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Everything posted by FaganBecker

  1. Given how high up my hairline is, and with relatively receded sides, I'm not sure if adding half a cm of singles would be a bad thing! Do you really think thats ill advised?
  2. Brief update! Spoke to HLC again. Their patient liaison consultant had discussed my situation with the doctors there, with some close up photos of the situation. They have waived the 12 month protocol, admitting that it shouldn't look like this and that there are too many multiples in the hairline. I can't quite repeat the science of it having not exactly retained it all that well - something to do with the splitting of multiple grafts usually being the process when you have lots of multiples and that not having gone quite right or been done properly with me - but that they would be giving me another row of singles on the front and a softening of the lines of the hairline too. Perhaps closing off the corners. Essentially, they want to make good on the initial promise - that I'd come away happy with a decent hairline. It was a very positive call, the guy - who first time around seemed pretty rushed and dismissive - really seemed very invested in ensuring that I knew HLC intended to make this right. They said that I could come back anytime to get this fixed and that I just had to let them know when it suited me. So all considered, I think I'll go back to them. Been exchanging pictures with a couple of the guys I met there who I think for the 6 months mark both have resoundingly better results than I do. One of them started with a bit more hair than me and the other with a lot less, but from their photos both look like you'd never know they'd ever lost a hair. Clearly my growth wasn't great so far. I do have TMJ - jaw muscle clenching, if you don't know - which does inflames my temple muscles and give me headaches. I am wondering if that might have cut some circulation to my scalp, since the vein runs up the side of your head. Planning to get another round of botox into my temple muscles to hopefully knock out those muscles for a bit, in case there is anything to this theory of mine. Nonetheless, beyond the growth side of it, it is clear that mistakes were made regarding the design and execution, e.g the lack of singles/ excess of multiples + an awkwardly straight hairline design, which has given an unnatural and pluggy look. HLC very pleasantly surprised me today by taking some degree responsibility for that and clearly want to make it right. So all considered, I'm happy with the direction of travel, though quite apprehensive about having to go through all this again.
  3. I really appreciate all the responses here and will try and be more individually responsive. However, trying my best not to become an obsessive neurotic mess so not checking this or engaging quite as frequently. It's definitely getting me down that the results currently seem below average/ not especially promising and just really hoping that changes in the months to come. Getting another procedure a year after the first was never the plan, but will likely do it if the coming 6 months don't see more growth than the first 6.
  4. Obviously going to the people that have done this to begin with seems like a precarious way forward. My concern is that as I'd not be a paying customer I'd be the very bottom of their list of priorities and a total after thought. Couldn't they stand to make it worse not better? Also, I've usually seen you be very careful to advise people to wait the full year before making judgements about their result. Am I to take it based on your responses here that you don't see an awful lot of scope for big improvements here?
  5. Appreciate the comment, but honestly for me this is very far from good! I don't believe I had unrealistic expectations either
  6. Thank you! Observed in most clinics, including top ones? (Or at least those in HLC's higher mid tier reputation?)
  7. Thank you! Based on your advice, I laid out my concerns to them very clearly and asked for feedback on whether or not they believed my hairline conforms with HLC's standards and specific expectations. Got a response back from them saying that they are asking the doctor and will get back to me soon.
  8. I think I disagree with your assessment here, though I do understand it. However, if you look closely at the pattern of implantation - the small spaces (necessary irregularities) between the very front row of implanted grafts - it is much the same as when the operation was first done. I think it is masked by the fact that many of these are multi-follicular units, rather than singles (with a few singles scattered throughout.) Also, combing through the hair and looking very closely, I can actually see loads of singles! Sadly, only a few of them are actually at the very front of the hairline, most are interspersed throughout behind the hairline. Clearly those single grafts grew just fine. The doctor I had - Dr Elif - did seem particularly experienced. I specifically requested her based on results I had seen online. However, given what I'm seeing now in my results what I took to be a sign of experience and professionalism when I was there - a very laid back and relaxed attitude - I'm now wondering if it was just a sign of not caring all that much. Another patient, another day. That kind of thing. When I raised concerns at the end of the transplant, partly on the hairline design, she waved concerns away with a kind of "oh well! if you need another one, you can come back in a year" kind of attitude, which given the stress and difficulty of actually getting surgery in a foreign country seemed like an overly relaxed approach to hair transplantation. It's surgery, not a haircut.
  9. Also in terms of getting responsive and cooperative and collaborative communication from HLC, would you recommend my sending them a link to this thread? or would that be very combative do you think? They seem to be quite unresponsive, have indicated nothing about their view of the quality of the hairline, only that it's 'average', they also told me that multi-grafts are not possible, which seems untrue based on how this looks. They also said that they really can't say anything until 12 months passes.
  10. Thanks for your response. Yes I have. I was told that there were no such things as multi-grafts. As for the growth, is that concerning too?
