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Everything posted by Aogl

  1. I have come to the conclusion that I must have a clinic that takes beard hair to mix in with the scalp hair for maximum coverage. To me Eugenix looks good but that is also the only good clinic I have come cross that will mix the HT with grafts from the beard. Im also really hoping that the minoxidil and finasterid will improve the donor area so more grafts can be extracted. Would you think this is a resonable hope?
  2. Oral minoxidil is not avalible in Sweden, but I use regular topical minoxidil.
  3. Wont Finasterid in a years time maybe change it so I becom a better candidate for HT?
  4. I would defently choose ther more premium doctors, the price difference is not that extrem in perspectiv to the importance and finality of the procedeur. Them doing beard grafts makes a huge difference for me as I got some beard I dont mind sharing
  5. They told me a Dr hade assesed and that they have many cases like mine that they have done befor. Someone here recomended them and I have seen them recomended befor. Anyway I will wait 1 year for the finasterid to have an effect, Im hoping that will let me harvest more then 2500 aswell
  6. Eugenix. I feel comfortably with there evaluation beeing only from photos so I dobnt know its not 100% befor meeting for IRL evaluation. But 3500 scalp and beard total is there guess.
  7. Thank you all for replying. I have gottin in contact with a clinic, one listed above as a good chioice, and they feel comfident that they can do 2500 grafts from my donor and 1500 from my beard. My question to you all is of cource what do you think that 3,500 would do for me?
  8. Are you basing that on a vision of full head of hair? I do feel ok with something that covers the main part of the scalp and that can be sparse
  9. Yeh, I have gotten alot of offers from clinics saying 2000-2500 grafts for the front of my head is doable but I have gotten a feeling that some of them want to sell me on the procidiure like a pitch. All in all I would be fine with a hairstyle like a NW 3-3,5 or the like.
  10. He bumped it to 9 as of right now looking at his website. Would a good respons to finasterid changes this, maybe that and the option of taking beard hairs could give me hope for the future.
  11. Thanks for replying. Im sorry to hear this but m hoping the finasterid will changes the equation for me. Also im pretty conservative, im willing to accept a bald crown, just wanting to have some kind of hairstyle on top and pretty fine with it beeing sparse. Altho not at all fine with Zarev´s prices lol. 9EUR/graft is alot
  12. Thanks for replying. Dr Zarev is closest to me but his prices was monsterous coming in at 9 EUR/USD per graft, that would be like two years salery for the procedior of say 5k grafts. Cant realy afford that tbh..
  13. Hello, I have been in contact with different HT-cliniks here in Sweden and gotten different awnsers as to what can be done with my hair situation.So I wanted to hear what peopel in here think.I started Finasterid like six weeks ago hoping to strenghten the donor area and reverse the thinning crown dipping down into the donor. So, do you guys believe that HT can work for me or is it a lost case?I can add that there is a number of beard hairs to that I could part with but no clinic in Sweden does that. Only avalable tretment here is regular FUE. I can live with a bald crown, mainly want to get something that poses as a hairstyle to cover upp the two first thirds of the head and frame the face. Thanks for any reply!
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