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Posts posted by Curious_George

  1. The other thing that bothers me: I'm a diffuse thinner on the top of my scalp.


    So, I read something like this:




    and they are saying that:


    1. A HT on a diffuse thinner will cause shockloss which will lead to loss of native hair. And that this is permanent and an acceleration of MPB.


    2. HT on a diffuse thinner can be a zero sum game.


    So, here I'm at 31, a diffuse thinner looking at a $10k investment (I mention the dollars because it does matter!) and I am reading that hair transplants might not be the best thing for a diffuse thinner till they go bald.


    Is this accurate? Thanks.

  2. Originally posted by Dr. Timothy Carman:



    Probably the easiest thing to do to give you peace of mind is to simply pay for the proscar (about $220.00/yr), rather than having them foot the bill and therefore having any say in the matter at all.


    Dr. Timothy Carman


    But Doc, if I go for Prostrate screening in my 40s and I KNOW I have to declare being on this drug for accurate screening, it will go on my medical history and the insurance companies will know. Right?

  3. Thanks all.


    I have been browsing for a while and while I don't intend on putting a member or a surgeon on the spot, take a look at this guy:




    Yes, he's definitely better off. But he's not satisfied. Are these unrealistic expectations at play or could something better truly have been done?


    The problem with hair surgery are:


    1. They are done on an area that's visible 24/7.

    2. Despite constant talk here of multiple transplants, they are EXPENSIVE!

    3. A transplant that leaves you not completely dissatisfied can make you bitter.


    Btw, I am going to go with Dr.Rahal if I manage to wrestle with my doubts.

  4. Hello folks,


    Everytime I see my depleted, to be bald scalp and crown, I'm convinced I need a HT.


    Then I think:


    1. What if it doesn't come out right?


    2. What if 20 years later the HT makes me look like an un-natural freak?


    3. Are my $10,000 going to be well spent?


    4. Should I try Propecia and Rogaine for 1yr or will that time be just wasted (remember, I desire re-growth since I have depleted scalp)


    5. What if I don't like the results after 6 months-1yr?


    6. Will they come out with something within 2-3 years that would make transplants seem like an obsolete and crude method?


    Guys, are my concerns valid or unfounded? I am so close to picking up the phone and scheduling my surgery but all these doubts hold me back. Have any of you been here?


    I'm 31, probably Norwood 3 Vertex - although I'm not completely bald but very thin. 3000 grafts has been suggested.



  5. Hello folks,


    Everytime I see my depleted, to be bald scalp and crown, I'm convinced I need a HT.


    Then I think:


    1. What if it doesn't come out right?


    2. What if 20 years later the HT makes me look like an un-natural freak?


    3. Are my $10,000 going to be well spent?


    4. Should I try Propecia and Rogaine for 1yr or will that time be just wasted (remember, I desire re-growth since I have depleted scalp)


    5. What if I don't like the results after 6 months-1yr?


    6. Will they come out with something within 2-3 years that would make transplants seem like an obsolete and crude method?


    Guys, are my concerns valid or unfounded? I am so close to picking up the phone and scheduling my surgery but all these doubts hold me back. Have any of you been here?


    I'm 31, probably Norwood 3 Vertex - although I'm not completely bald but very thin. 3000 grafts has been suggested.




    Getting a HT without taking Propecia is VERY risky !


    I assume you mean that the risk is that the non-transplanted hair would still fall off unless Propecia/Proscar is taken?


    If that's the case, then it makes my decision easier - at 31 my hairloss pattern is most likely not finalized and if I do a HT and still have to go on Propecia, maybe I'll just do the latter!

  7. Originally posted by Nxsov180db:

    I am 26 years old. When I was a kid I had the thickest hair anyone had ever seen, barber's used to hate cutting it because it was so damn thick. When I was around 18 the top started thinning and receding. Now my hair is receded very far and the entire top is so thin it almost looks bald but slightly patchy some areas are balder than others. My sides and very back are still super thick but I buzz my head every 3 or 4 days with an electric hair cutter. Anyways I am wondering what I should expect for results if I get surgery. Is this something that could be all done in one shot? It would be ideal to get the whole process done in one shot but I hear of people going back 2-4 times. And I was also wondering how painful it is? And how much should I expect to pay? Also do not know if it matters but I never took any regrowth products except for something (can't remember the name) I took a few years back but only took for a couple months and didn't notice anything.


