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Posts posted by Urschwob

  1. 1 hour ago, Ccd99 said:

    Was für ein fantastisches Ergebnis! Narben sind selbst bei dieser Länge kaum sichtbar, Sie haben kaum einen Unterschied in der Pigmentierung (Glück gehabt!) 

    In this picture they are comparatively easy to see because I took the picture in close range under very bright bathroom light. In reality you can't see the scars at all, or only if you get really close and are an "expert"!

  2. My transplant was exactly 5 1/2 months ago (168 days or 24 weeks)

    The pictures speak for themselves.

    The hairline is extremely thick and looks very natural. So you definitely can't tell it's a hair transplant!

    The receding hairline is not as thick in comparison, according to Dr. Keser it's only halfway through and so I'm just hoping that something will happen.

    I actually wanted to let my hair grow and so I asked if I could use hair gel. However, Dr. Keser advised me not to put anything in my hair for the next six months, so I went to the hairdresser again and will probably keep this short cut for the next six months.

    I haven't changed my "medication".








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  3. 7 hours ago, SebastianFromChi said:

    Wiedervereinigung nach 5 Monaten. Was ist los Mann. Es ist Sebastian. Ihre Fortschritte sehen wahnsinnig gut aus und Sie haben seit dem letzten Beitrag einen ganzen zusätzlichen Monat Wachstum hinter sich, ich kann es also kaum erwarten, zu sehen, wie es aussieht. Meines war auch schön, würde ich sagen. Obwohl uns bis zum Endergebnis noch jede Menge Zeit bleibt, bin ich sehr gespannt, wie es bei uns beiden ausgeht. Schauen Sie sich meine Fortschritte an. Füge mich übrigens auf WhatsApp hinzu.IMG_9939.thumb.jpeg.3bc9925007776a8c23534b899c366395.jpegIMG_9938.thumb.jpeg.f903174c9d1d7e9f16ac69de02f9ebef.jpegIMG_9940.thumb.jpeg.9c7748209fd0bf242b629bedde5acaf5.jpegMan, I'm so happy to hear from you. I also sent you a private message on this platform.

    Your hair looks amazing! I'd even say it's thicker and better than mine! Perfect! Yes, I'll add new pictures later today! I'm looking forward to any comments!


  4. I had the transplant exactly 4 months ago (119 days or 17 weeks).

    I would describe the current status as very good. People who have seen me shortly after the transplant are now very impressed and strangers don't realize that I had a transplant!

    I get a lot of compliments from people around me.

    My result is particularly popular in the family, as we have the opportunity to compare my transplant with my cousins' (Istanbul) transplants. I have to say, you can really see a huge difference in the donor area and the recipient area.

    My brother has cancelled his operation in Istanbul and is now saving up for treatment with Dr. Keser.

    As you can see from the pictures, there are still a few gaps, but I can see very short hairs there, these are probably a few latecomers, I hope to see growth here in the next few weeks. The transplants are very thick and dark, which I really like.

    I've heard that they "regress" over time and adapt to the other hair. The new hair is not yet fully integrated into the old hair. But only I can tell because I know it.

    Tonight I'm going to cut my hair for the last time and then I'll let it grow.

    So I won't go to the Barber for another 4-5 weeks.

    I haven't changed my medication!

    I still have a bottle of Alpecin caffeine left and am thinking about massaging it into my hair. But I'm not sure. I'm afraid to disturb the actual growing!

    Over the last two months I've had a few pimples and red spots in the donor area, which was very irritating and uncomfortable. But it quickly went away.

    Two weeks ago I got sunburn in the recipient area because I was in the sun too long. I contacted Dr. Keser and he said I didn't have to worry.

    Other than that I'm really very happy. I keep getting compliments from colleagues and friends.

    When I consider that my transplants can theoretically continue to thrive for another six months, I'm really very happy.

    What has stuck in my mind over the last few months, however, is the fact that you shouldn't cut corners in the wrong places. As the German saying goes: "If you buy cheap, you buy twice". But a transplant isn't like a cheap electrical appliance - you can't just replace the grafts that have been removed!

    As always, the pictures were taken under very bright bathroom light.










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  5. The last day of the transplant was exactly 12 weeks ago. Attached are the most recent pictures. In the last 10 days I have had a lot of growth, really noticeably strong growth where the hair was noticeably thicker!

    I was thinking about doing a PRP treatment, but I'm now deciding against it after Dr. Keser told me “I think that doesn't work”. This statement also corresponds to the experiences of others that I have read on various forums over several days. My cousins swear by it, but since my growth is currently progressing well, I don't need it and I don't have clear scientific confirmation of it!

    The redness is still there. Basically the biggest problem with my transplantation! There are still occasional pimples in the donor area, but not too bad.

