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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hi all, Long story short I caused a bit of temple recession a few years ago, mostly because of steroid use (yep, I’m an idiot). I’m prone to temple/hairline loss anyway but obviously this expedited that. Since then I’ve stopped any further loss with finasteride and minoxidil use but unfortunately didn’t regrow much. I am now aged 30. No one in my family goes anywhere near bald, both grandparents died at about NW3 and my father is aged 68 at about NW3. I’m basically looking for my hairline to be restored to how it was a few years ago which would involve both transplanting hair to the bald areas and thinned areas. This would be essentially restoring a near juvenile hairline but I’d stop just short of that ideally, I believe because of my family history of hair loss and the fact I’ve stopped my own hair loss I’ll probably need another procedure in 10 years or so but not to the extent that I’d run out of donor. I’m happy with the fact I might have to “chase” my hairline backwards with another procedure. I’ve attached pictures, what do you all think? I know my hair isn’t bad by any means but the thinned areas in the corners of the hairline are probably thinner than they look. Thanks in advance
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