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Posts posted by Ccd99

  1. Sorry to hear about your experience, particularly about Dr Couto who is generally regarded as a top surgeon.

    I did not realise he does multiple procedures and does not cover all aspects of the surgery, that is a bit of a shock to me!

    With respect to your procedure, 2500 grafts seem very excessive for the area covered. Difficult to say but based on your photo it look more like 1600-1800 grafts.

    Hope you get an explanation from the clinic.

    • Like 1
  2. Hey welcome to the forums!

    Not sure how much research you have done on medication but if you haven't started medication yet I would highly recommend it to stabilise your hairloss before going for a hair transplant. This will maximise the chances of a successful result long-term, as otherwise it is very probable that you will continue to lose hairs to DHT as the years go on. Finasteride and Minoxidil is the gold standard these days (although some people swap Finasteride for Dutasteride due to its increased potency).

    Medication also has the added benefit of re-growing lost hair in some cases (plenty of success stories like this out there) - diffuse thinners like yourself tend to respond well to medications (although this is just a generalization and not fact).

    With regards to surgery, I think it is a good thing the top doctors are booked out for a lengthy period of time as it would give the medication sufficient time to stabilise your hair loss. Both Dr Pittella and Dr Ferreira are excellent choices and you cannot go wrong with either of them. I have diffuse hairloss myself and have my surgery with Dr Ferreira later this year, he has reassured me he can work on diffuse cases.

    Your donor area looks good, I would recommend 3500 grafts for an initial surgery to add density throughout and not touch the temples or lower your hairline. If you are then still not happy with your hairline, you could consider another surgery to lower the hairline but I genuinely do not think you need it. With more density you will have a lot more styling options.

    Good luck!

  3. Thanks all! I'll be honest if I was still consulting/enquiring at this point I would have held off for longer and waited maybe another 12 months for the meds. But as it stands I do have a confirmed surgery slot and I don't want to delay my HT as I know how hard it is to get a date confirmed with the top doctors + with prices rising each year I rather do something about it now.

    Besides, I've already booked my flights and hotel, so there is no going back now :)

    I have sent Dr Ferreira an email to ask what he thinks and hopefully he also says that there is less grafts needed and that he can safely implant in between the hairs using something like a DHI implanter (this is my biggest concern as I do not want high transections or permanent shock loss in recipient area due to the density of my diffuse hair on top, they are miniaturised but very very close together).

    Also, not sure if I mentioned it in this thread but I have been trying 1ml 5% RU-58841 topical once a day for the last month and a half, no sides so far and I do think it is helping block DHT at the androgen receptors in the areas where dutasteride isn't very effective.

    I'm also considering trying 1ml 5% topical minoxidil once a day in addition to the 2 x 2.5mg oral minoxidil to see if that boosts things, topical minoxidil has a 1.4% absorption rate so in theory this should only increase serum levels by 0.7mg which I am okay to do considering even 5mg is considered safe and low-dose and I'll be below that threshold considering I only take 2.5mg at a single time.

    I'm also using 2% ketoconazole shampoo (Nizoral) twice a week.

    I think this should maximise my progress over the next 3 months before my HT.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, DomTransplant said:

    MONTH 11

    Late one this month, apologies - was holding out for a haircut.

    Front & Back - still happy with how everything turned out, think it's a good result. Will be back in a few years I imagine for a top up and to get my crown sorted, but persisting with medication to see if I can improve that.


    WhatsApp Image 2024-05-26 at 13.46.43.jpeg

    Looking great.

    What is the length of your sides there, do you know what you asked your barber? Because I can't see any FUE scars, it looks great.

    Is it a 2 or 3 guard?


  5. Fresh haircut, went for a high fade at 0.5mm guard. I quite like this look and also a bit sad I will not be able to rock this post-HT due to FUE scars, a 2mm/2.5mm guard is the minimum I would need to have I think to hide the scars.

    On the flipside the meds continue to do their magic and I can really see my frontal half fill in, crown still lagging behind a bit.

    Hair is wet in these shots:






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  6. Results look fantastic! Give the crown a few more months to fill in more. 

    But what a difference from the before photos. Congrats, bet you’re well pleased!

    Who was the doctor/climic and how many grafts did you have done?

  7. 1 hour ago, BaldGuy said:

    This is just an anonymous post without any evidence. Anyone can make it. This post is probably from a hater, or from a competitor who is trying to sabotage him without any evidence..

    Dr Yaman has many great results on this forum and he is considered a good option....but some people who work for different clinics are trying to sabotage him and his work. He has many satisfied patients though.

    Ultimately most posts on the Internet are anonymous anyway, people have their own alias/username so I don't think that is an issue at all. But you're right this person provided no evidence so needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. I saw this randomly this morning on Facebook, I'll take another look later today and if he adds some photos I'll be sure to post them here too.

    I don't deny he has satisfied patients, even hairmills have satisfied patients, but I am just giving my opinion based on what I have seen and came across in my research. I also considered Yaman and even got a quote about 6/7 months ago but I quickly decided not to proceed based on some of the reviews I seen on the forums. Not talking about the good ones, I mean the bad ones.. there just seem to be too many bad reviews and unhappy people. The bad reviews are 1000x times more valuable than good reviews.

    I know he is on the recommended list but I don't think he is up there when you compare him with the likes of Dr Laorwong. I certainly would not advise anyone to go for Dr Yaman. If price is an issue, I would say FUEcapillar is a better choice.