    I shorten my hair to 2 millimeters every 10 days. I am of the opinion that this makes the transplanted area less visible.

    As of today I no longer use baby shampoo, I have now switched to children's shampoo. In terms of ingredients, the only difference between the two shampoos is yeast, which was not contained in the baby shampoo.








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  6. 10 hours ago, the_confused_guy said:

    Vielen Dank an alle für Ihre wertvollen Kommentare und Erkenntnisse. Ich weiß den Input wirklich zu schätzen.

    Nach sorgfältiger Prüfung der Antworten habe ich folgende Entscheidungen getroffen:

    1. Ich habe mich für das VIP-Paket entschieden, vor allem wegen der zusätzlichen Sicherheit, die es bietet. Darüber hinaus beeinflusste die Verfügbarkeit eines früheren Termins für das VIP-Paket meine Wahl.

    2. Aus Bequemlichkeitsgründen und um möglichen Ärger zu vermeiden, habe ich beschlossen, für die Reise in die Türkei Bargeld mitzunehmen. Dadurch entfällt die Suche nach dem richtigen Geldautomaten und die Möglichkeit, dass bei Verwendung meiner Karte ein Zuschlag von 21 % anfällt. Es ist immer am besten, auf Nummer sicher zu gehen.

    3. Angesichts der begrenzten Möglichkeiten für Direktflüge von der Türkei nach Kanada zögere ich, unmittelbar nach meiner Operation auf einen Anschlussflug zu warten. Daher denke ich darüber nach, nach der Operation noch eine Woche in der Türkei zu bleiben, bevor ich nach Kanada zurückfliege. Diese zusätzliche Zeit wird hoffentlich zu einer gewissenhaften Verbesserung der Rötung führen, insbesondere angesichts meines braunen Hauttons. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht mir dieser Plan, mich an die Empfehlung zu halten, während der entscheidenden Erholungsphase auf das Tragen einer Kopfbedeckung zu verzichten.

    Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre unschätzbare Anleitung.

    I can also recommend that you do the cash thing, I did exactly that. You shouldn't worry about being seen with an HT on the Turkish streets or at Turkish airports. The Turks are used to it! On my return journey from Ankara to Stuttgart, I saw three people with an HT at the airport and there was another person with an HT on my plane. But if you don't want that, then I think that spending 4-5 days in Turkey is a good idea, then at least you would have scabs on the return journey and would be completely inconspicuous.

    What I would definitely recommend is that you book the last row by the window on the plane. So there is no risk of someone touching your head as you walk past or a passenger behind you grabbing your head as he is trying to get out of his chair.

  7. Don't save in the wrong place. My cousins all have to do a HT again this year because they wanted to save money. There's a saying in Germany: "If you buy cheap, you buy twice"! Doesn't matter who it is, but let the doc do the whole job! I was at Keser and at the moment it feels like the right decision! Tomorrow you can see new pictures in my report. Keser's results speak for themselves. That's why I was able to convince my brother to save money for another three years so that he could then afford Keser. I would also recommend a HT in December or winter, because a) you don't have the sweating problem like in the summer and it's easier to keep the head clean and b) you could easily hide your operation with a hat!

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  8. On 14.9.2022 at 09:01, Alexx said:

        Hallo ihr Lieben,

       Ich nutze die Gelegenheit, um allen Ärzten und den Leuten zu danken, die mir die vorherigen Nachrichten in diesem Forum geschickt haben. Es hat wirklich geholfen.

        Ich komme mit Updates zurück. Ich habe einen Haarchirurgen in der Nähe meines Wohnsitzes in meinem Land (Rumänien – Osteuropa) aufgesucht und endlich verstanden, wo das Problem liegt.

        Ich habe 10 „vergrabene“ Transplantate im tauben Bereich (auf den Bildern oben grün) an meinem Kopf und deshalb habe ich diese anhaltende Entzündung und das klumpige Aussehen in diesem Bereich. Der Arzt sagte mir, dass sich auf keinem dieser vergrabenen Transplantate Zysten befänden, dies aber in Zukunft überprüft werden müsse. Ich erhielt eine Behandlung mit Antibiotika und einer entzündungshemmenden Creme (ähnlich wie bei der vorherigen). Abgesehen von diesem Problem scheint der Rest in Ordnung zu sein (die transplantierten Haare begannen zu wachsen!) und er blickt optimistisch in die Zukunft, da die Entzündung nachlassen sollte. Ich werde nach einem Monat noch einmal zur Kontrolle gehen.

        Leider habe ich aufgrund von Stress vergessen, ihm einige grundlegende Fragen zu stellen, und ich bitte die großartige Community von hier, mich in einigen dieser Aspekte aufzuklären:


     1. Halten Sie diese 10 vergrabenen Transplantate für einen möglichen Fehler des Chirurgen?


     2. Wie oft passiert das bei Haartransplantationen und ist das normal?


     3. Was sind die möglichen zukünftigen Komplikationen aufgrund meiner zehn vergrabenen Transplantate und welche anderen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen sollte ich treffen?



