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  1. Check this article (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jdv.17738) as the recommended dosage is lower: Scalp absorption should also be lower when compared to oral intake.
  2. Pretty sure there are some baby hairs on the left side. Immediate post-op doesn't really show much difference: I went right in front of the door, almost outside, so I could get as much natural light as evenly as possible, right after showering. This is the good side (left): And this is the bad side (right): Frontal view shows how the right side seems to be just trying to grow now: Plus some macro shots on the right:
  3. Hi, I am 1 year and ~1 month into my hair transplant. I have gone through all the usual steps of losing and regaining the hair, although it does seem I lagged by about a month. My left side of the hair looks pretty much flawless -- I love it, it is natural and dense (of course not as dense as it originally was, but the coverage is excellent enough to provide the illusion). However, my right side looks significantly worse. Hair is fuzzier and seems to be taking much longer to grow both in length as well as diameter. Harsh lighting makes it look terrible. Oddly enough this is also my good beard side. Is this normal? Could I expect an improvement over the next few months or is it probably going to stay like this? I believe I may be missing a final "growth spur" but I'm not sure if I'm just trying to be optimistic either. I'm using topical finasteride 0.25% + minoxidil 5% (+ some other compounds like caffeine etc which most likely have little to no effect IMO) once daily as I had a bad experience taking them orally. Dosage is about 200 µL as recommended. Eventually I also use ketoconazol shampoo and skip a day of applying the meds, but I have no skin issues nor dandruff.
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