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Everything posted by Ry-77

  1. This is where it just confuses me. Everywhere on the internet it says hair starts growing 3-4 months after surgery. And any native hairs lost will generally start regrowing the same time. Some say second transplants take longer due to scar tissue from previous transplant and some say any native hair lost will not grow back. Its so confusing.
  2. Has anyone had a second transplant in a previous area that had fue? Had hairline and temples done 4 years ago with 1900 grafts. Great outcome but wanted more density and we did 2000 on March 10, 2023 so just over 5 months. I made a post about this before but had no one who had experience I swear my hair looked better before the second surgery I feel its more scarce like I lost some of my previous hair I honestly feel I have had zero growth and all my hair is same length with no visible short hairs coming in My doc office set the check in to 7 months instead of 6 and said second density transplants can take longer to grow Of course I know the drill of waiting but at over 5 months I would expect my hair to he at least what it was prior And yes I was on minox and topical dutasteride before and after surgery (or started back 14 days after surgery) First transplant I saw great results at 5 months but man I am telling you this sucks Is there ANY doctor or nurse that can chime in on subsequent transplants, delayed healing time, or perhaps shock loss of previous native/transplanted hairs? I do laser helmet, massage and just feel like there should be greater signs by now I have pics further down the thread under “Second transplant for density”
  3. Hey this post is old but Im curious your outcome on second density procedure? I am a little over 5 months and see little growth after doing more in the same area I worked on a few years ago. Did it end up growing in and when did it? I am in the same boat as you were and stressing.
  4. Yep same surgeon both times. My scalp did stay slightly red up until month 3, so maybe the timing starts once inflammatory issue goes down? I dont know. I do feel like I had lost some of my existing hair but seems like im back to where I was prior to surgery. Actually it was 2100 grafts. Not sure what to look for on tje scalp. Stubble? I keep hearing its colorless thin almost invisible hairs to start? I have asian hair so its course and black. Really depressing parting my hair and seeing just smooth scalp in between where more hair should or could be coming in
  5. Got it done here in the PNW in WA state. The first procedure I didnt have to shave receipient area but this time they required it because they were going in the same area and working in between the other implanted hairs. They didnt say killing existing hair was an issue and that adding density was fine.
  6. Thank you for your input. Its just off putting when everyone says be patient but theres people who say one should have 30% result by month 5. I am curious. when i part my hairs all hair is the same length. No short hairs, no stubble. I have black course hair. Wouldnt there be stubble when new hairs pop up? I hear you cannot see new hairs as theyre thin and almost naked ro the eye until they mature? Its so hard because I got 2100 grafts put in in a area that already had hair. To me, I look the same as I did before I had surgery. I am really hoping that YES I may be a month or two delayed because this is my second procedure in the same area. I have my check up at 7 months out so I guess cannot do anything but wait til then and try to stop looking every day because as much as this process takes time, it isnt easier for sure
  7. Yeah sometimes I think that. Of course yes all these are taken in my bathroom with bright white LED lighting. I just dont feel 2k of the grafts is showing yet. So if by standard I am at 10/30% growth by month 5 we will see. I was just hoping a DR or someone who had touchup for density or repair would tell me “YES, growth can be delayed an extra month or two after a second surgery”. I guess I am just looking for re assurance. How selfish I know haha
  8. Thanks I am happy with the hair line. was before too. just wanted it stronger and more dense. Just seems like I havent noticed much yet and I dont even see stubble between the hair that is grown out now. Hopefully theres more to sprout. Tell anyone not to stress. lol. Doesnt get easier
  9. Yeah. I keep telling myself that. The first one was obvious at 5 months back in 2019. I just had recessed temples and some thinning in hairline. Im also 46. Of course having dark hair i didnt like seeing scalp in light (and i know we can never achieve what we once had), but there were still areas in temples that werent as dense as they could be. And 2000 grafts added to what you saw in pic one should definitely give extra density because I know my hair wasnt bad after the first. So I just feel like Im kinda back to where I was w maybe little noticed improvement but hoping more of the 2k grafts pop up and help thicken it up. Its just hard to tell in an area that just needed a little more. But yeah I was wondering it previous surgerys can add a month or two extra so maybe the growth will come montb 6-7 where as its 4-5 for many (when it starts). Its easier said than done being patient. Even the second time!
  10. Good day and glad I found this site. Brief history I just had a second FUE procedure March 10, 2023 so its been roughly about 5 months. My first procedue I had about 1900 grafts put in my temple region and hairline. Def noticed great growth by month 5 but really got most around month 7 I would say. First procedure done back in July of 2019 Fast forward to present, I had another 2000 grafts put in to add more density, and to fill a little more around corners. I know pictures are usually posted and I will probably get around to that but my main question is: CAN SECOND PROCEDURES done in same area for added density TAKE LONGER to see growth? I feel as though at month 5 I feel like Im back to how I looked prior. I do feel as though I maybe had shock loss of native hairs since we were going over the same area and this procedure I did full shave for it Prior ive been on topical minoxidil 7.5% with .1% dutasteride and I only stopped it for the first 2 weeks after surgery during healing and went right back on it I also do laser helmet 3-4x weekly with scalp massages Ive read what little info I could find that suggested second transplants CAN take longer to see growth because of scar tissue from previous surgery? My doctor also wanted to wait til month 7 for my assessment rather than month 6 and said it could be delayed Of course patience is key but I am one who is of course stressing over it I just dont see any stubble or short hairs in between any of my existing hair in the frontal region note; my scalp did seem to stay a little more red longer than first surgery. slight Redness was seen up until 3.5 months before finally going away Has anyone had a second surgery that noticed slower growth? delayed an extra month? two months? Thank you for all your help
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