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Hair Tomorrow

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Posts posted by Hair Tomorrow

  1. I am getting conflicting messages on the correct temperature Verteporfin should be stored at whilst in powdered form - does Visudyne (with its other added ingredients) have a different storage temperature than Verteporfin from China? 

    Some are saying to keep Verteporfin in a cool dry dark place, whilst others are saying it should be stored at 4 degrees Celsius.

    I have just been storing my Verteporfin in a drawer for the last month - is it ruined? 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, sansi said:

    Dr. Barghouthi already has preliminary good results. The only issue is the trial was not very scientific and the photos are not very good quality. If we can persuade him to bring back the first trial patient make quality photos and hair count assessment with the new scanning device and spread the word that would be huge.

    And 1 million is really a lot, 200k would be more than enough, so you don't need top tier rich guy like Musk, someone even with high income(but not wealthy) in US can afford that.

    200k is enough because it is not very different from a standard surgery, it just has one extra injection step. 10 surgeries can easily be afforded by 200k with different scenarios. That would be more than enough to make conclusions. 

    Results photos are easily photoshopped, and Stanford University faked photos in at least 12 studies

    - Does anyone know any forensic scientists who can analyse the animal and human Verteporfin results photographs so far?

  3. Verteporfin has the potential to eradicate linear scars, and yet no face lift surgeons are testing it - strange. 

    Eyelid lifts often leave a noticeable linear scar, and yet no surgeon has attempted a Verteporfin eyelift yet?

    And what about Verteporfin in breast reduction scars (which are extensive), or Verteporfin with breast augmentation scars?

    All I am seeing is a few acne scar surgeons talking Verteporfin up (but not showing anything). 

    • Like 2
  4. I'm seeing lots of white hairless spots in these 5 months post-op photos of Dr Bargouthi's FUE verteporfin test (and that's at the most effective dose), which are not seen in the end photos another 10 months later, so to me it looks like FUTs are going to be scarless too - but who would want a Verteporfin FUT with all the scalp tightness and numbness  if Verteporfin FUE's are limitless?

    • Like 2
  5. How was Dr Bargouthi's FUE test doing 5 months post surgery?

    It wasn't all that impressive, and I for one zoned out, but then that 15 month (or was it 18 month?) update with the total regrowth is what really sparked the frenzy of interest, and as a betting man, I bet a lot more hair is going to sprout in that FUT closure over the next several months. 

    • Like 3
  6. So Verteporfin injections might do wonders for your lungs, liver and kidneys, however... blocking the YAP1 pathway with Verteporfin will make osteoarthritis worse


    So we might not want too much Verteporfin swashing around our systems, and the sensible approach might be to use a nanoparticle Verteporfin mix to keep Verteporfin at the site of the wounds.

    The YAP1 osteoarthritis study researchers were able to normalise the osteoarthritis-inducing effects of Verteporfin with Protease Inhibitor MG132, so we might want a dose of that stuff 10 days after verteporfin hair surgery (if that stuff is safe). 

    This YAP1 study indicates that while Verteporfin is in the system, damage to cartilage is more likely if mechanical stress is placed on joints, so there may be an even stronger need to rest and relax for the first several days after verteporfin hair transplant surgery. 

    I am not a doctor. 

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  7. 13 hours ago, Nikoni said:

    Medchemexpress says their are selling to businesses not humans and will ship only to business addresses. Nothing is mentioned about research labs.

    Also the guy who treated his cheek scar, bought it from medchem. 

    Thanks for this - did the guy have any success testing it on his cheek?

    And do you think the other ingredients in Visudyne (listed below) are necessary?

    Are they present in the high purity research verteporfin?



    Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 17.09.04.png

  8. So there's one guy who tried using Verteporfin to heal a scar on his leg and it didn't work - somewhere on a reddit post about Verteporfin - can't find it at the moment - but have there been any other negative reports about Verteporfin not working?

    Joe Tilman on The Mane Event is being extremely skeptical and pessimistic about Verteporfin - is that a financial/political position he's taking - or are there other rumours from DIY experimenters that Verteporfin doesn't work?

  9. 5 hours ago, takuma said:

    that question has a complicated answer, because it's a protein that performs Many functions, but for our purposes for skin and hair regeneration, the YAP (Yes Associated) Protein tells skin fibroblasts after a wound occurs to quickly put down layers of collagen at the wound site resulting in the formation of a scar. Verteporfin blocks YAP signaling to allow the fibroblast cells to create normal functional skin with its appendages including sweat glands and more importantly hair follicles 

    Does Verteporfin create new Arrector Pili muscles with each new hair follicle?

  10. 3 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    Generic version.

    Would you say that Visudyne, with its other ingredients is optimal, or 99.3% pure Verteporfin from Selleckchem (the most pure I have seen) would be optimal for HT scar regeneration? Are they the same? Does the 99.3% pure Verteporfin also have these other ingredients?

    VISUDYNE contains:

    ACTIVE: Verteporfin, 2 mg
    INACTIVES: Lactose, egg phosphatidylglycerol, dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine, ascorbyl
    palmitate and butylated hydroxytoluene
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