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Posts posted by Jimmy87

  1. To my very novice eye this looks really great and very natural with the slight variance in the hairline. 


    I'm planning to book in with Eugenix for a beard transplant this year under the same package. In my enquiry they mentioned that a blood test is required, is this just a general blood test or was anything specific required when you got the blood work done? I'll be travelling from Australia so a different Healthcare set-up from the US I guess. Congrats again!

  2. 23 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    If you allow Dr Jayaprakash to perform a beard transplant on you, you will be butchered and will regret it for the rest of your life. There is no one here in Australia that can perform a hair transplant correctly, let alone a beard transplant. Have a look in the search bar for beard transplant results posted by patients. You will definitely have to travel. All the best. 

    Excuse my ignorance, but are beard transplants significantly harder than hair transplants? They seem to often be discussed as a relatively straightword surgery, but having explored this site a little further, I see that cobblestoning of the skin can be an issue as well as a 'painted on' look which can be very undesirable and unflattering. 

    @Gatsby congratulations on your recent hair transplant, even as a complete novice I can see that is some beautiful work! Once again, thank you for your time and for educating an Australian/Melburnian audience on this issue. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. @Gatsby Thank you I really appreciate the response, that is a very sobering warning. I was having a look at the results in the search bar, the work done by Dr Devroye looks really good (natural and not overly severe), I was also considering Dr Arshad (although he doesn't have beard results, I'm originally from London so could be combined with a trip home). Finally I thought maybe Eugenix (My partner has family in India so again this could be combined around a trip; are they a good option for head to beard transplants though?)


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  4. Hi Everyone, 

    What an amazing resource this website is! I am 35 years old and have always had very patchy (bordering on non-existant) facial hair. This has always bothered me, but I am only recently in a financial position with my career where I am can take the plunge and consider a beard transplant. 

    I had a consultation with with Dr Jayaprakash who explained that as I have no male pattern balding and no history of balding in my family on either side, I would be a good candidate as a receding hairline in the future is less likely. He said that the surgery is relatively straightforward and that good results can be expected as there are lots of blood vessels in the face which promotes good hair growth. He explained that I would need approximately 2000 grafts which would cost $14700 AUD and also said that he could add another 100 so grafts to the moustache area to achieve an even beard across the whole face. 

    I have to say, I found him to be very personable and informative. I didn't feel as if he was putting the hard sell on me in any way and the information he provided made sense to me (admittedly as a total novice in this area). However, I'm mindful having done a quick search of this site that he does not come recommended by some and that natural looking beard transplants require a high skill level. 

    Do you think I would achieve good results if were to proceed with this doctor? Or should I be looking to travel overseas and if so who would be top of your list for a beard transplant in particular? 

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