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Lewis Horsley

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Everything posted by Lewis Horsley

  1. Donor 2 days post op As you can see, the donor hair is longer across the midsection at the back, this is because Mwamba said he wasn't going to take any grafts from there due to the slight overharvesting from my first transplant. FYI, I have just applied cream before this photo which is why my head is shiny. Currently the head is itchy!!
  2. Exactly that @Gramatik As I said, the density was much lower than it should be when Mwamba inspected it properly so I knew it would be worth doing. thanks
  3. heres another photo of the low density on my right side (hopefully this loads)
  4. Thanks! Yes I wouldn’t say they were bad results but definitely needed improvement as the density was low
  5. Thanks! Yes I’ve had that theory before in regards to having less than the quoted 2500 at the Turkish clinic (you can see the name in the first photo 😉)
  6. As of writing this (2nd February '24) I am 1 day post op with Dr Mwamba and his team, which is my second transplant. I first noticed hair loss when I was 21/22, the standard thinning of the temples, but around a year later I noticed my crown was starting to thin too which did send me into slight paranoia over my hair. After doing some research back in 2018 I decided to jump on the holy grail known as Finasteride to fight against the slap head curse which would inevitably take over at some point in the future. I've been on finasteride ever since, as it definitely helped to strengthen the look of my hair around the crown and mid scalp. Although, at the end of 2019, I decided to take the plunge and fly out to Turkey to get a transplant with one of the classic "hair mills". Overall, I'd say it was actually a decent experience (I don't want to spend too much time talking about that in this post but for reference I had, apparently, 2500 grafts along the hairline and behind the hairline) Overall I would say I was satisfied with the results at 1 year post op, it was much better than how I looked before and I wasn't self conscious about my hairline (I was unwilling to leave the house without fibers before it) Although over the last 1-2 years, i've noticed that the lack of density was pretty apparent along the hairline (especially my right side, this was/is the more problematic area) as well as I hadn't had any work done on the temple points, which due to my larger than average size forehead, prevented me from doing hairstyles I wanted. Anyway, enough rambling, I decided to book my second op in with Mwamba for 1st Feb '24 with the goals of: Add density to the previous transplant area on each side but focusing on my right side (hairline & behind) Restore temple points a little Potentially add a few grafts to widows peak to give the look of a lower hairline and smaller forehead without using a load of grafts to bring down the whole hairline down Add small number of grafts to the thin spot on the crown (100) After consulting with Mwamba, He said it would require around 1600 grafts. He said that the hairline (from the previous transplant) was only 20-30 hairs per cm2 in parts, which was the obvious reason as to why there was a lack of density. He inspected my donor and noticed (as did I) that I had a small overharvesting area on my back left side. But overall my donor area was still pretty good with double, triples etc. (He actually said I should have around 2000+ grafts still remaining even after this second transplant for anything in the future if needed, which I was pleasantly surprised about) Mwamba and his team are great and really helpful as well as being clearly very skilled and professional. When I did my research about him, I heard that they are very long days... and I can confirm. I arrived at the clinic at approx 8:45am and didn't leave until 11:45pm. I was shattered! It's weird because when I had the 1st transplant in Turkey, the procedure only lasted approx 4-5 hours and I had more grafts 😅 anyway i've attached some photos below... Dec' 2019 (pre 1st op) July 2020 (6 months post & lockdown hair) January 2024 (noticeable lack of density around the hairline and behind it, zoom in on the second picture you can clearly see lack of density. Photos actually make it less noticable too) Pre-Op design with Mwamba Post Op (these were taken immeditely after, so there is a bit of swelling and blood which has now died down) Also, you can't see on these photos, but quite a few grafts have gone behind the hairline too
  7. I’m there this up and coming week, will let you know 👍🏼
  8. Got ya. How was your experience overall with Mwamba, clinic, team etc?
  9. Looks good man! I’m seeing Mwamba next month too. do you have any photos of the hairline?
  10. Looks great! Im going with Mwamba in February for my second procedure. (First was in Turkey)
  11. Great results so far! Im looking at booking in with Mwamba In February for my second transplant (first in Turkey)
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