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  1. My another worry about meds is, what happens when i stop the meds. Do i lose the hair that i gained?
  2. Also just to add, i will be more than happy to take any non-surgical means to improve this. However, after hearing about the side effects of Finasteride and others, it worries me even more. That's the main reason i opted for natural means
  3. Apologies, I did add the picture but for some reason it didn't show up. But here you go! My dad has a similar hair loss pattern and his hair loss has stopped at around norwood 7 and his side hair and back hair is still very full. Just the areas that i have thinning he has lost all his current hair
  4. I have been looking for a solution for my hair thinning and i've not been able to have adequate answers from literally anywhere. This is what i've done so far: 1. Went with natural solutions i could find in Toronto to increase the thickness of my hair. But none of them offer satisfactory results, they just help me keep my current hair strong-ish 2. Tried to inquire with different hair transplant doctors in different parts of the world: - Talked to HLC Ankara - they mentioned i should consider getting Finasteride or some of these first then consider a hair transplant. First of all, am not okay with the side effects at all, and secondly am looking for a more permanent solution. I've heard that Finasteride is something you gotta take your whole life, i'd rather not do that and have the side effects my whole life. - Talked to AP (A's Clinic Delhi) - But some of the google reviews on his clinic deterred me from thinking about it, where cleanliness was a concern and post op care was really questionable - Talked to Rahal Hair Tranplant Clinic - the price is definitely on the higher side with them. But i wouldn't mind paying for it, since they guarantee if your hair is not natural, we will help you get the natural look. However, their response rate is really slow. Anyone who has worked with them please tell me do you think its something i should go for - Talked to Hasson and Wong - mentioned to use topical finasteride for 8 months then come back and consult if situation doesn't change. Again am not sure about the side effects still Am okay with travelling anywhere in the world as long as i get satisfactory results. But i currently live in Canada, and anywhere here works for me Current condition: I have thinning on my frontal area but my donor area is really thick. Am between Norwood 2 and 3. Please advise. Thanks
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