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Posts posted by toon_toon

  1. 4 hours ago, Ccd99 said:

    Had my consultation with Dr Bruno Ferreira, here's a quick summary:

    • Diagnosis: Alopecia NW5V
    • Donor hair is good, a lot of multi-grafts
    • Enough capacity for 7500 grafts, and easily another 2000 grafts from beard if needed
    • Some miniaturisation in donor hair but good chance it will stabilise with the meds I am taking (almost approaching 4 months on meds now)
    • Hair thickness 60 microns
    • Hair density 100 fu/cm^2 (was surprised by this myself but that is what the doctor said!)
    • Size of thinning areas:
      • Front 84 cm^2 (proposing to implant at 40  FU/cm^2)
      • Mid-scalp 36 cm^2 (proposing to implant at 25 FU/cm^2)
      • Crown: 91 cm^2 (proposing to implant at 25 FU/cm^2)
    • Surgical plan:
      • 1st surgery frontal third 3000-3500 grafts
      • 2nd surgery 5 months later mid-scalp and crown 2500 grafts
      • 3rd surgery 12 months later 1500 grafts for touching up (completely optional and dependent on results from first 2 surgeries)
    • He also said 2nd surgery might need to be re-planned if the meds are working for me I may not need as much of an intervention

    In general, I was very impressed by the doctor and his clinic and I am seriously considering cancelling my surgery with Dr Bicer... the only drawback is Dr Ferreira is a lot more expensive and the earliest he can get me in is October next year.

    I guess I got some thinking to do...

    (consultation photos attached)













    If I were in your shoes, I would cancel Bicer and go for Ferreira. Absolutely no doubt. Don’t rush this. You have waited for so long, so 11 months extra shouldn’t be a stress.
    Ferreira is a top notch doctor, the A-league 

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Surely you would therefore be interested in results from all 4 of your prospective surgeons?

    Do you have any pictures of your current situation that other members may be able to use to help you with your choice?

    Thank you for the kind reply.

    Yea, I have been lurking here for some while and will make my own thread next week. 
    Will "tag" you in it 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Belve said:

    Exactly He promotes one particular doctor and he is trying to sabotage some specific doctors. @toon_toon is definitely a paid shill who made a new account here to do that job. 

    I don’t even know what a paid shill is.

    But one thing that is evident, is that you don’t come up with facts when I’m politely ask, only personal attacks.

    You seem like a long time member with much knowledge. Please provide me with some facts instead of personal attacks. 🙏

    I am really looking for the best surgeon for my situation. And I don’t really care if it is Pekiner, Pinto, Laorwong, Ferreira.

    I will in the future post my experience from my procedure, take my word for it. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Ive no idea if you have any kind of association with a specific doctor. However, it appears you promote one in particular in most of your posts. Have you had surgery with him?

    I am on this forum to find as much information possible for my future HT in late 2024/early 2025.

    Have not decided yet for the surgeon, but my list is now Pinto, Pekiner, Laorwong and Ferreira. (After consulting with all 4)

    If you or someone else can find some bad results from for example Laorwong, I would appreciate if you shared this info. 
    Thank you 



    And the feedback/ answers has to be based on examples and facts, not only:

    "I would not go to Turkey, India or Thailand for a transplant".

    The Geographical aspect doesn’t matter for me. The most important are the skills of the clinic/surgeon.

    • Haha 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Belve said:

    You don’t give any feedback. You are a paid shill who just made an account here to sabotage some clinics with lies. 

    I just came with examples from real life patients.

    Only thing I want is for other people to make their decisions based on facts.

    By the way: It seems like you could be paid by Yaman. Praising every result/ thread like he’s a God.

    I am by the way on this forum to find as much information possible for my future HT in late 2024/early 2025.

    Have not decided yet for the surgeon, but my list is now Pinto, Pekiner, Laorwong and Ferreira.

    If you can find some bad results from for example Laorwong, I would appreciate if you shared this info. 
    Thank you 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Belve said:

    There’s doctors doing the procedure alone. There’s not any fatigue and things like that. Ferreira and pinto do the procedure alone without techs. Pekiner the same. 

    Pinto and Pekiner, yes. Ferreira, no

    If you have a good team of techs, it is not negative to use techs. It actually saves time and the procedure can be done in a lesser amount of time.

    Pinto and Pekiner wants to do almost everything by themselves and produces great results, and other top docs get much help from skilled techs and also achieve top results.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Belve said:

    As I said in many clinics doctors don’t do the extractions. Couto doesn’t do the extractions,  Freitas doesn’t do the extractions, Lorenzo doesn’t do the extractions.

    In eugenix clinic doctors do not do the extractions unless you pay more for the vip package. So there’s nothing different with dr Gur when you pay more for the doctor to do the extractions. 

    laorwong is good but he is new to this forum and he hasn’t many patients results posted. In difference Pekiner has too many great results and he is more famous and not a new doctor to the community. That’s the difference if you can understand.


    Yes, I know that most of the surgeons use techs. It is a must, otherwise the docs would have suffered fatigue and the operations would take ages. But the top docs have top skilled techs, a team that is like a machinery

    Laorwong is not a " new" doctor. You can find results even back to 2016. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Belve said:

    You have no idea what you are taking about. Laorwong is good but Pekiner is top class surgeon. 
    secondly in many clinics techs do the extraction. So if dr Gur does the extractions in the vio package it doesn’t mean that’s a hair mill cause he doesn’t do in the normal packages. 
    Gur turan and yaman are all great and safe options. In fact they have a lot of positive reviews on hair loss conquerors group with no negative reviews.  
    You are just a paid troll trying to sabotage some clinics. 

