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Everything posted by Maistro

  1. @mustang how are you, have you ever had side effects on DUT mesotherapy repectively patients from you? does it goes systemic or not? thx
  2. @PelazoVenAMi are your really sure in the injection is also minoxidil? can you ask what exactly is in it, incl. vitamins etc. to get a complete list also what is the injection depth? have you ever considered stoping DUT orally? What do you think has caused the significant hair improvement -> only when you started with the mesotherapy or also DUT orally alone or mainly DUT orally? please many thanks
  3. @PelazoVenAMi congrats very good progress. Are you spanish or perhaps in Mexico (given the pictures, months naming)? Im in Mexico and considering getting Meso Therapy DUT too. Did you do the meso in the beginning weekly or monthly? for how long until you did a first bigger break? But Im still a bit skeptical about side effects even if its injected if it goes systemic... @12345 or anyone following this threads and has more experience with injection and side effects? Because I had side effects with oral intake. Also my doctor recommended me minoxidil oral, also there Im a bit worried about side effects (lipido/erectile) thanks
  4. any other experience reports from people who do mesotherapy with dutasteride regarding side effects and whether it works systemically?
  5. @Eli_Avdikian many thanks for your reply. There are more and more reports that also Minoxidil can interfere with sexual health: see here: https://www.hims.com/blog/minoxidil-side-effects-sexually https://scandinavianbiolabs.com/blogs/journal/what-are-the-minoxidil-side-effects-sexually https://cabinethealth.com/blogs/journal/understanding-the-sexual-side-effects-of-minoxidil
  6. Hello everyone, I am 33 years old and have had HA since I was 21. When I was in my mid-twenties, I took finasteride orally for almost a year and had erectile dysfunction as a result, so I stopped it because lipido is more important to me than hair on my head. I then decided to have hair transplant 2 years ago. Everything went well, but unfortunately the hair loss of the "old hair" is progressing very quickly. That's why I want to do something about it and I'm thinking about taking minoxidil orally plus mesotherapy dutasteride (1x/month for half a hair then every 3 months -). I am in Mexico and all this is allowed there. Now my concerns: 1)if dutasteride is injected into the scalp and for it to really work, doesn't it have to be absorbed into the bloodstream anyway? And that would make me susceptible to side effects. The doctor in Mexico says it "only works locally at the hair roots" and therefore it should have hardly any side effects. I'm skeptical about this, the needle is inserted into the skin layer -> does it only stay in the skin layer and not enter the bloodstream? who knows about them? There are also natural DHT blockers such as saw palmetto. But again, my understanding is that as long as an agent (whether natural or pharmaceutical) really works, then it is absorbed into the bloodstream and ergo there is also the possibility of side effects as DHT blocking does not go down well with all people/bodies. And then it doesn't matter whether it is saw palmetto or finasteride. In my opinion, the fact that saw palmetto normally has no side effects is only due to the fact that it is not as potent as e.g. finasteride or Duatasteride... 2) Oral minoxidil --> there are now also reports that erection problems can occur with minoxidil. I think it has a stronger effect when taken orally than topically and that is why I am also unsure here (topical is unfortunately not an option for me -> as it causes dandruff and is not suitable for everyday use) other treatments they offer: -AAPE - Advanced Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Protein Extract: It contains hundreds of growth factors and proteins. Maximizes the revitalizing effects of your skin and hair follicles. -Exosomes - which are extracellular vesicles involved in cell communication, homeostasis, differentiation, and organogenesis, have been shown to play a central role in hair morphogenesis and regeneration with potential for use as alopecia treatment. many thanks
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