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Everything posted by deep7

  1. My journey is the opposite, I've been shaving since I was ~22. I know exactly what it means to embrace baldness, as I've been doing it for 13 years. However, now at 35 for some reason I decided to get a HT and then SMP (combined to create some 3D effect) and still shave because it frames my face much better and I always liked the shaved look. Each person has their own journey, and there are some that have already embraced their baldness for years but want to play a bit with how they look.
  2. It is true that in the second picture the hair is longer, but still there is a definite improvement that is clearly not just the result of longer hair. The post doesn't provide any details (dermastamp / dermaroller? what mm size? what serum?)
  3. I don't have strong opinions about microneedling, but all controlled studies I came across suggest that micro-needling works (at least works with minoxidil better than minoxidil alone) and is safe if done correctly. Also, most of the best regrowth cases I came across from NW6/7 included micro-needling in their regimen, was it because of the addition of microneedling? Hard to know with certainty. At the end of the day, the fundamentals of hair loss are currently not well understood, and forums are full of varying points of view, so whatever I do, there's some probability that I'm wrong, for the moment I decided to keep microneedling until I come across compelling reasons to stop.
  4. Update: 94 days on fin/min/microneedling, first picture is a before/after of crown/midscalp comparison, second picture is a zoom (after) of new promising thin hair. The Letters A/B/C/D represent a constellation of known points of reference 🤣, when you have so few hairs, you can do things like this. The lighting makes the new hair appear thicker than it actually is, in reality it's quite thin, however, it's there, and it was not there for years. I keep wondering it this hair has a chance to become "normal" thick hair
  5. Where can I find more info about this claim? The assertion appears dubious to me, given that microneedling's primary goal is to provoke a healing response from the body, possibly increasing collagen production during the process. The tissue is not meant to stay permanently damaged, so I don't see how that tissue would become unsuitable for transplanted hair. Not trying to be combative, merely trying to find the truth before considering dropping microneedling
  6. Hi All, wondering if anyone could offer some insight or has seen similar cases as mine. 35 years old. Been shaving since I was ~22 after noticing loss of temple hair and overall hair loss. For some reason I recently decided to experiment with my hair (or lack of thereof) 75 days ago I started finasteride/minoxydil and microneedling 2 Weeks ago I had a FUE hair transplant into the frontal part. Being pretty much bald, I don't currently plan to grow my hair long, but to have SMP in 6 months time, that, combined with the transplanted hair at the front, would (ideally) provide a more 3d/realistic effect than SMP alone (I plan to cut close to zero). This question is not about the Hair Transplant, but about the fact that many tiny hairs appeared in the mid-scalp area after 75 days of fin/min/microneedling (not much on the frontal area, where I had the hair transplant) I attached a before photo (before meds/ht), an after photo (75 days of meds and 2 weeks after HT), and 2 after-photos zooming on the new hair (the ones after finasteride/minoxydil and microneedling) As you can see the new hair in the mid-scalp area is very very thin, but it's there, and it was not there 75 days ago. What do you think about the chances of the new hair becoming terminal with continued treatment, is that a possibility or is that unlikely and they'd stay fragile like seen in the pics? Wondering if anyone has come across cases similar to mine? The reason I'm asking is because, if the new fragile thin hair in the mid-scalp becomes terminal, that might create enough density to try to grow it, if not, I plan to just cover with SMP and cut close to zero.
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