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Everything posted by romeo_gent

  1. Yes, I was told it is possible by Dr Bonus, but the cost per graft will go up slightly. And I think the time for the procedure too.
  2. I think I hit the 'Boom' stage. My family seem to notice the change and make positive remarks! Thought I will share this with you, my online extended family! Good luck to all of you!
  3. Thanks Melvin. It's a lot clearer to make comparison with older photo. As we look into mirror everyday, we will be always blinded by the small incremental changes. but, you are absolutely right on the observation!
  4. Correction: I started with 1.25mg, and at month 4, I increased to 2.5mg. (the pill is 5mg each, I break them into 1/4 in the beginning, and increased to 1/2)
  5. Thanks mate. doctor prescribed 1.25mg right after the procedure. Maybe because I didn’t have any medication. Later on upon the monthly progress review, doctor said I can increase to 2.5mg as most others are taking this dose. In short, I think starting small is probably a conservative approach by the doctor.
  6. I see, now I remember seeing those jaw-dropping clips from social media. I personally am not a big fan of wig or adding external substances to look good. But thanks for sharing the experience.
  7. Thanks mate. Can you explain more what is hair fibres? Do you mean tropical solutions to apply on scalp?
  8. Thanks mate. I did last hair cut 3 weeks ago but mainly to trim the side. I’m trying to keep the front hair but realized that it also need some trimming to keep same length as some hair is growing faster than other. White hair grow faster and implanted hair also grow at slight varying speed with the original hair
  9. When I check my photo right after operations, looks like mid scalp is planted less dense and crown is even lesser. I recalled doctor said 4200 graft not sufficiently to cover same density for mid scalp and crown. When I look at the photo now, it sort of make sense and align of the area of density of implant. im not sure situation will improve by month-8 to any satisfaction or it will improve a little but still limited density. if it is latter, the next decision point would be the need of a second operations.
  10. Taken exactly at the completion of 5th mth. What do you guys think? I feel that implanted hair start to grow faster, and also get thicker. I used to have softer hair, so I would be able to tell the difference. I think partly due to the implanted hair genetic from donor area (stronger), and partly due to minoxidil (I have been taking daily 2.5mg, and increased to 5mg from 4th month onwards).
  11. Hi guys, thanks for the kind interest and follow up. I’m now exactly 4.5 months post surgery. Although it is not looking bad, I still feel the growth is not as much as I expect. Upon consulting doctor, I increase the minoxidil dosage from 1.25mg to 2.5mg about 1 week ago. Doctor did tell me that my growth is already above average and remind me of the patience I am lacking. here are some quick pictures taken few minutes ago. You can be the judge and share your feedback if you think my hair growth is good or otherwise. Thank you in anticipation!! 🙏🫡
  12. I just completed week 12 (3 months) and took some photos. I didn't take many photos in the last 2 months as it is the hibernating period. There is not a lot of growth. Upon checking with Dr, she said that it takes 3 months after shedding for the hair follicles to enter new growth. It means I have to wait 4 months (post operations) to see any real improvement. So far, I notice some improvement compared to week 4 photos. Planted hairs are not 100% shedded off, perhaps some 20% remains. And according to the doctor, some new growth are observed.
  13. This is my 6th week after operations. I started to feel really itchy with my scalp. Sometimes, I can't help but to scratch it hard. The more I scratch, the more itchy it gets. I wonder if this is normal as I read from others that acnes and itch will start when the new hair is trying to grow..... or.... I need to consult doctor?
  14. Thank you Myles... I think Dr Bonus deserve some positive attention.
  15. Hi tony, guess you use translator... some pointers not exactly clear what do you mean. But, I am guessing you also did a transplant with Dr Bonus. So, I wanted to wish you happy growth. If you can, a few photos or start your own review, would really be helpful.
  16. Thai people always have a nick name and is more commonly referred to by nick name in day-to-day conversation. A formal name is typically used for formal occasion. As shiba correctly said so.
  17. Week 4 Updates: Shedding has started at week 3. By week 4, I think >50% of the implanted hairs have shedded, along with some shock loss as well. Honestly, even though I am fully aware of the ugly dugly phase but I still am hit by it, especially looking at the mirror every morning. I also feel itchy with both donor and recipient and started to apply the medicine (TA1% + antibiotic) solutions that Dr provided to me during the surgery trip.
  18. Week 2 update and photos. No discomfort at this point, shedding has not happened. I feel quite positive about my head.
  19. Sharing some photos taken by the clinic and shared with me. They made the comparison on pre-ops vs day 4 (last day) before I depart the country.
  20. thanks for feedback Ake.... yes.... I have to start taking painkiller from time to time...
  21. Pal, I'm sorry to hear about your experience on Turkish clinic. At the early stage of my research, I was considering some other clinic not even used by any forummer here. So, in a way, I'm glad that I didn't go there. However, looking at the photo, I feel that the result of the temple and front hair line are not bad. Perhaps the crown area looks a bit scattered. So, I got a feeling that besides not so pleasant experience during the surgery, the end result will look good. So, best of luck to you and me. the forummers here are always best supporters.
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