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Everything posted by Dragonsphere

  1. This would be the most pertinent experiment as it would confirm it Verteporfin would result in unlimited donor hair. Lets be extremely pessimistic for a minute and say the 0.4 dose patient was an extremely good responder and the average regeneration rate is around 20%. If you could do revision in the the areas void of growth and that 20% regeneration rate is consistent, this would still result in a unlimited donor area. It would likely mean multiple rounds of revision spread across several years but still, unlimited grafts.
  2. Without Dr Barghouthi's initial experiment the surrounding hype would not exist. There would be no upcoming trials, no existing trials and we would all likely be awaiting news on whatever the next Topical AA is. There is a very possible chance that we are on the verge of a cure and it's down to the the efforts of several people on this forum, primarily the aforementioned Doctor. Unless you were one of the original backers who donated a substantial amount to fund this trial, then you can hardly complain if feedback isn't as expeditious as you would like it to be. If Dr Barghouthi wants to be assiduous to ensure this test is done in the best possible way and mitigate any chance of failure, that is entirely his prerogative. It also makes complete sense and we should prefer it so.
  3. Hi Melvin, thanks again for your continued effort with this endeavour. It was interesting how he mentioned using grants. Is there no way the community could help with this? I am more then willing to donate a sizeable amount for another trial. Verteporfin has picked up far more attention since the initial fundraiser. I am sure if we could raise $5k we could initiate a new trial. Perhaps something that hasn't been done before like wounding into previous FUE scars. On a side note Dr Miln's FUE results are spectacular.
  4. If people are so infatuated with Microneedling, I would advise them to conduct these experiment themselves. Miniaturised follicles are only around 0.7mm deep which is shallower than the average dermarolling session. If it turns out by injuring miniaturised follicles and injecting VT will cause the DNA to mutate and make the hairs DHT resistant and terminal they can report back. (They won't) Histopathology of aging of the hair follicle - Fernandez‐Flores - 2019 - Journal of Cutaneous Pathology - Wiley Online Library It would be good to set up a Discord group for networking purposes and general discussion. Many people here are in liaison with various HT surgeons hoping to include VT in their own experiments and the dialogue would certainly flow better than on a forum.
  5. Has anyone heard anything regarding Dr Bloxham? Obviously we have no entitlement to an update but hopefully as it has been over two months since the last one, we should hear something soon. As he is now 9 months into his trial it should be fairly evident if it is working or not.
  6. This x100. When hair miniaturises it doesn't truly die until many years later(sometimes never). Rather the hairs go to sleep. This is why if you use a microscope on a bald head you will see many small white vellus hairs. Or when people who are undergoing gender transition take estrogen, terminal hairs grows that was lost many years ago. For regeneration you would need to remove these hairs entirely via punch method for new follicles to grow. Doing this all in one go would probably require a blood transfusion! And before someone says 'We could just FUE the bald area in multiple sittings',.. Then why not just take it from the donor area and move on with your life! Another thing to consider is scarring. We can only speculate as to how much scarring there would be from this procedure as we haven't conducted enough trials but if there is any and with multiple procedures/touch ups, (which will inevitable happen if people choose to mass wound into the bald areas) will create a layering effect with progressively more damaged to recipient zone over time. This is why with FUTs people tend to only do 2 maximum 3 strips as the scars worsens each time. Even Dr Bloxham one of the biggest proponents of FUT acknowledges this. It is harder to grow hair in scar tissue, so eventually you would end up with a situation where even if we could achieved 100% regeneration you will have damaged the recipient area over time to such an extent you wont even be able to implant any hair into it.
