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Posts posted by Jlee

  1. 47 minutes ago, Eli_Avdikian said:

    I didn't call him a scammer. I was talking about the youtuber he was quoting. 

    And what is the YouTuber trying to scam then… ? He only promotes eating a carnivore diet that he eats and thinks is healthy,  and he didn’t even care that much that he’s hair grew back he just noticed it and made a post, he’s not selling any products or services as well, I’m very intrigued to know why you think he a scammer ? 


  2. 51 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:


    You can disagree with him and even say you don’t believe it, but calling him a scammer is unjustified. He’s not selling anything or promoting anything. If he believes it’s working for him, then that’s his opinion. Let’s keep the insults off of here 🙏

    Well said Melvin, I only shared my honest experience and results, I didn’t even believe the hair supplement would work my self until I saw my wife’s hair looking much better that’s when I thought it’s worth a try ahh, you have seen and commented on my hair transplant post and advised me about that conceal product so I don’t need to prove it to him,

    I really don’t know why it’s got him so upset that I made some improvements on my hair, I wish him a full a head of hair for the rest of his life nothing less, I’m never hating on people, when you wish everybody good things you would be amazed what you get blessed with, 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Eli_Avdikian said:

    You turn immediately on the defensive if anyone questions the efficacy of natural supplements in the long run, and not specifically your own experience, like you did with @Sunset Dune, and you call ma troll? 

    You call this being defensive pls find a better argument… it’s becoming ridiculous now, I just asked him how I’m getting results then if supplements don’t work 


  4. 1 minute ago, Eli_Avdikian said:

    Claiming that that a youtuber grew his crown on a carnivore diet, and that you regrew yours on supplements is misinformation for other hair loss sufferers. It would lead them to believe that these things actually work for MPB, and therefore would waste time and money before hopping on any real treatment.
    And if you really have a thread about your own hair transplant, then I belive you wouldn't mind sharing a link ?

    But he did grow his back on the carnivore diet did you not watch the video, and mine is in the process of growing back using the natural supplement and people are telling me there’s a noticeable difference so there is no misinformation there, 

    I really don’t get what you are trying to prove or think me or the YouTubeer is lying about ? 
    when all the proof and experience is there being shared, 

    about my post Maybe il share it with you after we get to the bottom of this point your trying to prove 

  5. 1 hour ago, Eli_Avdikian said:

    This forum is not made to spread misinformation either. You have MPB, as most of the people who go on this forum. You're not doing them or yourself any favor by claiming that natural supplements and changing your diet can regrow a blad spot on the crown. These things can be helpful for promoting the general health of hair follicles as well as fighting things like Telogen Effluvium, etc. But they would never reverse hair miniaturization caused by DHT on their own.   
    You joined the forum recently, and your only thread/comments are about natural supplements, so I have every right to be suspicious. 

    Your point number 1.
    What part of my hair is improving and clearly getting more full we’re i had a bald spot is misinformation? 
    when that’s clearly the result and I’m just sharing my experience and others have agreed, 

    Your point number 2. 
    you say my only post or comments is about natural ways to improve the hair,   That’s not true I have many other posts about transplants and my own experience with having a hair transplant, 

    And you laughing at the last post of me showing the video we’re the guys hair grows back shows me your not even interested in what’s right or wrong you just want to troll

  6. 1 hour ago, ScottishGuy21 said:

    With the right supplements you can absolutely improve your hair health. If you are lacking in something and can address it then naturally the hair will get stronger and potentially thicker.


    Long term however you need to go beyond natural supplements  if you want to halt or significantly slow down the progression of losses 

    Hi buddy I think some people have the ability to grow there hair back naturally through various different methods, I’m not saying everyone but there definitely are some people that can this guy i referenced on YouTube has no reason to lie he is only promoting carnivore diet and didn’t even seem to care that much that he’s hair grew back 12 months later on the carnivore diet, and I’ve heard of similar stories over the years not many, but the point is who is going to try a carnivore diet for 12 months with out cheating once to see if it works for them, even me I’m not sure if I could do that and I would probably just get a transplant instead because I enjoy eating other things apart from beef lamb bacon etc, as long as people are making improvements I really don’t care how they do it, 


