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Everything posted by Nikko

  1. Hey man, thank you for the kind and well thought out reply! Like i already said, i pretty much agree with all the things you said on a rational level. I just don't want to subject myself to this any longer. I actually already shaved my head a year ago, even though i toom finasteride since even a year before that. I did that in the knowledge that i would be less attractive and i must say that it's pretty comfortable having no hair to worry about. It is just that i need the hair in order to get a partner and to someday make a family, which is my "ultimate" goal. I know what you are going to say, that i don't need hair for that and bla bla bla. However, through observations of my surroundings, the things women say and prove to do time and time again, countless of studies and even things my friends told me i have got absolutely no reason to believe that i have any chance whatsoever as a balding 20 year old in the dating "market". I don't want to justify my position, i just want to explain why i feel the necessity to do it now and to not keep waiting. I will be doing absolutely everything in my power in order to keep the hair loss from progressing, to ensure at a least not a total disaster post surgery. Here are also a few pics of my hair
  2. Hey all, A few days ago i posted about which Surgeon would be the very best for restoring my hairline and temples, however because i am 20 years old i was basically rejected for even considering surgery. I have been on finasteride without any side effects (except mild gyno) for around 2 years, i plan on switching to dutasteride soon and i have lost basically zero ground since i started taking fin. Tbh i don't really get the necessity of waiting for ages if i stop my hair loss with meds when i know that i will continue taking them. Now, the problem with waiting for me is that i am fricking 20 years old and i want to look like it. I spoke to Dr. Mwamba and he told me that it would be okay because i am commited to staying on medication, which i am. I have been scouting this site for good surgeons and have found a few good ones that i feel like i could trust. I particularly like Laorwong's work but i kind of have a bad feeling travelling to Thailand for a HT, because of the lack of security i will have there should something go wrong. I was obviously also considering Dr. Mwamba, however i have read that he seems to have had a few bad results on here recently even though generally he is very well respected. I have been also looking into Pekiner, Bicer, Gur and Turan but i feel like i have not reviewed their work exhaustively enough yet though. Basically, it would be great if i could be hooked up with some sort coordinator who could specifically guide me, which doctor would be best for me and so on. Again, i get that it's smarter to wait to make sure how the hair loss progresses and all that, but this situation has been torturing me mentally for 3 years and i don't think i can hold out for much longer if i don't change anything about this.
  3. Well, i have been working full time since i finished school last year to fund the transplant. I also still live at my dads house and he luckily lets me live for free because he knows that i want to do the surgery.
  4. I get all that, but i had a video consultation with Dr. Mwamba and told him that i have been on fin 1mg daily for 2 years and that my hair loss has stabilized and he said that it would be okay and they could go ahead with the procedure. Also, no offense, but i don't understand what the point in waiting would be, i need the transplant now to look as young as i should look at my age. Of course, i know that if my hair loss progresses after the procedure then my hair will look horrendous, however i am more than willing to be on medication for the rest of my life to prevent that from happening.
  5. I don't know if the question was asked once here already but i still wanted to get an answer nonetheless. Who is the best Doctor at restoring the Hairline and Temples? For your information i am 20 years old (i know that that is very young for a Transplant) and a NW2/3. I have been taking finasteride for 2 years and my hair loss seems to have stabilized. I am definitely willing to spend a little more money to do the transplant correct the first time. I looked into Dr. Mwamba because i have heard that he is amongst the best Hair Transplant Doctors, however he seems to have a Reputation for repairing botched Patients and not really for new Patients and he has seemingly had a few bad cases recently in regards to Density. Basically i would like to have a list of Doctors to consider, they could also be a little cheaper if their work is good, however if you could include a mix of both cheaper and pricier doctors that would be great. I just don't really want to gamble on Surgery when i am so vulnerable in this situation, doing the procedure so young.
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