    Mate, how I am sabotaging clinics? Just giving my honest feedback and back it up with documentation.

    like I said earlier, the 3 doctors are a much more safe option than other clinics and also affordable. Most results seem good, but there is easy to find results that are not top notch as well.

    Turan for example:

    many patients complain that he has slipped his standards here:


  9. 29 minutes ago, Belve said:

    You have no idea what you are taking about. Pekiner can’t be compared to laorwong. Pekiner is top class surgeon. 
    secondly in many clinics techs do the extraction. So if dr Gur does the extractions in the vio package it doesn’t mean that’s a hair mill cause he doesn’t do in the normal packages. 
    Gur turan and yaman are all great and safe options. 

    The VIP package thing is just nonsense. top reputed doctors shouldn’t  have such options, because it just could give the impression of being the opposite. The 3 doctors are just fine, many great results out there, but also some results that are not top notch.

    If I were on a budget I would pick one of those 3 as first choice instead of going to a clinic where you don’t know who will be your doctor that given day.

    Yes, Pekiner is a top (world) class doctor, especially for lower Norwood cases. On cases over 3000 grafts, there will be a 3-day procedure. In my mind not necessary with a drilled team (2 days max)

    I’ve seen some people that have been to both Laorwong and Pekiner. They actually compared them as quite similar.

    Why is your opinion that Laorwong is not a top class surgeon? Can you please link up some examples? 

    Edit: Just a quick search on this forum, I found some cases of Yaman that seem not too good. In this one for example, he should have split the operation in 2. First one to restore the front, and then 12 months later, further back (crown). Or if there was not enough available grafts he should not have proceed at all


    • Face Palm 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Sunset Dune said:

    That’s your opinion, a few results you may have seen online doesn’t change the fact that H&W are still one of the best clinics in the world. 

    Comparing Laorwong to Konior is insane, they aren’t even on the same level. No offense to anyone who went to Laorwong, he was virtually unheard of just a few years ago and the thought of going to Thailand for a HT doesn’t sound like the best idea.

    All the US docs are overrated and overpriced. 
    Konior was maybe considered as one of the best many years ago, but things evolve. Can find many examples of that, and how bad he copes with negative feedback.

    When it comes to H&W there are so many "horror stories" about them. Some examples attached here, and there are many more.




    This one one of the worst post op I’ve ever seen (Rows)


    And why is it a bad idea to go to Thailand for a HT, if you use one of the best in the game, like Dr. Path or Dr. Laorwong?

    Off course  there are bad clinics in Thailand as well, but the same goes for other countries. You just need to pick your surgeon by quality and not get attached to a geographic mindset. 

  11. 39 minutes ago, mister_25 said:

    Just to reiterate, these are observations that give me a cautious approach and attitude towards Pekiner, if they were addressed then I can look past these. But they havent been.


    I've seen some cases with poor growth in highly dense packed areas on Reddit. The growth was poor enough where I would label it a "Disaster" I tried to find them but was unable to, so if you want to dismiss this point I think its rather fair of you to do so.

    And quotes from this user in another thread I find inexcusable.

    That was interesting reading. Not good at all from Pekiner.

    About density: He likes to pack the grafts quite tight, so supposedly there will be more risk of shock loss, but most cases turn out top notch from what I’ve seen.

    Another thing taking into consideration is that he uses 3 days on a 3000 graft procedure. That’s way too long thinking about the anesthesia and the exhaustion for the patient. With a skilled and drilled team, 1 day would be enough. But anyway most people seem to don’t mind that.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Belve said:

    I don’t think laorwong is better than the other 3.  I have seen more results from turan, Gur and yaman which are great. 

    Can you please link to a Laorwong job that has not been good or failed the last 3-4 years? He actually produces hairlines quite similar to Pekiner. (Dense, tight with micro irregularities)

    If you search Gur, Turan or Yaman at the hair loss conquerors you can find several negative results there.

    The fact that Gur offers different packages like VIP (pay more, and the doc will be more involved in the process), just gives me hairmill chills.

    They are undoubtedly more safe than hairmills, but not comparable to top docs like Pekiner, Pinto, Couto, Laorwong, Ferreira and this kind of league.

    • Thumbs-down 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Jallyn said:

    What concerns? Please elaborate. 

    I assume grafts count. I have seen some "experts" in other forums (based on post op pictures) mentioning that he charges for more grafts than in reality are transplanted.

    I’m not an expert, so can’t assume anything about this. But his results speak for themselves. Clean work, dense packing and never seem to fail. Think I have only seen one case with some issues, but then he offered a free touch up. In the end it seemed that it was the patient that didn’t follow post op orders.

    • Like 1
  14. On 11/16/2023 at 9:54 AM, Sunset Dune said:

    He seems to be a good doctor however going to Thailand for a HT just seems sketchy…If I were you I would personally just save up and go to Konior to be on the safe side or H&W in Canada. 

    I would never choose H&W. Many poor results from them over the last years.

    Konior seems more safe than H&W, but 35.000USD (or whatever he charges) is just crazy. 
    I have also studied many of his results, and I can’t say they are better than Laorwong.

    In a given scenario where price and location were the same, I would choose Laorwong any day.

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