    • Haha 1
  7. I only tried to give this community my honest results and show any other success stories I knew of to give people hope, and I appreciate all of the positive feedback and also the messages about possibly using medication in the future if I have too at some point, I’m not trying to sell or promote any products or services and now I have the broccoli key board warrior trolling and calling me a scammer,       
    I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone so jealous and negative,       This forum is made to help others and share experience not spread negativity and troll, 

  8. There’s a guy on YouTube who had a bald spot probably similar to how mine was 3 months ago and he completely covered it with carnivore diet, with pictures to prove, he don’t mention anything about supplements or meds, 

    I really do believe diet plays a huge role in every aspect of our body including our hair from my experience, 

    I suffered from Ibs and leaky gut a few years back I lost so much weight I wasn’t digesting anything, and I healed my self through diet and natural ways, that’s how I become quite savvy when it comes to diet and nutrition 

    high fat diet, and only natural whole foods 95 percent of the time, the other 5 percent is a cheat meal here and there for me would be burger or a pizza that’s as far i stay from a whole foods high fat diet 

  9. On 1/8/2024 at 5:42 AM, parsia said:

    I am not sure why you got all of these negative responses .

    I can see your hairs are darker and probably thicker regardless the lenght all over of your head , Also your bald spot is getting much fuller now , You got a nice improvement and If I was you , I would keep doing it for a while.

    Would you please share what kind of supplement you are using now ?

    I tried to message you about the supp but it wouldn’t allow me to send the message said it’s against the rules 

  10. On 1/8/2024 at 5:42 AM, parsia said:

    I am not sure why you got all of these negative responses .

    I can see your hairs are darker and probably thicker regardless the lenght all over of your head , Also your bald spot is getting much fuller now , You got a nice improvement and If I was you , I would keep doing it for a while.

    Would you please share what kind of supplement you are using now ?

    Hi thanks for your positive feedback! 

  11. 24 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Keep in mind raw egg whites have large amounts of Avidan which inhibits biotin absorption. There is an argument about how much of an effect it really has on hair, but out of caution Avidan is not something you want to be consuming large amounts of if you're losing your hair. 

    Well noted yes this is why I have my raw eggs in the morning, and my biotin supplement in the evening 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    While the only nonsurgical solutions truly proven to slow down, stop, or even reverse the effects of male pattern baldness or finasteride and minoxidil,, I have no doubt that there are natural supplements and other products that can potentially improve one’s hair. My opinion is, continue with whats working.  And as others have said, you may also be a good responder to proven treatments that you could consider trying at any point. Just be sure to speak to a physician as there are possible side effects associated with both, more so finasteride.

    Best wishes,

    Patient Advocate for Rahal Hair Transplant

    Hi thanks for your point of view, yes I’m definitely going to continue like this for now and see how far I can take it naturally, and keep these stronger options as back up plans, but as we see from the pictures my hair is definitely getting better quality in all aspects right now 

  13. 3 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    A good diet is never going to hurt your hair. Out of interest, if you feel that your hair is feeling better you might find that you are a great responder to finasteride, a 5ari. You have so much hair to keep. All the best.

    Yea I probably would be a good responder but I will the most powerful options for later if the weaker ones don’t work, my goal is to have that spot on the crown at least fullly covered, but I’m not expecting to get the same density I have on the rest of my head 

  14. My hair has made some really good improvements with natural supplements, diet rich in healthy fats a lot of coconut cream and raw eggs, and avocados, Also I got a shower filter and only wash my hair twice per week,

    this is everything I’ve been doing in between these 2 photos same lighting

    I feel like my hair got much thicker and darker and over all much more healthy, and the bald spot is getting smaller  



  15. 6 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Have you tried applying topical minoxidil to your beard for at least 6 months (or better yet 2.5mg-5mg of oral minoxidil once per day)? My beard (and scalp hair) has thickened since using 5mg oral minoxidil over a year ago now. It might be something that you might want to consider be considering surgery. All the best.

    Did you shed hair at some point?

    if people do shed is it only in the part where you apply the topical minox ?

    I would like to consider minoxidil but I don’t like that the chance of shed a lot and some people get irregular shedding often,

    I tried minoxidil years ago for a couple months and I don’t remember anything about shedding 

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