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Everything posted by Burnzy

  1. You could make two incisions and compare the healing side by side, but It wouldn’t even take that all it would take is a plastic surgeon to preform a scar revision on an area like the chest, face or even on a cleft lip using verteporfin as these areas are prone to scarring regardless of healing ability, and if the fully healed result is clearly better or even 100% better then verteporfin is the culprit and definitely something to look into.
  2. @Melvin- Moderator still curious if you were able to talk to Dr. Longaker?
  3. I understand this is about verteporfin in regards to hair restoration. However since it’s seeming to be a potential cure for scarring I understand FUT scars are a huge issue, but so is all kinds of scarring no matter the location. I don’t understand how all the plastic surgeons so far have zero interest in this, especially ones offering scar revisions. I deal with facial scarring that has significantly impacted my quality of life over the past 3 years and know for a fact I would pay all the money in the world to be able to look at myself in the mirror without these horrible scars. So I really hope things pick up one day so maybe this can become a mainstream treatment option in the near future as me and many others would love to feel like ourselves again and be able to be confident in our own skin. I would gladly be a Guinea pig for verteporfin with my scars to see if it is really a cure as they can’t get much worse then they already are.
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