    Hello Alex, Is there any news about this? How did that develop?

     How did you solve the problem?


  9. 4 minutes ago, Britanium said:

    Ich finde@Spring15Ich hatte dort ein Problem mit der automatischen Korrektur und schrieb gut und nicht eklig.

    Für 2,5 Monate sieht es natürlich gut aus. Er ist ein guter Kerl und würde ihn nicht hassen. 

    That's what I thought, everything's okay😉 In this forum it's still social, you have to see the posts in the German forum that unfortunately drift into anti-social when there are differences of opinion...that is gross!

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  10. It is now exactly 56 days (8 weeks) since my HT.

    The redness is still clearly visible. Still bothers me. Luckily, I am 1.85m and therefore taller than most of the people around me.

    New hair has definitely grown, for example a "widow's peak" can now be seen at the front. My hair no longer falls out in the recipient area in general or while showering.

    Yesterday I cut my own hair. I set the hair clipper to a length of 2 millimeters and shaved my entire head, including the reception area. You can actually see the donor area under very bright light and close inspection, but I think only if you know about the HT. In the future I would use 3-4 millimeters, then you won't see anything. I have also decided to definitely stick to the 3-4mm shaves until May, so I will shave my head regularly because it simply looks neater and more aesthetic.

    I pierce the very purulent pimples with a disinfected needle and push the pus out with the needle. Afterwards I always take a shower immediately with baby shampoo.

    I actually only want to shower every 2-3 days so as not to disturb the skin flora (on my head) and not to impair regeneration, but the recipient area always feels so sweaty and greasy, which is why I shower almost every day.

    The numbness slowly fades and itching and pimple formation in the donor area is very rare.

    I also often feel a "tingling" sensation on my head...I associate this more with the anesthesia wearing off and not with hair growth.

    I haven't changed anything about my medication (see pictures):

    In the morning left side: Dekristol Vitamin D, Mivolis Haar Vital Komolex, Dynavit Biotin

    In the evening, right side: Aspirin Protect, Mivolis Biotin

    Fun fact: I will probably be taking these medications for 6 months, I can't say whether they will help with growth, but the medications have actually made my skin better...at least 🙂











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  11. Well, first of all, the medication has a negative effect on the little junior in the pants... I would advise against that. I have had very good experiences with biotin (2x 5mg a day).

    The doctors already mentioned here are not the cheapest.

    I therefore strongly recommend that you read everything you can here in the forum over the next 12 months and, above all, check the pictures in which the patients had similar conditions to you! You'll also save a little more money during this time!

    What I wouldn't recommend to you are the mass clinics in Istanbul.

    But really take the time and read the reports, so do it once and do it correctly!

  12. 6 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:

    Ihre Fortschritte sind bemerkenswert und Dr. Keser ist ein hervorragender Arzt. Sie befinden sich gerade in der schlimmsten Phase Ihrer Transplantationsreise, also bleiben Sie bitte ruhig und vertrauen Sie dem Prozess. Positiv zu vermerken ist, dass sich Ihr Spender schnell erholt hat. Das Taubheitsgefühl kann noch einige Monate anhalten, lässt aber allmählich nach. Nach meiner Erfahrung kann die vollständige Heilung etwa 6 Monate dauern, in kleineren Fällen möglicherweise auch länger. Machen Sie sich also keine Sorgen, es ist ein natürlicher Teil des Genesungsprozesses.

    Bei einer Haartransplantation ist es wichtig, die verschiedenen Phasen zu kennen. Zunächst gibt es innerhalb der ersten drei Monate eine Haarausfallphase, in der die transplantierten Haare ausfallen. Anschließend beginnt eine allmähliche Wachstumsphase, die durch das Sprießen neuer Haare gekennzeichnet ist. Während dieser Wachstumsphase kann es zu ungleichmäßigen Wachstumsraten kommen, wobei eine Seite schneller wächst als die andere. Es kann Monate mit spürbarem Wachstum und andere mit langsamerem Wachstum oder sogar Flecken ohne Wachstum geben, die ein fleckiges Erscheinungsbild erzeugen. Manchmal braucht der Spender mehr Zeit, um vollständig zu heilen und gleichmäßig auszusehen, was zu einem von Motten zerfressenen, fleckigen Aussehen des Spenders führt.

    Es können Taubheitsgefühle und Beschwerden auftreten, die etwa 6 Monate oder länger anhalten, es kann einige Monate lang zu Rötungen kommen, es kann zu Pickeln kommen, und all diese Probleme sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der langen Reise.

