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James Bond

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Everything posted by James Bond

  1. Wow This grows worse and worse. I guess this is the house wife concept that he spoke about and wants to use that does not work... 🙄 I should perhaps just book a new FUE right away and forget about what I have done. This makes me even more worried.
  2. Interesting you are mentioning this. Dr Karadeniz was more or less preaching that he could use house wifes to do the job and no medically educated employees. He was adamant and even said he could have 100 surgeries going on in paralell and did not need to do any of them and use cheap house wives in all of them. He said this was how the law was constructed. But I am sure there is more to the law than having lots of house wives doing the job. He did the strip surgery itself, but I did not see the team being taht busy as they were at Shapiros. Shapiro had 5 people working for 8-10 hours. Here they were done after 2-3 only. I think the message is clear about AEK.
  3. Yes, this is what I suspect too. But I cannot get them responsible for what they did. When you look at the strip area you can see it should certainly hold more than 1972 grafts. It is likely 4000-5000 at least. Shapiro did 8000 in the same strip 11 years ago so why could these only get 1972. clearly proper BS. Shapior also used a double blade knife when he cut the strip. I mentioned this to the surgeon and he said it is not about speed. But the ones who knows something about simple cuts knows that if you have perfect paralell cuts the scarring is less than if you have uneven edges. Simple knowledge even I can think of was lacking. He cut the strip manually on both sides. what wasimportant also was that the procedure was a lot of waiting. I had to wait for the surgeon to do things. With Shapiro it was paced. He was doing the strip, he wasa doing the punches and he was there when they needed it. His team was on their feet. They cared for me as a patient. Here I was the bunch of money only. And they had charged another 20% more if I used my card. What was also remarkable was that he made a set number of punches and then there weer no more. This confirms they threw away grafts since no one can make an exact number of punches before all grafts are cut from the strip. So they probably made 1972 and then threw the rest away. I am now trying to recover from the emotional distress this has caused. It is horrible. This is clearly a scammer company are not serious at all. You should see their messages to me now. They say it is not about the grafts but the results. Any idiot understand that if you do not have grafts you do not get any results either. I am both upset and exhausted when I think of this. It was the biggest mistake in my life to go to Turkey and to AEK International.
  4. I expected about 4000-5000 grafts or so. But the thing was that I could never get a number from them. And I asked several times too. But this is a joke. I was concerned all the time about how they worked as they did not push it at all. Shapiro even had one follicle left and said, make another punch so we can add this too. I am certainly not going to recommend this to anyone. It is a big warning flag. I probably need another in a years time, but I am quite upset tbh.
  5. I am just back from a FUT session in Istanbul on Monday this week, 20/11 at the AEK International and just received the number of grafts that was 1976. Cost €5000 cash. I am trying to gather my thoughts as I feel fooled completely. AEK international implanted grafts during 3 hours only. I asked for the number of grafts before hand and they could not promise anything. In hindsight I am upset about this and they just babble about it will be better results with fewer but this is a proper scammer team. A lot of customers from the USA arrived there and I wonder if they even knew what was going to happen to them if they should get anything for the money. In addition it was dirty and not clean at all there. I was lying on the table and stared straight into dirty operation table pedals. This is a surgery that should be clinically clean. I made a similar session at Shapiro 2011 in Minneapolis in the USA. They worked with a whole team for a whole day from early morning till late night. We started 8 am and finished 9 pm. But I also had a head full of follicles. The efficiency is vastly different also. On top of my head I had 8,000-10,000 grafts at Shapiro and the team worked all the time. Shapiro was extremely (!!) professional. Cost $9000 for a job that was more than 3 times in size. AEK international was nice and friendly but in the hindsight when I now see the number of grafts I realise I have been properly screwed. If I had stayed in London I could have had work done for the same money and had more than these guys did in Turkey. Please do not go there!
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