need additional remote follow-up consultations?
    - Is it possible to book the surgery for the 29 or 30 April?
    - I have seen that grafts have less survival rate with time. 95% within the 2 hours, 90% within the 4 hours, and 86% within the 6 hours. Is that right? If so, do you plan to do the surgery step by step to reduce the chance that the grafts die, or all in once?
    - Who does the extraction and the implementation of the grafts? Technicians or Dr Meltem Senturk?


    This is their reply:

    - My aim is not to regain a full density, in fact I like having a shaved head and I'd like to keep it that way. All I want to do is redo the hairline and improve the density on the top / crown of my head so that it looks good with a shaved head. Do you think such a result would be possible?

    Of course, such an approach may be possible.
    Purpose Your reserve will be enough to prevent you from looking bald even if you do not shave your hair short with two operations.
    However, if you use shorthand, the following situation may occur. The hair density at the back of the head and the nape of the neck is higher than the transplanted areas. This happens even after the operation. When using short hair, the difference in density between these two areas is noticeable. This difference can be eliminated with the second processing. Having long hair after hair transplantation is always advantageous in terms of appearance. We plan according to personal expectations before the operation, but we clearly explain the possibilities.

    - What is the follow-up protocol after the operation? Will I need additional remote follow-up consultations?

    One day after the operation, our professor has a detailed interview with you. It explains what kind of maintenance you need to do for the next 1 year. You can contact us at any time after the operation. But even if you do not contact us, we still want pictures and information from you.
    10 days
    15 days
    30 days
    3 months
    6 months
    12 months

    - Is it possible to book the surgery for the 29 or 30 April?

    April 29 is currently available. But in order to reserve a certain day for you, we need to receive a 20% down payment.
    As a busy clinic, we strive to accommodate as many patients as possible. In order to secure your appointment, we kindly request a pre-payment.
    The pre-payment amount is 20% of the total fee and will be utilized to arrange your hair transplant booking, hotel stay, transfers, and appointments. It's important to note that the pre-payment will be deducted from the overall cost of your treatment.
    We'll send you a safe link, and you can pay with your credit card.
    The remaining payment will be completed at the clinic on the operation day before the operation.

    - I have seen that grafts have less survival rate with time. 95% within the 2 hours, 90% within the 4 hours, and 86% within the 6 hours. Is that right? If so, do you plan to do the surgery step by step to reduce the chance that the grafts die, or all in once?

    Technically, it is not possible to perform the operation step by step for 2 reasons.
    Firstly, hair transplantation planning cannot be done without determining how many grafts will be collected in total. After the net number of grafts is determined, what will be distributed to which region is planned. The numbers of grafts to be collected that we give you are estimates made from photographs, and they are largely accurate. But there is always some margin of error.

    The second is the difference in positions during graft harvesting and transplantation. You lie face down when picking, and face up when planting. First, some grafts can be collected and transplanted. Then, when it comes to the harvesting phase again, the transplanted grafts are damaged due to the lying position. The operator has to come into contact with the transplanted grafts.

    We keep the grafts in buffered-holding solution so that they are affected as little as possible. We keep it at 4-6 degrees, not at room temperature. In addition, the grafts collected first are the ones planted first.

    The survival rate values you mention are the values in a book published in 1996 (Limmer R. Micrograft survival. In: Stough D, Haber R, editors. Hair Replacement. St. Louis: Mosby; 1996. pp. 147–9.).

    At that time, the FUT technique was being used, it is a very old technique that is no longer used. The grafts were also kept in normal-saline. We should not compare it with current conditions. This issue is no longer emphasized in the modern approach. The most important element in the new technique is to remove the grafts without any fracture or damage.

    - Who does the extraction and the implementation of the grafts? Technicians or Dr Meltem Senturk?

    Our Head Doctor is in charge of your treatment and oversees the surgery from start to finish. She will conduct your consultation and monitor your progress after the surgery. The team consists of 6 members, including a doctor and 4 certified hair transplant nurses. Your doctor will be present throughout the entire operation.
    The team rotates during the surgery, as it is a lengthy and repetitive process. We achieve the best results by having all members contribute, with required rest periods to ensure the team is in the best state to provide optimal care.
    It's not recommended for one doctor or specialist to handle the entire treatment due to fatigue, which could potentially impact the hair transplant process.
    With many years of operation and experience, we aim to provide the best process for optimal results.






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