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Everything posted by FredMitch

  1. Mate I've been going mad trying to find someone on this forum or someone online that has some experience that isn't a promo or work provided by the Dr himself but no joy, this was my attempt to try and flush someone out about it but no joy yet
  2. I've had some movement afterwards but its been remarkably stable really, some photos of me around 20 odd show it at a similar stage to the photos above so I assume the meds have helped but obviously no way of knowing. It's very possible that it was very aggressive and would have stopped at a similar point regardless of them, I've been thinking of oral min and that is what Dr. Miln suggested in my consultation so I will get on that in the next week or so. Thanks mate, appreciate the response a lot
  3. Thank you I will check those out. Ive been on the meds from age 19, I had shaved it just prior to these photos being taken which is why its so short however I really hated the look on myself, as I have such a large forehead and large head in generally combined with a fairly youngish face. I've also wondered about those miniature hairs, but I guess time will tell with them. Thanks mate
  4. Thank you, my father was basically a NW6 at the time of his death, even with the chemo etc whereas my grandfather on my mothers side was a full head of hair even in his 80s. Other than that I have no other male family members by blood. I agree that the type of hair I have means I have a bit of an uphill battle, is there anything you have seen that could be causing such an aggressive loss in your experience that I might be missing? Thank you for the reply
  5. Hi everyone, long time lurker but first time poster and I need some advice on a hair transplant. I began losing my hair quite aggressively at age 15, and I began taking finasteride 1mg and topical minox 5% at age 19. Ive recently switched over to Dut in the last few months. At age 24 now im seriously considering taking the next step of getting a HT after shaving my head and realizing how much I hate the look on myself. I have been in touch with loads of different places, largely in Turkey and the UK and I'm currently leaning toward Dr. Miln in London at the minute. Has anyone got any real testimonials from him and his clinic as I've been unable to find anything on these forums or similar ones which worries me a little bit, however he seemed great in my consult with him. Also does anyone have any general thoughts on my situation from the images? Thank you.
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