  11. I don't think my attitude is incoherent! I think your bedside manner is just somewhat brusque haha I'm totally seeing what you're saying and sadly agree with much of it, but I'm just hoping that you (and my fears!) are wrong. Regarding lighting I purposefully chose a room where the lighting is very average. Not heavily exposed, but still downlighting. I sat on the floor to ensure that I wasn't directly under a light too. In some lighting it definitely looks thicker, but in other lighting - such as outside - it definitely looks thinner and therefore more unnatural.
  12. Well I hope you are right! The other commenter doesn't have quite so rosy a view on it! Thanks again
  13. Well I do appreciate your comments, but am going to try not to take them too seriously for now. I've seen some of your comments on here and they do tend to be quite assertive and certain. I'm counting on you being wrong, honestly, as there is still a way to go! Nonetheless, if you're right, I'll eat my words. will post more pics soon.
  14. Interesting that you say that. When people on here were saying the line looked nice, I was surprised as I have thought since the very beginning that it didn't match up to the shape of my skull.
  15. And do you think this looks like resoundingly bad work? Also presumably if topical minoxidil messed with my heart, oral would be worse?
  16. What makes you say that? If you are right, that's very worrying, obviously, given that I think that right now I'd say I was at just under 50%. Yes, I'm taking finasteride. Topical min messed with my heart rate. I'm going to try with it again, but ease my way into it very slowly to see if I can get used to it.
  17. So I take it based on that you think this is going to be a disaster?
  18. That's a very balanced response and I appreciate your thoughts. In your estimation, would you assume I'm unlikely to see another wave of new hair growing here? I haven't seen anything new coming in since approx early month 4. However, something about the pattern of growth suggests like this might be the most that I'm getting. Honestly, I'm trying not to jump the gun. It is only the half way mark. But I can't shake the feeling that this doesn't bode well. In certain lights, it's at best OK. In other lights, I think it's markedly worse then before I had anything done. At least then it looked natural, whereas now there is definitely an awkward 'somethings not quite right' look about it. With the clusters of double-grafts giving an artificial and overly defined line at skin level, the seemingly poor graft-survival making it seem very sparse and frankly pretty crap communication from HLC - after questioning the multi-graft issue I was forwarded by the lovely but over stretched patient coordinator who deals with most aftercare enquiries, Ebru, to a cagey patient liaison person who told me that multi-grafts were impossible and that I should use minoxidil for a further 6 months before assessing anything - I am feeling quite disappointed with HLC. They were adamant that it would be a good result regardless of what medications were used and the tone of his call definitely seemed like the beginning of a shifting of responsibility onto me. Though, to the credit of HLC and the guy on the phone, they said that if I was unhappy with the result at 12 months, I could go back for a free touch-up. Still, this doesn't seem like the most reassuring sign given the results so far.
  19. Currently it doesn't brush down very well. Too thin for that. Also, despite double grafts at the hairline, I'm hoping to keep it brushed back. The whole purpose of getting a hair transplant for me was to restore my hairline. Obviously very far from satisfied with the way it looks currently.
  20. So here is my 6 month update. I have my thoughts about it. I also have my thoughts about some of the communication I've had with HLC. But for now I'm just genuinely interested in seeing what happens in the months to come and of course, receiving some impartial opinions/advice from the good gentleman of the HRN. Will probably share some neurotic ramblings at a later point, but I don't want to influence what people think here... so for now, please just shoot. Tell me what you think - how am I getting on? (Pics taken in what I'd call, average lighting.)
  21. That's not the case with me. They did 50cm2 for the hairline and then for adding density to the frontal area, 20cm2. Though I suspect I will in the not too distant future need to have another transplant.
  22. I'm now 4 months and two weeks into this thing. It seems it has been quite static now for a while. A marginal difference since I last posted pics, with my left side lagging considerably, especially in a well-lit, exposed environment. I am starting to get slightly nervous, since I think I was anticipating more consistent growth, chugging along slowly, but I guess that's probably not realistic. Slightly alarmed that when I get up close, I can't see any new hairs sprouting amidst the hairs that are currently there. I guess, we shall see! Beyond that, I have had a few comments from people that the new hairline looks quite artificial/'too straight'. I've struggled to totally get what they mean by too straight since as you can see in the photos it is a resoundingly bowing hairline shape. I guess that the front-line itself is perhaps too straight, given how thin the hair currently is?! Usually when people's hair starts to thin considerably it disrupts the lines of the hairline, which is perhaps why it looks artificial now, being such a defined line yet so sparsely covered? Nonetheless, it's just past 4 months so probably too early on to worry about this sort of thing! Beyond that, at the very front and centre of the hairline seems to be made up almost entirely of multiples, which does look a tad pluggy. This is something I am concerned about, but as I've been told here (and by HLC themselves) that it's too early to assess. Seems this is the well-trod path of everyone that gets one of these done. Panic, be reassured by everyone and their mother that it's too early to tell, panic some more, and then walk away basically happy. Still, definitely panicking! Will upload progress pics in a month or so!
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