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Everything posted by MVPlayer023

  1. Hello and happy new year! How do we think it is looking for 3 months post op? I can't tell how much density I'll have though I can definitely feel a difference when I lay my hand on my crown. Anyone wanna lay their opinion on me? No min, no fin, one haircut with just scissors. Just biotin soft capsules and "special shampoo" from the clinic that'll finish here this week. Two questions. Why is my doctor ADAMANT about: 1) not using Minoxidil Topical Solution until the 6th month? 2) highly recommending staying away from blade shaves on my donor area during a haircut? thank you!
  2. Awesome - thank you for the words of encouragement 🫡
  3. But so far, so normal? Lol Trying to gauge where I’m at I guess. Like is it looking like a healthy recovery thus far?
  4. Yeah, I’m not expecting a full recovery for donor in the next two weeks but you’re definitely right in that everyone is different. I am (substantially) ahead of my other friend who had his done as well. My hair grows quite quick so we’ll see where I’m at in a month. However, interestingly enough, I did show my photos for second opinions to another doctor and was told that “nothing looked alarming” and that the extraction looked fairly normal so your comment is throwing me off a bit and I may need to consider a third opinion now lol I am only 14 days out so it’s still way to early to tell but that’s why I seek opinions. I’m trying to gather the idea of my timeline on recovery. Lol
  5. Hi everyone, Today is officially Day 14 since my procedure. I wanted to see your opinions on where I am on the recovery path. I’m hoping the donor area gets covered full-on by the 31st Day. I will attach photos both in natural sunlight and room bulb lighting. I’m drinking a tonnnn of water and I have been applying 100% Aloe Vera Gel to my donor area since Day 5 or so. However, nothing else special like medications or oils for the top of my head just yet. I am not on Fin or Min. Thank you, Erik
  6. Thank you for your words of positivity and comfort to be honest lol (I will take “looks decent” versus “omg what have they done to your head!?”)😆 Lol. I totally agree with you on the Turkish slopes. I’m very happy with the hairline and its angle. I could be wrong but I believe they used single grafts in the hairline but only time will tell. I’m more curious about my crown’s implants and coverage. crossing fingers for stellar results 🤞
  7. Hello! I have a few photos that I can provide. Tough to catch pristine shots of the recipient area due to camera positioning and lighting but I have three I can share that I feel are most clear to look at. From what I can tell, they implanted the hairs in the correct directions and distributed them evenly but you will know more than me 😂 any advice would be superb! These photos were 4 days after and 5 days after.
  8. Awesome. Thank you for the encouraging words 🙏
  9. Fantastic! You telling me that the extraction pattern doesn’t look that bad gives me more hope than you can imagine so I appreciate it. Let’s hope it grows in. I had tons of hair in the donor before surgery so I’m hoping ~3500 is only a small dent lol. And my friends who attended this clinic have their donors “grown back.” Crossing fingers🤞
  10. Not RIGHT after but about 20 hours later after being cleaned. When I run my hand gently along my donor, I can feel a ton of hairs but idk how this all works genetically/scientifically.
  11. Atraxia in Turkey. I had three friends attend this clinic as well. They have great results but I just didn’t know where on the timeline I was at lol could a donor area take months to grow?
  12. Hello, I know I’m still very early in the healing phase with it being only Day 8, but I’d like to know what your opinions are on my Donor Area healing. Where do I stand on the timeline or donor area hair growing back? Was I overharvested or is this way too soon to make any decisions on shock loss/overharvesting/normal growth? I have attached my hair before the procedure and after. I allegedly had ~3500 grafts taken. thank you 🙏
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