    Der Schlüssel ist Geduld und Vertrauen in den Prozess. Nach etwa 12 Monaten sitzt alles an seinem Platz und das Ergebnis ist eine gut vermengte und natürlich aussehende Haarpracht. Es ist ein langer Weg, aber Geduld ist der Schlüssel zu einem erfolgreichen Ergebnis.

    Ich hoffe, das hilft Ihnen, ab und zu Ihre Nerven zu beruhigen. Viel Spaß beim Wachsen und aktualisiere weiter, Bruder.

    Thank you for the constructive feedback👌

    Yes, I will continue to make regular updates because, as a layman, I benefited greatly from such reports before my HT and especially from feedback like the one you have given me!

  13. The treatment was now exactly 6 weeks ago. My head is actually even more numb!The redness is still there and is really annoying me. My friend says that you can't recognize them if you don't know anything about them. But I feel like some days the redness is even worse than usual.

    I have more and more frequent pimples in the transplanted area. I actually don't touch them unless they appear on the front page so that the people I'm talking to can see them straight away. That would be very uncomfortable for me. That's why I carefully pierce the front of the pimple with a disinfected needle and use the side of the needle to push the pus out without much pressure. Apparently this works quite well, because after two days there is hardly anything left.

    My donor area itches badly. I then make circular movements with the palm of my hand in these areas, so the itching goes away very quickly. I don't want to and shouldn't scratch there with my fingernails. But after these circular movements I often have a lot of hair in the palm of my hand. This happens every 3 days. Even if it's "only" in the donor area, it still shocks me every time. As a result, I don't have any bald spots now. 

    I continue to only shower every 2-3 days and then only with baby shampoo. I hardly lose any hair when I shower, so I literally have to look for hair.

    In general, I hardly lose any hair in the transplanted area. I know it's only the 6th week, but I hope that the shedding phase is over and the hair will grow back soon. Would be a dream!

    In the morning before work I swallow 1 tablet of 5 mg biotin, 1 capsule of Mivolis hair vitality complex and 1 tablet of 1000ie vitamin D.

    In the evening I swallow 1 tablet of 100mg Aspirin Protect (Protect because I have stomach problems) and 1 tablet of 5mg Biotin.

    I'll avoid alcohol and football games for another 6 weeks until mid-March... otherwise I'll eat normally, sometimes even eating too much sweets.

    Every two weeks I go to the hairdresser and have everything trimmed to 3mm. The donor area just looks very, very good, you can't see any signs of HT! I'm so happy about this because I always wear my sides short! So if my hair doesn't grow properly or well, I can also wear my hair short. For this, many thanks again to Dr. Keser and his team! I will take photos of it after the next visit.

    Here are the most recent pictures taken under very bright bathroom lights.

    I have attached a photo where you can see a red arrow. This looks like an ingrown hair. I'm thinking about using the needle to take the hair out, but I don't dare.





  14. The last treatment was exactly 4 weeks ago. If you zoom in to the pictures, you can see new hair. It seems to me as if everything is happening very quickly for me. So the thing with the crusts that were gone after 5 days and the "Ugly Duckling" phase that was already very advanced after 3 weeks. The doctor's explanation said that 10% to 90% of the hair will fall out during this phase. How do you get the 10%?I

    In no report or forum have I ever seen pictures of someone "losing" only 50 percent of their hair, let alone just 10 percent!

    Since the HT I have swallowed 5mg biotin twice a day and 1000iU Vitamin D once a day and nothing else!

    My colleague recommended that I take 100 mg of aspirin a day, but I have chronic stomach problems and no longer want to take the risk.

    Dr. Keser recommended Fin, but the side effects are too severe for me, so no chance!

    As always, the pictures were taken under very bright light.






  15. The last transplant (front left side on the last day of treatment) was now exactly 23 days ago.

    The loss of my transplants started exactly a week ago, 2 weeks after the transplant. Actually 1 week too early, but on the other hand the hair grows back a week earlier...at least that's what I hope.

    While showering (with baby shampoo) I have a lot of hair in my hand.

    Yesterday I went to the barbershop for the first time, after exactly 3 weeks.

    Dr. Keser told me that I can cut the donor area with a machine or scissors once the wounds have healed. However, only cut the transplanted area after four weeks, and then only with scissors! Under no circumstances should you use razor blades on your head!

    I shortened the sides to 3mm. My barbers were positively shocked by the donor area. They said that if you didn't know, you wouldn't be able to tell that there was a transplant in this area just by looking!

    They also praised the tightness of my transplants. I have to mention that two of the barbers themselves had a transplant in Istanbul.

    This phase is bothering me, especially this week at work in the office. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I honestly have to admit that! To make it go away quickly, I take 10 mg of biotin (2x 5 mg) a day.

    Attached are pictures under very bright bathroom lights.
















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