  7. Actually, what I have shown you is exactly how biology works in respect to hair loss. The hair on the back and sides of our head has a completely different genetic make-up to the top. To think that follicles regenerated would poses the characterises of the back and sides, we might as well consider the possibility they will look like hair on your balls and I am not being facetious when I say that. At best it is wishful thinking. It is not an extrapolation as we have a pretty good understanding of how the drug works combined with basic understanding of hairloss we can make a fairly good assumption as to what will happen. The hair follicles WILL be DHT sensitive. As you have articulated it will require long term medication otherwise you will quickly 'uncure' yourself. It took less than 6 months for castrates to loose their hair; likely the newly formed hair will go before it even reaches a terminal stage. From an empirical standpoint, again, most people who have transplants do not take medication. Using donor hair is a long term solution for everybody, it would become gold standard. You could have a Noorwood 1 hairline and not have to apply a greasy topical every morning. You don't have to take a endocrine altering medication with unforeseen consequences. I am not saying this test would be a waste of time. I am saying with the limited number of tests we should try and prove the best possible outcome which is unlimited donor hair. Everything else is secondary. I am not going to argue this case anymore as this thread should move on with healthy discourse.
  8. Hamilton's example is just the most popular one that people refer to. In every instance, the introduction of androgens will cause people to reach there genetic pattern within a matter of months. I am not going to list every example but you can Google it. This is a fact and is indisputable. To give a final example, look at the below graph, the group who were on Propecia for the first year and switched to placebo lost hair at a far faster rate than those who were on placebo to begin with. This is why those of us on DHT inhibitors are in such a precarious situation. Verteporfin would cause the follicles outside the donor zone to regenerate to how they were, i.e., susceptible to male pattern baldness. I am not saying that it wouldn't work, what I am saying is by the very definition it would not be a cure! It would require one to take prevention medication for the rest of their life. Most men who have hair transplants don't take Propecia, most men on Propecia would obviously prefer not to be on it. I, myself, take Dutasteride and am concerned regarding the long term effects of the drug. If we can regenerate donor hair, all it would take is 1-3 dense pack procedures and one would never have to worry about hair loss again. No Propecia, Dutasteride, Minoxidil, lllt, etc. This is what we could consider a cure to be. In regards to MPB being a 'terrible, cruel disease,' that just suggests mental instability.
  9. I use oral minoxidil due to having seborrheic dermatitis. Both the foam and liquid version exacerbate it. Due to the fact it stays in the bloodstream longer, i believe it is more effective but that is just my own personal theory. To protect yourself from senile alopecia you would literally need to apply it topically like shampoo, i.e. all of you head, back and sides.
  10. I think we are splitting hairs here. It works by converting DHT and T a by product of estrogen. Anyway, it is not the most effective treatment so it is not a hill I am prepared to die on.
  11. 1) Unlikely, I've gained a minor monobrow due to it. You could always laser any unwanted growth off. 2) You could always speak to a cardiologist and have seem pre tests done and be monitored. At the end of the day, you should do what you feel comfortable with but always consider the future.
  12. This I'm afraid wouldn't be practical. Our bodies know how bald we are meant to be at anyone time and if any none dht sensitive hair appeared on the scalp from an area void for many years, it will quicky disappear. Dr Hamilton (creator of the noorwood scale) demonstrated this via injection of testosterone on castrates. Castrated men who received testosterone injections started to bald in the pattern of their siblings who were already bald. What was even more interesting is that it only took around 6 months for them to achieve total baldness. For us hair loss sufferers, it has to be the donor area.
  13. Oral minoxidil would help safeguard you against senile alopecia. This is the natural thinning of the donor area which is present in those who do and do not have MPB. In regards to body hair, I can confirm this is almost guaranteed. Its not a bad thing imo, my beard has got thicker and I have more chest hair. I just view it as more grafts for potential harvesting. 🤣
  14. Agreed, which is why I said for his consideration. But the core of what I said still stands. If you could keep FUEing into the areas void of hair and the regeneration rate is the same, that would result in an unlimited donor area, regardless of what the regeneration rate is.
