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Everything posted by rochish

  1. AI, thank you for the feedback. I'm just a week shy from 7 months. I would like to go for a second HT to improve the density. I welcome your thoughts on this decision. Also, since I got my first HT in December 2023, I'm thinking of getting the second one in December 2024. Will that be too soon? Thanks again!
  2. I don't remember the total amount but I paid Rs. 120 per graft less 20% discount.
  3. I see that this question posted almost a couple of years ago is unanswered, but I have the same question. If any of the esteemed members of this board have gained any insights since then, I would appreciate knowing. In brief, I am looking for the best place to get SMP in India. Thanks!
  4. Thank you for the comments and for clarifying. I went for the Exclusive Package.
  5. Update: It's been 4 months and 10 days from my HT. A picture of my scalp appears below. Comments, thoughts, or observations are welcome.
  6. No. I did not. I just took some of my old pictures in which my head was full of hair and showed them to Dr. Das. Based on those pictures, she created a hairline. I spent maybe 10 minutes to think about the hairline she created and gave them the green signal to move ahead with it. I did not consider more than one possible hairline. As for hair volume, I told them I want to have as full a head as possible (I think everyone says that 🙂). I also told them to take as many grafts as they want from my beard, since I'm clean shaven.
  7. Among the technicians, Kabul was great! I'm not sure if I'm spelling his name correct, though. I did not work with Dr. Vinita (but with Dr. Somesh and Dr. Das).
  8. Both of them were in the hospital and would take turns to work on my head. They would also attend to other patients who were undergoing HT in other rooms. At times, neither of them would be in my room, but I would always be attended to by technicians. Hope that helps.
  9. I had used topical minoxidil for many years (2003 to 2018), but dropped it about 5 years ago. I had not taken Finasteride prior to the HT. After the HT, following the recommendations of the doctors at Eugenix, I have started taking Finasteride and a multivitamin tablet containing biotin. After some time, I also plan to start using topical minoxidil.
  10. Day 15 results Sorry, I could not figure out how to rotate the second picture. Hopefully, it gives some sense of the results.
  11. I too flew from the US, though i visited family and friends and stayed in India for a couple of weeks after the procedure. I had expected them to begin work on the HT at 8 or 9 am on day 1. However, on day 1, they called me to the clinic at 4:00 pm. That day, they were only able to take pictures, make the headline, and make some slits. I left the clinic at around 9 pm. On days 2 and 3, I was called to the clinic at 8 am and they worked on my head until around 7 or 8 pm on both days (with some breaks for lunch, etc. in between). I also requested to use the restroom several times during the procedure and they were very flexible with all that. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  12. Thank you very much, BackFromTheBrink. I really appreciate your comments and good wishes.
  13. In case anyone is interested, here are pictures of my scalp after the first head wash (7 days post HT).
  14. Thank you very much, Gatsby. You are a huge inspiration and I appreciate you commenting on this thread.
  15. Thank you, Harris. I went for the exclusive package, which costs Rs. 120 per graft (+ 18% goods and services tax). However, since I agreed to their media coverage (which effectively gives a discount of 20 percent), the net price to me is Rs. 96 per graft (+ 18% tax).
  16. Thank you, Belve and Eugenix. I am looking forward to the results and will gladly share them here.
  17. Thank you very much, MazAB and Shadman. I really appreciate it. Shadman: The hairline designing was done by Dr. Das.
  18. Hello everyone, I recently underwent a hair transplant at Eugenix and it is my turn to share the results with the community from which I have benefited so much. I went to Eugenix in their Gurgaon clinic for the HT, which was conducted on 7-9 December 2023. I opted for their exclusive package led by Dr. Somesh Janoria. However, I was offered the option of having the planning and designing, positioning of hairline, creation of slits in crucial hairline areas by Dr. Priyadarshini Das, and I gladly took that offer. In total, they extracted (and implanted) 5618 grafts from my scalp and beard. As has been well documented on this forum, the customer service at Eugenix is world class and I was super impressed with the care and concern they demonstrated. Both Dr. Das and Dr. Janoria were very friendly and down-to-earth, and they went out of the way to ensure that I was comfortable before, during, and after the surgery. If you have any questions about my experience, please let me know. The pictures before and after the surgery are given below. Any comments are welcome.
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