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Posts posted by anoniem

  1. On 4/30/2024 at 7:56 PM, Melvin- Admin said:

    I have seborrheic dermatitis as well, it doesn’t affect hair growth.

    Hi Melvin, today i was thinking and one question popped up. Did you also experience flaking 1.5 months after your hairtransplant? And it didnt had any bad effect on your transplant? Or did you had it under control before having surgery and no flare ups post operation?

  2. Hi guys, 

    When i had the HT i had one teeth were the nerve was dying. Sometimes it hurted a little bit when i was eating warm or cold food. I didnt pay much attention. Untill last weekend. My face was swollen and it hurted much. That was on a friday. The dentist helped me today with a root canal treatment. I am 5 weeks post op. He told me the nerve was dying for months. Can it affect the hairtransplant (immune system attacking the newly transplanted hairs)? 

  3. Hi guys,

    I have question. I hope you guys can help me :). I want to start oral minoxidil 2mg. It have been 16 days after my hair transplant. For topical minoxidil they recommend to start after one month. Surgeons dont have much experience with the oral form. When is it safe to start?

    Thanks in advance for any responses! 

  4. Hi everybody,

    I have a question. I hope one of you guys will help me out. On the 10th day i removed my scabs after the hairtransplant. Because my scalp has lost sensation i massaged the scabs of too hard i think. I lost a lot of hairs with the scabs. My question is the following. I did a lot of research and what i have readed is the following. Sometimes the scabs fall out with the hairshaft. The grafts itself remains in the head. When i massaged i didnt see any bleeding on my scalp. Does this mean that there is a high probabilty that because of my hard massage i dislodged the hair shaft and not the graft because of the absence of bleeding?

    Thanks in advance for any responses. Highly appreciate it! 

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