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Everything posted by Cyzkm

  1. Why hairstyle would you recommend to hide the loss? m concern would be that I end up with a horrid result like this (reddit link removed)
  2. I think my situation is fairly similar to this guy who go a result with 2000 grafts but he had more loss.
  3. How many grafts do you think would be needed to fill in the corners and look dense? More like 1600-2000
  4. As I have read and researched a bit more there are some reasons why I am having some hesitation about a transplant in general unless my situation worsens. 1) It seems like every clinic advertises the best results and that may lead people to unrealistic expectations regarding their procedure. When researching Bloxham I found some great cases but a number which were concerning as well. 2) there are some issues with transplanted hair in terms of density and texture that I was unaware of. A lot of results I see (that aren’t advertised) the density is nowhere close to native hair or what I have right now unless the hair was packed very densely in the corners a transplant might look worse than what I have right now if the hair just appeared thin, versus having some recession surrounded by thick hair. Also, for some people the transplanted hair grows in much frizzier than normal hair at least at first. And the scalp can appear red for close to a year sometimes. I can see why the Turkish approach attracts people because it looks better to pack the grafts more densely but obviously that can lead to issues down the road. Looking at non perfect results makes me think a lot of people would be better off simply getting a system since the visual impact is stronger and immediate but that is another conversation. Certainly systems have their issues as well though, for sure. 3) everyone I saw in the pre surgery pics at the local clinic had less hair than I do right now. I am going to continue to do some consultations and let my hair grow out over the next month or so. At the point I will probably be sure of the extent of the loss that occurred from the fin mishap. Usually I have had a longer hairstyle but I wanted to see how bad the loss was so I got a much shorter haircut than usual. With longer hair it will be easier to conceal the receded temple and in general the look is more youthful, IMO.
  5. Bloxham said you could do either and there are pros and cons to each. I wouldn’t care about a scar since I would wear a piece a million times over before I would shave my head. I lean FUT if the result is more likely to be dense. The density thing is a concern but he always talks about dense packing in his YouTube videos so that was what drew me to him. this is what I told him I was inretested in and he said that because of my similarities to this patient this is exactly what he would recommend. Would cost 8-10k though for a procedure that some would say is not necessary is the only thing. Probably a big larger than the case in the video which Ed used 900 grafts. I think this guy looks way better from the side after the procedure. I got depressed after moving to a city I hated and screwed up with my fin. I was hoping to resolve the issue with a transplant that has grown in decently by the end of the year when I can GTFO here to somewhere I like better. Panine would be a bit cheaper for FUT only 5 dollars a graft. Which would be 5-6k prolly. The we grow hair Indy guy so looks in terms of a number of hairs and not grafts. I felt like he didn’t know what he was talking about and was just trying to sell their marketing terms.
  6. Thanks! Any thoughts on Hader? Personally I would rather do fut if the results are more likely to preserve natural density and it preserves more donor. Why don’t you think I nececessarily need the HT rn?
  7. Thanks! I have a consult with Panine on Monday. what don’t you like about Bloxham? He was very responsive to my emails and gave thought out responses to each question. I think he used to be a mod here? On Reddit I saw people saying he used bad technicians but it’s Reddit so idk.
  8. Does anyone have experience with these doctors and how many grafts are you thinking?
  9. I had been on Finasteride and OM for a while but after being inconsistent with fin during a recent live for 6 weeks I lost a shocking amount of hair in a 2 week period from early to mid Feb. not sure where it is at now. Been back on medicine consistently for 3-4 weeks now but I can still see miniaturizing hairs coming out when I run my hands through my hair, especially in the shower. Will I continue to lose hair or can I expect to regain some of what I have lost? I am looking to get a HT to lower the corners of my hairline. Located in Midwest and considering bloxham, Panine in Chicago, and Nader in Cleveland. I also saw a local clinic called we grow hair Indy but I was skeptical of their marketing techniques. Bloxham quoted 600 grafts per side as a rough estimate for 1200 total. Local clinic said 2000 hairs but they were trying to play up this multi unit grafting procedure and I was skeptical since it kind of sounded like old hair plugs. does anyone have experience with these three doctors? If so who would you recommend? How many grafts would you estimate are necessary? I have attached the hairline design proposed by the consultant from the local clinic. Dry hair in clinic pictures and wet hair in the others.
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