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Daniel Dabros

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Everything posted by Daniel Dabros

  1. Thank you so much Melvin!! I know you see hundreds of transformations on this site, so hearing that from you means a lot!! 🎉
  2. Thank you so much! It’s very encouraging seeing these types of comments
  3. 6 Month Update! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Thank you to everyone who has been following along! Here is a progression chart for each month following my transplant! (Month 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). I’m very happy with my results so far and I’ve had so many family and friends tell me the results are amazing. I’m always happy to answer any questions IMG_7761.mov
  4. Very excited to share my update with everyone! After 4 months, hair journey is going great Pictures include progress after 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, and 4 months! Looking forward to the months to come!
  5. 1 MONTH UPDATE 🎉 According to Dr. Altan, everything is looking good and going according to plan. I’m looking forward to the months to come for further results
  6. Thank you Steve! I feel more confident going out in public now and I’ve been getting compliments from family and friends! I’m excited for the final results and I’m happy to hear you’ll be following along
  7. They are going hard yes, but I’m all for it! I’m very open to being honest about the clinic and my overall experience. I have nothing but good things to say! 1. Thank you so much! Dr. Altan during my first initial consult back in July drew out what I could expect the new hairline to look like, and I was on board. He once again drew it out the day of the surgery and it was essentially the same. I’m very happy how it came out post transplant. 2. Oh most definitely. Here in the USA, I was looking upwards of $15,000 for a procedure with this many grafts. It can be a little nerve wrecking traveling to a country for the first time, (especially for a surgery), but overall I’m happy I made that decision. This clinic was very welcoming and everyone was professional in their work. 3. He’s been great! I communicate frequently with him and his team on WhatsApp and there I send them updates and they offer me advice on best possible results. Thanks for following along and I look forward to sharing my results with you and everyone
  8. Hi there thanks for your comment! I’m very optimistic I’ll end up having a great final result I chose Dr. Altan because I had a very close family member of mine get his hair transplant done with him at his clinic back in October of 2022. His results are amazing. He was referred by one of his close friends who also got his transplant done at Aestepool. So basically, word of mouth and a little bit of research made me ultimately go with Dr. Altan and his clinic For any questions regarding the process or Dr. Altan’s role in the procedure, please refer to the previous comments posted in this forum. The doctor himself has left a few replies to other commenters and explained it nicely in detail. Thanks again!
  9. Thank you for your comment! I’m very happy with the entire process and results so far. I very much recommend Aestepool Clinic and Dr. Altan to other potential clients
  10. Day 14. New hair and I made a public appearance for the Christmas Tree Lighting in Chicago 🎄 So far very happy with my results. Stay tuned for more updates to come!
  11. Thank you Woody! I just hit my 10 day mark and so far I’m very happy with my results. Just need to take it 1 day at a time 🙏🏻
  12. Thank you for your comment! Dr. Altan has been great and I have recommended him to a few of my family and friends already
  13. Thank you for your comment! I appreciate all the engagement with this post and people’s caution. Only thing I wish could be different is some misinformation being spread. Besides that, I appreciate any and all comments. And yes Dr. Altan has been great throughout my hair journey. Thanks again
  14. Did you take the time to read any of the things that I have said throughout this forum? I don’t know what’s so sad about seeking excellent care for an affordable price. Why would I want to spend upward of $15,000 to $20,000 here in the states? That would be sad and financially not smart.
  15. If you do not allow external links on these forums, can you please remove the multiple Youtube videos posted on my Forum that are factually inaccurate and are not associated with Aestepool Clinic. This Forum is for people to follow along my journey with Aestepool and not any other clinic. Any person finding this Forum may be steered away if they see videos with botched hair transplants with other clinics. I have already reported one of the videos and am asking if the others can be removed as well. Thanks Melvin.
  16. Thanks for clearing that up Dr. Altan! Happy to see that you’re checking up on my forum
  17. My operating room was far from small. It was an appropriate size for the surgery I had done. I never once felt the team or I needed more room/space. How much space you think is appropriate may be subjective. But just speaking from personal experience, the room was very spacious and had a clean and sanitary feel and look to it.
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