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  1. Thanks for your response. I hope there is a bit more growth in next few months. But it is not what i was hoping for.
  2. Thanks. I see some spots of hairs that may grow but who knows. Its been 11 months so i think this is close to final. I hope the crown sees a bit more thickening. In bright light its a lot of skin but in some settings it looks okay
  3. Hi. A few updates with pics. Seems some growth is coming in. Also i was wrong the previous pics were month 9. Posted below are months 10 and 10.5. Seems there are some areas that are yet to grow. Let me know your thoughts
  4. I found a picture a few days after the procedure, see attached Hopefully the hair grows in at 10 months has all the hair come out of the skin, but it just needs to thicken/darken or do some people still get hair coming out post 10 months? Thank you for your responses and feedback
  5. Thanks for all the replies. I had heard the crown takes more time but when I see some videos on YouTube or TikTok everyone seems completely regrown at 10 months, so my result feels discouraging. It’s hard to find pics online that shows crown growth by month. I lost my pictures immediately post procedure so I posted my one month above. I’m still in touch with the clinic on post op expectations, so I will share the name of it soon, but its a well known clinic in Istanbul.
  6. Hi I wanted to see if I am on track, having slow growth, or a failed/poor hair transplant possibly. I received my transplant in Turkey in March 2023, so been about 10 months. I feel like things have been growing very slow in the crown. Most of my transplant was in the crown. In total I had 4500 grafts planted between hairline, vertex and crown. I still see major patches and bald spots in the crown area. Attached are pictures, I look forward to any feedback or advice. Some of the 10 month pictures I’m showing you show reasonable coverage at the right angles. But I also show a bright light picture zoomed in you can see there are big bald spots. I still have major scalp showing from the crown. Do you think there are still hairs that will come out? Is this a close to final look or should I expect more progress from here? I am using minoxidil, finasteride spray daily. Also dermatology once a week (have been doing that for the past 6 weeks). 1 month after procedure 2 months after procedure: 10 months after procedure Close up 10 months after procedure
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