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Everything posted by rorito

  1. 5-Month Update, I'm extremely pleased with the result. I believe everything has grown back, except for a small 1 cm2 patch on the front left side, but let's not nitpick, haha. A big thank you to the entire BHR team. From start to finish, everything was perfect. Without a doubt, I will return to them. Now, let's take a look at the photos
  2. For the post-operative protocol (shampooing, massages), it wasn't easy. Thankfully, my wife lent a hand. Once the transplanted hair grew long enough and became undetectable (2 months), I shaved it because maintaining a camouflage haircut was quite inconvenient. The photo is from 10 days after the surgery.
  3. Hello everyone, here's a quick photo at 4 months. Still in a rush, I'll make a more detailed post at 6 months, which is a significant milestone in the hair transplant journey. I’m really happy with my hair transplant. Wishing you all a wonderful day, and have a great end of the year!
  4. Hello everyone, quick update on the situation. We are 4 months into regrowth, and everything is going smoothly. I wish you all a successful regrowth and a joyful holiday season!
  5. Hey mr peanut butter , a pic 10 days after surgery. thx for your comment.
  6. Hello everyone, A little update from the 2 months (exactly 62 days). I just came out of the hairdresser with a very short cut since I haven't lost too much hair and it is now undetectable. I'm already very happy with the result; it already gives me a full frontal hairline in just 2 months, which is already incredible. We'll see when it gets longer, but it’s already fantastic. I'll let you judge with the photos. I tried to take as many angles as possible and show hair up and hair down. Have a great day everyone!
  7. Hello everyone, a little update. I'm on day 25, and in a few days, the implanted hair might start to fall out. Maybe it won't—it's in God's hands.
  8. Hi Fortunate, At the moment, the implanted hair hasn't fallen out yet. I'm on day 25, so in 5 to 10 days, i'll see if i lose any hair. For the back side, Dr Bisanga only took hair from the side.
  9. Thank you all for your kind comments. I am confident about what comes next. Until it has grown, we can't be sure of anything, but I think I've done everything possible to maximize my chances. Just so you know, I even continue to sleep with a travel pillow to ensure that my recipient area doesn't experience any friction. I don't even wear a cap, it's too risky, lol. And I will diligently update my journey, as I like to give back what I have received. Regarding the price, it's €4 per graft
  10. Hello everyone, readers lurking in the shadows of this forum, it was time for me to contribute while infinitely thanking this forum, which for me is the only source of accurate and valuable information to form an objective opinion about a surgeon. I'm 29 years old, and I've realized since I was 25 that my temples have been slightly receding and have continued to do so. It's a slow and slight loss, but it really upsets me. I love my hair very much, and since I was 14, I've been complimented on its beauty. It truly is a part of my personality. However, it's been taking longer and longer to style my hair and to be satisfied with how I look when I get out of the shower. The idea of getting a hair transplant has grown increasingly strong until January 2023, when my wife told me, "Enough, make an appointment." I immediately turned to the BHR Bisanga Kostis clinic for obvious reasons: for me, it's one of the best in Europe, if not the best. I filled out their form, and being naturally impatient, I called 3 days later. My first contact was with one of the clinic's French-speaking advisors, Lina, a super pleasant and professional woman who saw my file and told me the doctor would get back to me very soon. A few days later, the clinic offered me a face-to-face appointment around the end of May. My first meeting with Dr. Bisanga was very friendly, and he confirmed my fears: indeed, I have androgenetic alopecia, certainly very mild, but definitely present. The good news is that my donor area is excellent, and I have a density of 90 on the sides, and I will need 1400 grafts for a 32 cm² area (if my memory serves me right). Won over by the doctor and his team, I took a quick tour of the clinic and made up my mind: I scheduled an appointment for August 25th. On the day, I arrived at 9 a.m., did a bit of paperwork, then had a recap meeting with Dr. Bisanga and sketched out the hairline. I had a photo session and met Dr. Kostis, who's also very friendly (everyone is friendly at this clinic). He laughed when he saw my hair and didn't quite understand what I was doing there, and then we got started! It was a real symphony where everyone knew their part by heart. Kostis would be the main surgeon for this procedure, and Dr. Bisanga would make the holes to receive the grafts. The rest of the team are hair transplant veterans; the least experienced, so to speak, has 8 years of experience with the doctor, while the other 2 nurses have been working with him for 20 years. Regarding the pain of the operation: unless pain is subjective, the anesthesia injections hurt, but I would rate it a 4/10 on the pain scale; it's quite bearable. For the rest, I practically slept through the entire operation. The meal was very good, and being naturally impatient again, I ate very quickly, and we got back to work just as fast. The operation ended at 4:40 p.m., and that was it. For a little info, I think the team had a hard time finding single-graft hairs. Regarding the after-sales service, Lina was truly outstanding, always quick to respond, and even called me on Day 10 to check if all the scabs had fallen off, asking for photos to verify properly. This experience at BHR was genuinely a 10/10, a smooth journey with a professional team. Thank you for reading. Now for the photos.
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