    I'll be very honest and give you sincere advise:


    1. Join a gym and get lean.


    2. You will look great as you are.


    I truly do not think you need to make a HT investment or go on medication. You'll look great regardless.


    And I'm not gay but this is sincere advice. icon_smile.gif

  8. Originally posted by Dewayne:
    Originally posted by Curious_George:
    Originally posted by HT55:
    Originally posted by Curious_George:

    Ok, I bought 12 pks which is stated to be a 12 month supply for $162.


    Now, I have to decide if I really need to go on Propecia. Talk of prostrate cancer scares me. I'm at risk (for general cancers, not prostrate specifically) person.


    Well the foam will work much better with Propecia. Proscar doesn't cause prostate cancer in fact I believe it helps deter it. The question some have is if you already have prostate cancer some say Proscar can speed up the process.


    Propecia gets a bad enough rap as it is if it caused cancer it would be all over the internet and this forum


    Thanks HT. I will ask Dr. Rahal his opinion on medication effectiveness in my case when I see him.




    1. I read another thread where folks are saying that Proscar+Rogaine is for maintenance of what you have. Can it be expected to produce some/any re-growth?


    2. What kind of regimen: should it be daily, alternate days or what?


    3. What happens when you stop taking Propecia? Lose what you re-gained? No change? Worse than before?






    I'll take a shot at your questions, based on what I think I've learned:


    1. Proscar + Rogaine can grow new hair, according to studies, in up to 60% of patients in trials. More than likely, 1/2 of those experienced good growth. I think most on here just say it'll stop further growth as it will do that almost always, and then count it as a bonus if they have any growth.


    One night on the live chat Dr. Charles said the foam Rogaine was the best for some medical reason. It's meant to be taken 2x per day.


    2. Proscar 5mg is broken into three pieces and taken M-W-F. So, you're taking 1.66 mg. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 30 pills will actually last 90 days.


    3. You lose what you gained, and most likely any hair that was strengthened by the finisteride. But, that hair would have fallen out anyway.



    So, it's $160/yr. for the Rogaine and how much do 30 pills of Proscar cost?


    I'm trying to do a cost forecast per year if I have to resort to this for the next 5-10 years.

  9. Originally posted by HT55:

    Well I have regrown a tremendous amount of hair from Foam and Propecia. I am the guy in the red Shirt in this link and I have had MUCH more growth since this pic was taken and will have new pics up in June with the same angle and lighting as the before pics.


    I cut proscar in 4 pieces and take 1.25 Mg/day and use Nizoral 2% shampoo 3x's a week




    My hair loss is more like the guy in the white tee - the top of the scalp. It looks pretty awful under direct light.


    At the age of 31, I am not sure if I should go in for a HT and invest $10-15,000 in something where I might not achieve true long term benefit (since my hairloss pattern isn't established).


    But *any* medication scares me and do I really want to take the risk of the sexual side effects that they suggest might come with Proscar?


    This hairloss is a curse. Sorry for the rambling.

  10. Originally posted by HT55:
    Originally posted by Curious_George:

    Ok, I bought 12 pks which is stated to be a 12 month supply for $162.


    Now, I have to decide if I really need to go on Propecia. Talk of prostrate cancer scares me. I'm at risk (for general cancers, not prostrate specifically) person.


    Well the foam will work much better with Propecia. Proscar doesn't cause prostate cancer in fact I believe it helps deter it. The question some have is if you already have prostate cancer some say Proscar can speed up the process.


    Propecia gets a bad enough rap as it is if it caused cancer it would be all over the internet and this forum


    Thanks HT. I will ask Dr. Rahal his opinion on medication effectiveness in my case when I see him.




    1. I read another thread where folks are saying that Proscar+Rogaine is for maintenance of what you have. Can it be expected to produce some/any re-growth?