    Just my 2 cents, OP asked for input from others so that's all I'm doing, anyone is free to disagree with what I said.

  8. 1 hour ago, Rider said:

    It can be stretched to 8000 EUR

    SO which is better for higher norwoods

    Also saw great high Norwood results from Dr Resul Yaman at a great price. 
    So Eugenix/laorwong/Resul Yaman ?

    From that list I'd 100% go for Laorwong, but you might need to wait until next year as I heard he's full for this year

    Avoid Yaman, a lot of questionable results on this forum, even ones he posted himself - have a look at the Reviews and Clinic Reviews sections.

    Here is one Yaman case probably similar to you and there is basically not much difference compared to baseline apart from some density at hairline due to poor surgical planning by Yaman where grafts where not implanted in the right areas but instead distributed over a very large recipient area:

    • Wow 1
  9. In all honesty, it does not look like 5000 grafts to me, closer to 3000-3500 I'd say.

    The main issue you will have is the coverage, because the grafts were so loosely placed in the crown and mid-scalp area, it is going to make hardly any visual difference once the hair grows out, especially because your crown is on the larger side and nearly 100% bald. I hope I am wrong but I have seen this sort of thing before on other cases and that's always the outcome.

    What would have been a better approach by the doctor is to focus on the frontal third with those 5000? (3500) grafts, and it would have given you a much better visual difference, framed your face and then allowed you to come back for a second surgery in the future to treat the remaining mid-scalp and crown if donor allowed.

  10. Would you be able to show some photos of your top with harsher lighting? It's hard to assess the result due to dim lighting in those shots.

    Same light source as the crown shots would suffice (which appear to be under a natural light).

    I certainly do think you have more donor hair left to do a 2nd procedure, but whether or not that will be enough for full coverage + address the low density in the front remains a question. I also noticed your crown dips quite low, even though it is not completely bald it is showing signs of miniaturization and this will unfortunately impact your available donor/safe zone.


  11. 21 minutes ago, Shadman said:

    @Eugenix Hair Sciences this is outstanding for 10 months 

    Great work by Dr. Somesh 



    I think that particular area is more visible, because of the skin fade hair cut he went for. The more skin fade you go the higher chances of scar visibility. 

    Yes I do not disagree with that, it is expected to have visible scars when you go close to a 0-guard.

    My gripe was the fact Eugenix state there is "No Scarring" in the OP which is totally misleading.

  12. Clearly if you have no donor hair left then it is not possible to do another hair transplant unfortunately. 

    You could try regrowing your hair by using medication (finasteride/dutasteride, minoxidil, hair vitamins. ketoconazole shampoo), some people are hyper-responders and I have seen cases where someone has gone from NW6 TO NW1.

    You can then re-assess if your situation has improved. If all else fails you could always consider a hair system. They look super natural these days and require maintenance every 2/3 weeks or so.

  13. 14 hours ago, Al - Moderator said:

    The midscalp really thickened up a lot. It would have been nice if the front had more of an increase.


    Thanks Al, yes I agree, if there was more frontal increase I could probably get away with a single surgery of 3500-4000 grafts.

    Still a couple of months until September so will see what happens by then, if not then the original surgical plan should still be right for me (2 surgeries, frontal third, and mid-scalp + crown)

  14. 1 hour ago, Giuseppe-HDC said:


    We have prepared a new video that includes the result of this patient named as:


    Essential Insights for Your Hair Transplant Journey – Presented by HDC Hair Clinic


    In this video we show to potential patients the following:


    •  Evaluating Hair Transplant Quality: Learn to assess a successful hair transplant by examining post-operative photographs.


    •  Maximizing Donor Area Potential: Discover how to harvest a significant number of grafts while maintaining an undisturbed appearance in the donor area.


    •  Expectations of Density and Naturalness: Understand what a full, natural-looking hair transplant result entails.


    •  Rapid Recovery Post-Procedure: Gain insight into what constitutes a swift healing process following a hair transplant.


    This is the link of this video in YouTube


    Essential Insights for your Hair Transplant Journey - HDC Hair Clinic

    Thanks but the video quality is very low (360p) any chance it could be uploaded in 1080p / high quality so we can assess better?

    • Like 2
  15. Just checking in with my latest photos, these photos mark 2.5 months of growth since I shaved my head and approx. 9.5 months of medication.

    I'm just out the shower, and have gently pat dried my hair using a towel. I am facing out the window so this is under the natural day light:


    Things have thickened up for sure, but I don't think there's much regrowth since my last photos, there's a good chance I have now plateaued which is fine by me!

    My biggest concern now is hoping the dr will be okay to implant in-between the existing native hairs without causing permanent shockloss, I will provide the clinic these photos and see what they think.

    As a side note my side and back hair have gone very long, I definitely need a hair cut to tidy that up!

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, son2 said:

    Pack a good sleeping pillow. Also get some ibuprofen, it helps with the itchiness. The clinic will provide some special sheets which you put on the sleeping pillow to not stain it. The sheets will definitely get wet from the extractions. I woke up during the nights, and changed the provided sheets, but ran out quickly 😅 luckily I stayed there for a few days after, so just asked some more at the clinic. So if you're leaving a day or two after the procedure, ask for a couple of extras.

    Regarding accommodation, I've stayed in Monte Lirio hotel the first time, which was nice, and pretty close. Around 10 minute walk. Second time I stayed in this AirBnb:
    Super close to the clinic, like a 3 minute walk. Not sure which I prefer.

    Thanks appreciate the info! I'll take a look at that!

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