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Everything posted by DTXHair

  1. Thank you, that’s helpful. Would you expect that some of the shorter, lighter hairs are miniaturized and will likely return to terminal hairs?
  2. 100%. I have been even more cognizant than before about how the sides of peoples head looks. I’m used to having a mid fade on the sides where it looks very uniform, but trying to accept where I’m at now and know that it’ll likely improve in time
  3. Thanks man! I feel okay overall for where I’m at post op. The back looks imperceptible with the exception of slight redness. Left is almost there. Did you notice a lot of progress weeks 4-6? Also has your redness resolved? I’m tired of wearing a scrub cap or hat all of the time haha
  4. I’m now 1 month s/p FUE hair transplant in turkey. I was initially concerned about the appearance of my donor, particularly the first few weeks, but I’m beginning to notice improvement. The main area of concern is my right side. When I look closely with a hand mirror there are numerous, small, lighter colored hairs growing where the hair appears more patchy. Is this a good sign that I am recovering from shock loss and has anyone else experienced this? The first two attached are the left vs right side. Second are in a slightly harsher lighting of left and back
  5. Does this seem to be progressing well? 16 days out now. Donor area is still hella red, but I feel like hair density is similar to other areas. Difficult to delineate
  6. Is it normal for shock loss to be diffuse like that or generally more concentrated to a certain area?
  7. So essentially would you say it’s hard to tell at this point?
  8. For reference I do believe they fully shaved the donor area with a razor and used a 0 guard on a trimmer with the rest so am unsure if that could account in some difference
  9. I am 10 days s/p hair transplant in turkey 8/06. I was told 2250 grafts were taken and transplanted to the hairline. I am a little concerned with the donor appearance compared to others at this stage. Is this within the realm of normal healing, Overharvesting, or shock loss? I wouldn’t expect Overharvesting with that number of grafts over a large area. I have just been fixated on the appearance and am anxious about long term appearance.
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