  15. I think we already have enough proof it works. We have around 5 cases clearly demonstrating hair regrowth. If we only had one case, I suppose we could always attribute the results to other variables as Dr Bisanga suggested, e.g. trichophytic closure, transacted hair, marking errors. However, when we have multiple cases showing hair regeneration then these variables are far less weighted. We need to move from the frame of mind of if it works to how can we improve upon it. Apart from figuring out the correct dose which this current test should do, we should be considering doing multiple rounds, FUEing into the donor region for areas that did not regenerate. Scar revision therapy involves can involve multiple procedures, I don't see any difference with this case. The picture below for the lowest dose you can see that the areas of scarring just look healthy than the control region; there is less fibrotic pearl like tissue. The 0.4 dose showed no fibrotic tissue and the 0.3 minimum. The reason why it works better with FUE than FUT is for multiple reasons. Primarily the procedure is less invasive and also that environment for which verteporfin needs to work is similar to what is was like prior to any surgery. FUT leaves the area in a high degree of tension and the fibrotic tissue tends to be more raised. Imagine if we did another round, FUEing into the area void of hair in the below patient at the same dose. I would imagine the % of regeneration on the second attempt would be similar to the first. You could just keep doing this over and over and over again, essentially giving you a unlimited donor supply. The next test should be something along these lines, as even if we could reach 100% regeneration (which is not guaranteed) this method would still give an unlimited donor area. I also mentioned previously about verteporfin being used to regenerate previously transplanted hair but I think this scenario is more practical and likely to work. For your consideration @DrTBarghouthi.
  16. You could probably get another 3k+ from your beard. Obviously this would severely limit styling options. I guess it's a trade-off as to what you prefer ascetically. Everything around your adams apple can be used anyway, that is unless you like the neckbeard look 😅 A light smp will look very nice after your grafts have grown out. That with a buzzcut your hairloss would likely be unnoticeable to the average person.
  17. Looking good and tidy @general-etwan. Did he say how many grafts you have left in the bank?
  18. Dr Bisanga has posted a Verteporfin video. It doesn't go into anything further than was discussed in his interview with Melvin. It does appear to confirm that he will conduct the trial and that his interest won't fizzle out like Dr Mohebi's did.
  19. I was watching one of the Alien movies today and thinking something similar. If only I could put myself in a cryopreservation pod for 6 months. 🥲 One thing I think that needs to be brought to the forefront is if verteporfin could be used multiple times in the same location which would be an ultimate cure, regardless of what the regeneration rate is. (As long as there is some regeneration) Fue scarring is uniform so I imagine it is really just a percentage game as to wether scarring or regeneration happens each time. Let’s say the .4 dose yield a 50% regeneration rate and you do a 2000 graft FUE. 1000 grafts are regenerated with the remainder being scar tissue. You then do a second round punching into the remaining scar tissue only. This would result in 500 grafts being regenerated, so on and so forth. This isn’t at all far fetched as we can safely conclude the drug works in some capacity, we just don’t know how the exact regeneration rate as well as several other factors. It would literally mean you could, with multiple procedures spanning over several years, go from Patrick Stewart to Brad Pitt.
  20. Agreed. By the end of next year we will have the end result of three cases by Dr Bloxham, Killian's result and hopefully the end results of Dr Barghouthi's upcoming test. Coupled with various other none hair transplanted related results, this should be enough for some doctors to start incorporating it. I'd much rather this test be in the hands of a reputable surgeon like Dr Barghouthi than some obscure Dr looking to aggrandise himself at other people's expense. The self entitlement in this thread is seriously palpable.
  21. Please read my response again. I was referring to the sexual sides regarding Ell Cranell. Side effects from Propecia are real, although looking at controlled trials they are likely nocebo more than half the time.
  22. I don't discount anecdotal experience but if you had sexual sides effects then they were placebo. If you don't believe me, apply it topically again and if you experience sides take a blood test. If I am wrong be happy, as you will be able to sue the manufacturer for a tidy sum.
  23. It appears the areas closer to the FUT scar is where there could be a higher likelihood of scar tissue creation due to the surrounding tension which makes complete sense. From the description @Killian is planning to do a further round punching into any scarring that does appear from the FUE. If the regeneration rate of the second round is the same, e.g. 70% regeneration on the first attempt then on the second attempt the same rate (which would mean an overall regeneration rate of 90%+), could we not consider this to be a cure? It would turn a 6k donor area into a 30k+ donor area. Hell, you could always do third, forth etc.
  24. Looks like the scarring is mostly limited to the FUT areas. It sounds from your description that FUE area is healing better. We are still in the early stages of understanding Verteporfin and you (and thanks again) are the second person whose results have been shown online. If there is scarring in the FUE area, would you theorize that these scars could be punched into at a later date with verteporfin, essentially improving the results.
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