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Everything posted by maaatty123

  1. Hi Streethawk. It was 2087 grafts. In regards to the black post operation, these were scabs resulting from some bleeding during the procedure. I believe the blueish colour was dye used to help identify the incisions when planting the grafts. The scabs came off fairly quickly. Matt
  2. Having spent most of my youth enjoying various hair styles from wavy mid-length hair to the more wacky straightened blonde tipped spikes, losing hair at the front of my head was hard to swallow. In truth I didn’t initially notice the hair thinning, and only really started to appreciate the loss in my late 20s after I grew out a shorter style. Not having any family members with balding / thinning hair, I never thought this was a situation I would face and despite trying both minoxidil and finasteride, neither could fully reverse the situation. After trying to convince myself for a few years that I wasn’t bothered by the loss, eventually it starting knocking my confidence and I became increasingly uncomfortable and unhappy with photos and windy conditions which would make my thicker remaining hair (top of head) flap like a teapot lid. After some initial light research, I decided that FUE treatment was the way to go and I started making contact with various clinics in the UK. I was aware of cheaper options in locations such as Turkey but felt that a potentially bad transplant could look worse than my current hair condition. I am sure there are many good practices in Turkey but considering the impact a hair transplant would have on my future confidence, I was more comfortable sticking with a reputable local clinic doctor who performs their own surgeries rather than offloading in full to the supporting technicians, and I would have easy access to if anything went wrong. After initial phone dialogue, I came into the clinic for a consultation with Dr. Mani. I was understandably quite nervous and still slightly sceptical despite the good reviews as I was worried about receiving a sales pitch rather than honest feedback. My concerns were eradicated very quickly. He explained in detail how the FUE treatment process is undertaken, how he only has one client a today to ensure quality control, and what he would propose for my hairline. Most importantly however, he was in no way pushy and sensing my nervousness regarding such a big decision, he advised I took some time to think about it before making a decision to proceed. After a lot of deliberation, I decided to go for it and start my hair journey. On the day of the surgery, it began with a final run through of the upcoming surgery, a final agreement on the hairline, and then the dreaded hair shave. Ironically and rather surprisingly I didn’t hate it so the fear of looking silly after faded very quickly. The morning was spent watching relaxing music videos whilst Dr Mani with support from his team harvested hair follicles from the back and side of my head and subsequently positioned insertions in the front of my scalp to receive these. It is worth noting at this point that the whole procedure was painless other than the initial numbing injection which for the sake of honesty was quite painful but only lasted a few seconds until it took effect. A tasty chicken escalope wrap was provided for lunch although I was given plenty of options to choose from. After, the extracted hairs (50%+ triples) were inserted by Dr Mani’s team, and then to end the day, Dr Mani provided me with a party bag of after care items such as shampoos, sponge, etc, and ran through the procedure. This article has been written just under 6 months after my surgery which I have been told from Dr Mani means I am approximately 30-50% through my growth. I am already extremely happy with the results and recently went to a wedding where for the first time in a long while I was happy and comfortable with the photos taken. I can’t wait to see how much more growth and improvement my hair can achieve. Dr Mani is an artist.
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