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New Real Hair Club Member

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  1. Thank you man ! Definitely have faith in Laorwong. Looking forward to more updates : )
  2. Wow, congrats and what a nice result to start the new year ! Still only early days plenty of extra growth to come I took your advice and currently 3 weeks post op with Laorwong, it was a great experience worth travelling NZ to Thailand. Thanks for your help. Happy growing!
  3. Wow, this is looking good and very on track to go great ! Exciting times.
  4. Hello ! Great to see a fellow Kiwi here. I have been researching for a few months and your HT looks nice, clean and dense, gonna be a great result. I am about to make a booking with Laorwong as well and will be making the flight over NZ-Thailand. If you don't mind could I ask you a few questions? - How did you transfer funds to him for the deposit from NZ to Thailand? - Did he mention how long his wait time was ? - I see you have done a non-shave option, how did you communicate this with him what did he ask to verify that the no shave can be done? - What is your workmates reaction to your hair work done? Sorry for all the silly questions, appreciate it and following for the next exciting update. Jackwantshair
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