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Everything posted by LeonBlack

  1. That is a concern with pushing the limits…. as stated above time will tell.
  2. incredibly impressive indeed…. but are you concerned about the longevity of the hairs from the outskirts of the dht-resistant safe zone? Is it fair to say we don’t yet know how this approach will go long-term?
  3. I definitely did not plan on getting temple points done when I started my hair transplant journey. I frankly never even realized they had receded so much until I started looking into hair transplants. Still did not think I would want it until I saw how nicely my hairline grew out. face seems so much more naturally framed with them done….before mine shed and entered current ugly duckling phase.
  4. I have had 2 FUT and 1 FUE (all Bloxham, see review post). Thrilled with results of first procedure, early in process of HT 2/3. While I would not rec waiting til you’re as bald as I was…… I wouldn’t rec HT at this early stage. The year-long process of recovery and growth is a pita and unless meds work amazing for you, I’d have concern about perpetually chasing your tail with more procedures. I also would not rec FUT for such as small procedure.
  5. $3.5-4/ graft from an excellent doctor…. that’s pretty good.
  6. Topical minoxidil over 10 years. Finasteride orally caused too much side effects, never tried it topically. Therefore, at this point, on nothing. That last residual midscalp miniaturized hair is gone. No one at Norwood seven in the family so hopefully at this point my lateral humps and crown won’t dip more. Worst case, I still have lots of good unused donor.
  7. thanks, I’m very happy with results thus far. I was 36
  8. Lots of little hairs sprouting and pimples developing just 2 months postop….. much more activity this early on than I expected, especially for a crown (expected 4 months minimum to see anything happening on crown). Hopefully this pace continues!
  9. Yep. I was pretty bald… lots of real estate to cover. That initial small remaining area of miniaturized native hair in my midscalp is gone. So basically slick bald Norwood 6. Take a look at my first post- a small FUE was used for my temples. I didn’t ask how many grafts I still have left in scalp donor, but lots of untouched area if I wanted in future.
  10. Can also just email him with pictures and questions/concerns. I’ve always found him to be very responsive.
  11. I had a change of heart after lots of private messages, asking me more about my initial procedures. So…. f it….here you go. First was FUT on the frontal half around 3800 grafts over a year ago. More recently was 2800 FUT on the back half, followed by the temple points FUE above, three weeks after the second FUT. older donor picture is about six months after first FUT. I don’t have any other scar pictures from first procedure… Will take more from the second. Overall it was 1-3mm all around. The last pictures of donor in this post are six weeks after second FUT, three weeks FUE. Last crown picture is seven weeks out, already seeing some early growth, which is very pleasantly surprising to be seeing starting so soon! Will update as things progress.
  12. Donor and temple at 3 weeks with most native temple hair grown back, full shed, redness improved. Done with hats! wasn't a huge difference in recovery vs fut. biggest thing was no discomfort of leaning on pillow/couch on back of head after a week with staples and shock loss in donor passable without hat at around 3 weeks vs 6 on prior FUT
  13. Thanks! I am very excited to watch this take shape over the next year. I had only seen examples of a few temple point cases from Dr. Bloxham before, but I trust him completely based upon my prior two larger surgeries.
  14. You’re welcome. Thought others would find this interesting. Will do.
  15. Overall the scar looks good. I haven’t put a measuring tape up to it, but I’d say mostly 1-2mm. One small area where it’s slightly more, I’d say 3mm max. Still all hidden well with a 3 guard, which I generally fade to a 1.5 below. For the reasons I put above, I only posted the cropped temple pictures as the focus of this post.
  16. Please see the first paragraph I wrote above. What other details would you like to know? I’m happy to elaborate further.
  17. Long-time lurker. I have been hesitant to post pictures of my prior hair transplants due to being a relatively public figure. I have had two prior large FUT procedures with Dr. Bloxham. Over 7000 grafts total, providing full coverage, as I was Norwood 6. I was very pleased with the results on those and the overall care and experience with Dr. Bloxham and his team. I recently went for the icing on the cake….temple points. This was done with FUE, 350-400 grafts per side. I haven’t seen much FUE or temple points of his on this site, so I thought it would be interesting for others to see. I have cropped the pictures way down to protect anonymity. Attached are direct preop and postop pictures and the donor site one week postop. I will post more as things progress.
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