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Everything posted by Verstappen

  1. Impatient in the sense that I’m not wasting my 20s looking worse than I could… sure. Money is no object, if I can get this done right I want to do it. Impatient in the sense that I haven’t waited, stabilized and researched. No. I am not impatient. If it turns out I have to wait on a waiting list for 2 years for a quality surgeon until I’m 25 anyway that’s what I’ll do, I’m not rushing into this, just initiating the process. Although I’d love to do it before summer. Thank you for the suggestions.
  2. You do not need pictures to recommend quality surgeons who fit my criteria. I will be happy to provide tomorrow though.
  3. Respectfully I disagree with your assessment. Thank you for the recommendation.
  4. Hi, been lurking here for years but have never had an account or posted since I wasn't ready to commit but yeah what the title says. First I'd kindly like for anyone responding to save any warnings about age or whatever, I want this and there is no benefit for me waiting anymore besides torturing myself mentally longer. Feel free to give that advice if you really feel the need but I am well aware of the risks, have seen / heard it all before and I am very certain my situation is in a stable state for an operation. I appreciate the concern but I've been doing research on hairloss and transplants for upwards of 4 years now. Hope I don't sound rude, that's not my intention, but I do not need warnings, just guidance on where to go in the United States for a good doctor who doesn't follow the hard and fast 25+ y/o rule. With that out of the way, I'm 23, been on finasteride and minoxidil for 3 years now. Was born with naturally bad hairline and have hair loss on either side of my family, I'm probably a NW 2.5, no crown recession. My loss pattern is following a spitting image of how my father's hair receded. He is a NW ~3.5 at age 55, fairly strong frontal forelock all things considered and some thinning on the crown. I started receding in high school ~2016/17 and treatment has stabilized it very very well. At the rate it was receding back then, without treatment it would've gotten to the point where my natural recession would've completely decimated my hairline by now to the point where it would've been unsavable without MAJOR surgery, it is very obvious to me that if it's still receding now with treatment the rate that it's progressing its EXTREMELY minimal and its in a stable condition where I can safely transplant. In other words I have had basically 0 meaningful loss since treatment stabilized my hair years ago. I have very fine blonde hair which extenuates the loss and makes it look significantly worse than if I had dark hair. I can upload pictures if there's a reason for it but I don't think that's super necessary at the moment. I have a large forehead already and my main point of recession are my temples, I'd like to fill in my temples and strengthen the front density in general, I'm not delusional in thinking I'll become a NW 1, I just want to be able to properly style my hair and feel my age. I believe I'll need 2000 or less grafts for what I'm looking for, potentially even less. I am currently in college in South Carolina and the selection of good surgeons around here seems fairly limited and the really good ones appear to have extremely long wait times (Dr. Mwamba, Dr. Cooley). (Vories, I don't think would operate on me from what I've seen and I've also seen some suspect transplant results by him.) So I'm looking for suggestions here, I'm willing to travel to basically anywhere except all the way to the West Coast preferably. I'd also like to have the procedure done after this winter break sometime in January - early March. Any input or suggestions would be appreciated : )
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