    2. What kind of regimen: should it be daily, alternate days or what?


    3. What happens when you stop taking Propecia? Lose what you re-gained? No change? Worse than before?



  11. Originally posted by HT55:
    Originally posted by macd:

    Hi, this is my first time on this forum. Just found this site by chance. Can anyone recommend a treatment which the majority of you out there can agree will work (i know treatments vary from person to person). I am going thin on my crown and also receeding hairline.

    I have read stories about finestride affecting sex lives and that would be a risk i am not prepared to take. So which are the best topical treatments and shampoos / programs to use.


    I would appreciate all advice given my way...


    It's kind of sad you are going to let a few peopl scare you away from Finasteride. If you have problems you can always lowere the dose or quit. It seems rogaine foam combined with Propecia works very well


    HT55 - you're the guy in Jenna's pictures, right?


    Two things scare me from Propecia:


    1. If I ever have to stop (say money problems), will my hairloss get worse than the day I first started?


    2. Cancer risks.

  12. Hello Bill,


    My first question was to determine if any of the recommended surgeons (Dr. Rahal in my case, I live in Toronto) would see someone knowing that the person isn't going to go for HT surgery. And would they write me a prescription while assessing and providing their opinion on whether medication would help my particular case.


    Thanks for the pricing info. icon_smile.gif

  13. Hi,


    I'm 30 and I think I should try Propecia+Rogaine before I consider HT. Questions:


    1. Can I see one of the surgeons recommended here towards that end only?


    2. What is the avg. monthly cost of Propecia and Rogaine?


    3. How long should I wait after starting to come to a conclusion?


    My hairloss is along the temples (I'm ok with that more or less) and in the middle of the head and going to the crown. It's the middle that looks real bad.


    I don't want to spend $10,000 right now when I'm 30 and my long term hair loss pattern isn't established.



  14. Hi,


    I'm 30 and I think I should try Propecia+Rogaine before I consider HT. Questions:


    1. Can I see one of the surgeons recommended here towards that end only?


    2. What is the avg. monthly cost of Propecia and Rogaine?


    3. How long should I wait after starting to come to a conclusion?


    My hairloss is along the temples (I'm ok with that more or less) and in the middle of the head and going to the crown. It's the middle that looks real bad.


    I don't want to spend $10,000 right now when I'm 30 and my long term hair loss pattern isn't established.



  15. Originally posted by josh - b:


    take a step back. Reading your last comments i would say that you are nowhere near ready for surgery.


    Thanks guys.


    My problem is:


    1. I'm not bald but extremely thin on my mid scalp. Cosmetically, I am not at all happy with how my head looks.


    2. My window of opportunity is closing fast - if I have the procedure done now, within 6 months I'll have growth and nobody will know.


    3. But then, who knows how it will be over the rest of my life - I'll probably lose more hair. Will I want to invest more money then? If I don't, will I look worse than if I never did the procedure? Will I regret doing the procedure in the first place?


    4. On the flip side, if I go on meds, it may or may not work. But I think if it does work; I wouldn't need surgery.


    Guys - I'm 30 and single in a big city. Being thin haired is a punishment. From my perspective, I want this problem solved ASAP but I don't want to do surgery either.


    Btw, I did a lot of reading here..Bill's blog on hairloss..the FAQs and all that information is very very helpful. I had no idea about any of this stuff when I first starting reading 2-3 weeks ago.


    I don't want to post pictures, could I email them to you Bill?

  16. Good decision to go to Ottawa. You owe us big time for convincing you. icon_smile.gif
    Let's see - I'm still nervous about this whole thing. Cosmetic surgery and the potential for being left dissatisfied with results (or worse) makes me quite nervous.


    Plus, I'm only 30 and I don't want to keep doing this procedure again and again in my life. Who knows how my hair loss will progress, right?

  17. Thanks for the reply.


    But this raises some questions in my mind:


    1. Was there some incident or customer complaint that Dr. Cotterill's recommendation was revoked?


    2. Are these recommendations made in return for some kind of payment/reimbursement? I couldn't find any disclosure on that topic on this website.


    I've done by reading and I see very good recommendations for Dr. Rahal. However, and not to take anything away from him, I am open to exploring other options as well.


    I specifically asked about Dr.Cotterill since he was President, ISHRS and seems to have a very good medical background.



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